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    栏目:一号文库 来源:网络 作者:玄霄绝艳 时间:2024-06-22 15:58:04 下载.docx文档






    需要更多指导,请选择在线咨询一对一解答。【时间状语从句】 E.as soon as as soon as...可译为一...就...,用来表示主从句的动作是紧接着发生的。He will come and see you as soon as he can.他一有空就来看你。

    He rushed home as soon as he got the good news.他一得到这个好消息就奔回家。

    【必背】一...就...还可以用on / upon doing 结构来表示。On arriving home he called up Lester.= As soon as he arrived home,he called up Lester.他一到家就给莱斯特打电话。

    F.immediately,instantly,directly 相当于as soon as,从句中用一般过去时态。They phoned her immediately they reached home.他一到家马上就给她打了电话。

    I recognized her instantly I caught a glimpse of her.我一看见她就把她认出来了。

    We came directly we got your telephone.我们一接到你的电话就赶来了。

    G.the moment,the minute,the instant,the second 这几个名词短语也可用作连词,直接引导时间状语从句,表示一...就...He said he'd turn on TV the moment he got home.他说他一到家就打开电视机。

    Tell him I need to see him the minute he arrives.告诉他,他一到我就要见他。



    The second the bell rang,the students rushed out of the classroom.铃一响,学生就冲出了教室。吉林特岗教师历年真题

    H.hardly,scarcely...when...,no sooner...than...这两个短语都表示刚...就...,可以互换,主句通常用去完成时。

    He had no sooner started out than he felt homesick.他刚出发就想起家来。

    He had hardly started his speech when someone rose to refute his points.他刚开始发言,就有人站起来反驳他的论点。【注意】

    当hardly,scarcely,no sooner 位于句子的开头时,主句须用倒装语序。

    Hardly had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door woke her up.她刚要睡着,忽然敲门声把她吵醒。

    No sooner was the frost off the ground than the work began.地上的霜一消散,人们就开始工作了。I.once once作连词时,也相当于as soon as,但它含有的条件意味更浓,它引导的从句较短。

    Once you begin,you must continue.一旦开了头,你就应当继续下去。

    Once you see him,you will never forget him.你一旦见过他,就不会忘了他的。

    J.next time,the first time,the last time,every time Be sure to call on us next time you come to town.下次你进城一定来看我们。

    He left me a good impression the first time I met him.吉林特岗教师历年真题

    我第一次见他时,他给我留下了好印象。Every time I see him he looks miserable.我每次见到他,他都是一付痛苦的表情。

    The last time I spoke to Bob,he seemed happy enough.上一次我见到他时,他看上去很开心。



    K.by the time by the tine 也可以引导时间状语从句,意为到...时为止,主句一般要用完成时态。

    By the time he was fourteen,Einstein had learned advanced mathematics all by himself.爱因斯坦到十四岁时就自学完了高等数学。(从句为一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时)I shall have finished my work by the time you return.在你回来之前我将会做完我的活儿。(从句为一般现在时,主句要用将来完成时)更多内容,一起来看看吉林特岗教师考试课程是如何设置教学的!







    时间状语从句表示主句动作发生的时间,引导时间状语从句的连词有when, as, while, before, after, as soon as, till, until, since等。

    until 用于肯定句中,表示句子的动作一直持续到until短语所表示的时间为止,即表示动作的终点。一般可译为“直到……时(为止)”或“在……以前”。在这种用法中,句子的谓语动词必须是持续动词(非瞬间动词),如live, wait, last, love, like, stay, work, continue等。until用于否定句中,表示句子的动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点。一般译为“直到……才”或“直到……之前(……还不)”

    eg.It may last until Friday.这可能要延续到星期五。


    eg.The secret was never told until after the old man's death.这个秘密在老人去世后才说出来。


    以同样的方式分析作连词的until的用法。作连词用的until的英文释义是up to the time when(直到……时为止)。

    作连词的until用于肯定句中,表示主句的动作一直持续到从句动作发生或状态出现时为止。一般可译为“……直到……为止”。在这种用法中,主句的谓语动词必须是持续动词(非瞬间动词),如live, wait , last, love, like, stay, work, continue 等。

    eg.Heat can be conducted from a hot body to a cooler one until both are at the same temperature.热可以从一个热的物体传到一个较冷的物体,直到两者温度相同为止。

    作连词的until用于否定句中 , 表示主句的动作在从句的动作发生之前尚未发生,或者说主句的动作在从句的动作发生之后才开始。一般可译为“直到……才”。

    eg.I hadn't realized she was foreign until she spoke.她不说话我还一直不知道她是个外国人。



    eg.He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从他来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。


    eg.I haven't heard any noise since I slept.Sleep为持续性动词,sleep的动作结束时,即“醒来”时,这句应译为“我醒后还未听到任何声音”。

