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    摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 16(共五篇)

    栏目:十号文库 来源:网络 作者:落花无言 时间:2024-10-11 16:04:16 下载.docx文档

    第一篇:摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 16

    S: Mr.S? We came up with some names for the band.X: Yeah? Hit me.S: The Bumblebees?

    X: No, it's sissy.S: The Koala Bears?

    X: No, what are you talking about? It's sissy.Okay, girls, I need to speak with Principal Mullins for a moment.Hey, Miss Mullins.Hello.How's it going?

    S: How about “Pig Rectum”?

    Y: Michelle!

    X: It's a science project.Listen, Ros, I was thinking about organizing a field trip for the kids at the end of the month.What do you think about that?

    Y: Well...substitutes, as a rule, do not organize field trips.X: Right.But I figure I'm gonna be here for a while, so…

    Y: Well, that remains to be seen.Have you met some of our other teachers?

    X: No.But listen, don’t you think the kids could learn by getting out of the classroom?

    Y: You know, it's more complicated than that, all right? There're safety issues.Parents need to be notified, all right? It's against school policy.S: Mr.S, I have a lot of ideas.How about everyone in magenta with beads and sequins? X: Billy, can’t you see I'm talking to Principal Mullins?

    S: Oh, hi.Y: William.S: I'll make up some samples.hit me 来点


    2.[in gambling] Deal me a card.: Hit me again, dealer!

    玩牌时,庄稼问给不给牌,你可以说 hit me , 意思就是“我还要牌,继续发吧” bumblebee 大黄蜂

    女孩子气的;娘娘腔的 If you describe an action or activity as sissy, you disapprove of it because you think it is only appropriate for girls or women.Koala Bears 考拉熊

    Pig Rectum 猪直肠

    field trip: 实地考察

    a group excursion(to a museum or the woods or some historic place)for firsthand examination

    that remains to be seen.那还要看看情况再说。

    品红色;洋红色 Magenta is used to describe things that are dark reddish-purple in colour.[məˈdʒɛntə]

    (装饰衣服的)闪光小圆片,小亮片 Sequins are small, shiny discs that are sewn on clothes to decorate them [ˈsi:kwɪnz]

    everyone in magenta with beads and sequins 每个人穿品红色带连线珠片和亮片衣服

    第二篇:摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 15

    X: It starts off...a dark stage, and then a beam of light, and you can see me and my guitar.(In the end of time/There was a man/Who knew the road/And the writing/Was written on the stone)And then a thin layer of fog comes in around my ankles.Roadies, that means dry ice.We're gonna talk about this later.(In the ancient time/An artist led the way/But no one/Seemed to understand)Chimes, Freddy.(In his heart he knew/The artist must be true/But the legend of the rent/Was way past due)And then, Katie, you come in with the bass.(Well, you think you'll be just fine/Without me, but you're mine/You think you can/Kick me out of the band)And then, Zack, you come in with a face-melter.OK?

    (Well, there's just one problem there/The band is mine/How can you kick me out/Of what is mine?)And then...Hawaii Five-O.You ever see that show? OK, well, there's a drum solo in it that goes:(You're not hardcore/Unless you live hardcore)And then, that’s where I want the backup singers to be like:(Well, you're not hardcore/No, you're not hardcore/Unless you live hardc.../Unless you live hardcore/But the legend of the rent/Was way hardcore)Boom!Big old explosion.Some, like, confetti comes down.Anyway, that's all I got so far.It's a work in progress.Y: I liked it, Mr.Schneebly.I thought it was really catchy.X: Thank you.a beam of light 一束光 a thin layer of fog 一层薄雾

    dry ice 干冰 在舞台上喷洒干冰(固态二氧化碳)可以产生雾气,以渲染气氛 一套钟敲出的钟声-Chimes face-melter: 重金属吉他独奏

    A heavy metal solo that is so awesome and powerful, it causes one's face to melt.吉他手弹出一段很酷的吉他独奏,这时肯定是激情燃烧,就像fire一般,把你的脸都要熔化(婚礼上向新娘、新郎抛撒的)五彩纸屑 Confetti is small pieces of coloured paper that people throw over the bride and bridegroom at a wedding.that's all I got so far 我到现在为止就只想到了这些 in progress: Going on;under way: a work in progress.Work in progress 半成品

    It means that he's not a finished product – in other words, he's got room for improvement.catchy(曲调、名字或广告)悦耳的,有吸引力的,琅琅上口的 If you describe a tune, name, or advertisement as catchy, you mean that it is attractive and easy to remember