    John is now with his parents in New York, it is already three years since he was a teacher.约翰现在和父母一起住在纽约,他不当教师已经三年了。

    while表示“正当 …… 时”;(指同时)用于同时进行的两延续性动作相伴随而发生,常对同类的两动作进行对比。

    eg.Please write while I read.我念的时候,请写下来。

    when表示“当 …….时:可表示瞬间、时间段,与主从句所述动作、事情可同时,也可有先后。例:

    eg.It was snowing when we got to the airport.我们到达机场时,天正下着雪。(同时发生)。

    as当…时,强调at the same time

    ① 不指先后,而指同时发生,尤指短动作或事件同时发生,eg.I looked;someone came here.正当我看的时候,有个人走过来。

    ② as不可说明两种正在发展或变化的情况。

    eg.As I get older, I get more optimistic.随着年龄变大我变得更加乐观。


    eg.As(when, while)I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of a shop.当我顺着马路往前走的时候,我发现一家商店前停着一辆警车。

    注意:1.在以as soon as, until, when等引导的时间状语从句中,通常用一般现在时,而主句用将来时。



    条件状语从句表示主句动作发出的前提或条件、假想、推测等,条件状语从句通常由连词if, unless等引导。

    eg.I'll help you with your English if I am free tomorrow.如果我明天有空,我就帮你学英语。

    He won't be late unless he is ill.他不会迟到的,除非他生病了。

    注意:在if, unless等词引导的条件状语从句,主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,从句的谓语动词通常用一般现在时表示将来的含义。


    目的状语从句表示主句的动作发生的目的或愿望,可用so that, that, in order that等词引导。

    目的状语动词中常有情态动词may/might, can/could, should或will/would.eg.He visited London in order that he could see his parents.=He visited London so that he could see his parents.为了看望父母他来到了伦敦。

    School was closed early in order that the children might get home ahead of the storm.学校早放学,为的是让孩子们在暴风雨前到家。


    结果状语从句表示主句的动作所引起的结果,可以用so…that, such…that等引导。

    eg.The burglar wore gloves, so that there were no fingerprints found.窃贼带着手套,所以没有发现指纹。

    He spoke so quickly that only a few students could follow him.他讲话太快,只有几个学生能听懂。

    The house is so expensive that very few people can afford it.房子价格太贵,很少有人买得起。

    He was so good a runner that nobody could catch him.他是跑步的能手,没人能赶上他。

    It is such a good chance that we mustn't miss it.如此好的机会我们绝不能错过。

    It is such nice weather that I don't like to stay at home.天气这么好,我不愿呆在家里。




    eg.He became so angry that he couldn't speak.他变得很生气,以致说不出话来。

    It was such a fine day that we went out for a walk.那是一个很晴朗的日子,我们出去散步。

    2.当that前的名词有表示数量多少的many, much, few, little等修饰时,只能用so,不能用such.eg.There was so much noise outside that we couldn't hear the teacher.外面嘈杂声很大,以致我们不能听到老师的话。

    He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over.他跌了这么多的跤,以致全身青一块、紫一块的。

    注意:若名词前的little解释为“小(的)”意思时,则仍用such, 而不能用so.eg.They are such little sheep that they can't run fast.它们是小绵羊,以至于它们跑得不快。

    3.当that前是单数可数名词且该名词前面有形容词修饰时,so与such可以互换,即:so+adj.+a/an+n.=such+a/an+adj.+n.eg.She is so good a teacher that we all love her.=She is such a good teacher that we all love her.她是一位好老师,我们都爱她。


    eg.It was such fine weather that they all went swimming.那是个好天气,他们都去游泳了。

    They are such nice apples that we would like to eat them.它们是如此好的苹果,以致我们想吃它们。


    原因状语从句由because, as, for, since等引导。

    eg.We couldn't walk very fast because the road was very slippery.因为路滑我们走不快。As she's been ill, perhaps she'll need some help.她由于生病可能需要些帮助。

    Since you're not interested, I won't tell you about it.既然你不感兴趣,那我就不告诉你。

    辨析:because, since, as和for

    1.because语气最强,表示直接原因,可用于回答 why 提出的问题、引导表语从句、用于强调句等,而其余三者均不行。

    eg.“Why didn't he come?” “Because he was ill.” “他为什么没来?”“因为他病了。”

    My stomach hurts because I have eaten too many apples.我肚子痛,因为苹果吃得太多。

    That's because you can't appreciate music.这是因为你不能欣赏音乐。

    It is because he is honest that I like him.是因为他诚实我才喜欢他。


    eg.Since you don't like it, I'll put it away.既然你不喜欢,我就把它放在一边。

    Since you are wrong, you should apologize.你既然错了,就应该道歉。

    3.as “由于,鉴于”,指客观事实,常与since互换使用。

    eg.As there was no answer, I wrote again.鉴于没回复,我又写了一封信。

    As you weren't there, I left a message.由于你不在那儿,我留了个口信。

    4.for 是并列连词,不说明直接原因而是对某种情况加以推断,其引导的分句前常有逗号。

    eg.He must be ill, for he is absent today.他一定是生病了,因为他今天没来。

    He took the food eagerly, for he has eaten nothing since dawn.他狼吞虎咽地吃了起来,因为他从天亮都没吃过东西。