    第三篇:摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 11

    X: The sun'll come out tomorrow(Yes.)/ Bet your bottom dollar/ That tomorrow

    Y: Stop.You've got it, and I don't even know what it is, but you've got it.And that's why you're in the band.You, sing.Z: Amazing grace/How sweet the sound/That saved...Y: Stop, before I start crying because I found the missing ingredient.You're in the band.W: I can sing.Y: You can? All right, Summer, belt it.W: Memory/All alone in the moonlight...Y: Stop.Stop.OK.Good.That's pretty good.All right.W: I can also play clarinet, you know.Y: I'll find something for you.When we get back from lunch, I'll assign the rest of you killer positions.you got it,是比较口语话的短语。

    1可以庆祝对方某事的成功,在郑重或者兴奋的对话中,译“你成功了!”“你做到了!”。2在一段平稳的对话中,通常表示这件事你懂、你能做到,译“你会的”“你明白的”。3如果是疑问语气,“you got it?”,译“你明白了?”“你听到了吗?”。

    missing ingredient 缺失的成分

    belt 大声唱 Slang To sing in a loud and forceful manner: belt out a song.clarinet乐]单簧管;竖笛;黑管

    killer Slang Having impressive or effective power or impact;formidable: had a killer smile;made killer profits.Excellent,outstanding,extreemely satisfying.Very powerfull具有杀伤力的,绝佳的assign the rest of you killer positions 分配给你们其他人绝佳的岗位



    1, every man has such two women, at least two.Married red roses, over time, red changed the wall of a smear of mosquito blood, white or moonlight in front of the bed.“Red rose and white rose”

    2, at the moment I saw you, I was tachycardia.“The heart”

    3.Some people are very lucky to find it soon.And someone has to look for a lifetime.“Glass bottle”

    4.There are so many cities in the world that there are so many pubs in the city, and she walks into me.“Casablanca”

    5.Who has not been suffering for the secret love? We always thought the infatuation was heavy and heavy, the heaviest weight in the world.“Angels love beauty”

    6, McDull he is not low, he is just kind.“sleepless in Seattle”

    16, you jump, I jump.Titanic

    17, we all live in the past.We take a minute to know someone, one hour to love someone, and one day to love someone, to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.“love in the buff”

    24, if you leave me, do not comfort me, and know that every stitch will also suffer from the pain of puncture.--“breaking up letter”

    25.I don't want a family to begin with a lie.It's disgusting.Titanic

    28, even if you have a lot of reluctance in your heart, do not tell me that you love the person is not me.the “snake”

    31, you all know my character, I love the East West around, around, I love wandering, in fact, love is not a person with her for a lifetime, I love flowers, don't I pick you let me smell, I love the wind, you stop the wind, I love the cloud, don't you let the cloud cover me, I love the sea, I have to jump into the sea? “All over the world”

    32, love means never to say regret.“Love story”

    33.The love line, the lifeline and the career line on my hand are all your names.“The city of glass”

    34.I might be a bird in my previous life.If you are a bird, I am a bird, too.“The notebook”

    35, I do not know how many women I will love in my life, and I don't know which one I will like at the end.“The true story of the fly”

    36, when you are young, why do you have an answer, but when you are old, you may feel that there is no answer in life.Every day you have the chance to brush with many people.Some of you may become friends or confidant, so I never give up any opportunity to rub with people.Sometimes I get him head broken and bleeding!It's OK to be happy.“The fallen angel”

    37, when I was a child, looking at the stars all over the sky, when the meteor flew over, it was always too late to make a wish.“lioness's roar”

    46.There is no law.There is no limit.There is only one rule: never fall in love.“Moulin Rouge”

    47, hugging is really wonderful, although the two heart is very close, but can not see the other's face.don't say that.You have me and me when you first meet.Mr.sweetheart

    49, when I am happy, you have to be happy with me;when I am unhappy, you have to coax me to be happy;always feel that I am the most beautiful;you will also see me in your dream;you are the only one in my heart.-“lioness's roar”

    50, only with you I will have a happy life.You are the girl in my dream.Of course I'm a boy in your dream, too.“First love fifty times”



    在这个世界上,有两种人:一种是小人物,另一种是大人物。小人物安于现状,不思进取;大人物雄心壮志,永不言败。事实上,造成这种区别的主要原因就是,人们思考问题的深度或者质量不同。下面的十句经典电影台词给了你思考问题的线索,be somebody or nobody, the choice is yours。

    1、“There is no certainty, only opportunity.”V for Vendetta(2024)Conrad Brean(Robert De Niro)


    3、“Failure is never quite so frightening as regret.” The Dish(2024)Jeff Struecker(Brian Van Holt)


    5、“No point in punching things you can't see.” Cinderella Man(2024)Joel Barrish(Jim Carrey)


    7、“It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you.”Batman Begins(2024)William Wallace(Mel Gibson)


    9、“If work has no intention, it's not work at all.It's an empty motion.” The Razor's Edge(1984)Dumbledore(Richard Harris)


    摇滚校园 电影 英语 台词 口语笔记 16(共五篇)