    常由than, as…as…, not as(so)…as等连词引导。eg.John is taller than his brother.约翰比他的弟弟高。I'm as tall as you.我和你一样高。

    He doesn't pay as much tax as we do/ as us.他没有我们交的税款多。


    常由as, as if(as though)等连词引导。

    eg.Leave it as it is.保持原状,别动它。

    Do it as I do it.照我的样子做这件事。

    He treats me as if/ as though I were a child.他把我当小孩子一样来对待。

    They completely ignore the fact as if/ as though it never existed.他们完全忽略了这个事实,就仿佛它不存在似的。



    eg.Although it was cold, he went out without a coat.尽管天气很冷,他没有穿大衣就出去了。

    Though they are poor, they have enough to eat.他们虽然很穷,食物还是够吃的。


    1.I________ the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow.A.will return B.returned

    C.have returned



    2.-Dick gave me a note while I________ in the library.-I guess he made it to say“sorry”to you.A.am reading

    B.was reading


    D.will read

    解析:主句使用了一般过去时,时间状语从句也应使用过去的某种时态,这里应使用过去进行时,表示动作正在发生。下句I guess he made it to say“sorry”to you.也为解题提供了很好的提示。故选B。

    3.-Look!Here comes our school bus.-No hurry.Don't get on it________ it has stopped.A.until





    4.I didn't know he came back________ I met him in the street.A.since



    D.After 解析:考查时间状语从句。句意为:直到在街上见到他,我才知道他回来了。not…until是固定结构,表示“直到……才”。故选C。

    5.I'll do it better if the teacher________ me another chance.A.give



    D.will give


    6.When I went to say goodbye to Anna, she________ the piano.A.is playing


    C.was playing



    7.I have been trying my best to study English________ I want to have a chance to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympics.A.until



    解析:考查原因状语从句。I want to have a chance to be a volunteer for the Beijing Olympics.(我想有机会成为一名北京奥运会的志愿者)与I have been trying my best to study English(我一直在竭尽全力学习英语)构成因果关系,故选B。

    8.-How was your climbing on Mount Tai?

    -I didn't believe I could do it________ I got to the top.A.until





    9.-Look at the noisy kids!

    -Haven't you heard the saying“When the cat is away, the mice________.”?



    C.are playing

    D.will play

    解析:考查含有时间状语从句的主句的时态。规律是:“主将从现”,即从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。故选D。“When the cat is away, the mice will play.”(相当于“山中无老虎,猴子称大王。”)

    10.He met many problems________ he was going over his lessons.A.before

    B.as soon as






    1.People behind you will be unhappy ________ you talk too long on the phone.A.as



    2.________ you don't go to see the doctor, ________ you'll be worse.A.If;/



    3.Mother was busy cooking in the kitchen ________ father was watching TV in the sitting room.A.as



    4.Don't leave the office________ I come back.A.when



    5.I didn't go to bed________ all the TV programmes were over.A.until



    6.There are usually some people watching________ those retired workers play chess.A.which



    7.________ it was raining, ________ we went on with our sports meeting.A.Though;/



    8.I reached the station________ the train had just moved.A.until


    C.as soon as

    9.The mouse had run into the hole________ the cat could catch it.A.before


    C.as soon as

    10.The baby stopped crying________ he saw his mother.A.until

    B.as soon as


    二、原因、比较、目的、结果状语从句练习。用所给的关联词将简单句连接成复合句。1.He didn't pass the exam.He hadn't gone over his lessons.(because)2.You can buy the dictionary.You have got enough money.(since)

    3.You have seen the film twice.You can give the ticket to your brother.(now that)4.It was a long letter.It took her more than two hours to type it.(such…that)

    5.I called out to him in a loud voice.He heard me on the other side of the street.(so that)6.Lily sings well.Linda sings well, too.(as…as)

    7.Jim looks weak.His brother Tim looks even weaker.(than)

    8.Mr.and Mrs.Smith work hard.They want to send their son to college.(in order that)9.I'll give you some more examples.You can learn how to use this expression.(so that)10.He ran very fast.Nobody in our class could catch up with him.(so…that)


    1.The students were reading books.The teacher came into the room.(合并为一个含有时间状语从句的复合句)


    2.After the mother came back, the little girl went to bed.(改为同义句)

    The little girl________ ________ to bed________ the mother cam back.3.Jane and Kate are of the same age.(改为同义句)

    Jane is________ ________ ________ Kate.4.Study hard, and you'll catch up with your classmates.(改为同义句)

    ________ you ________ study hard, you ________ catch up with your classmates.5.There are many rabbits in the filed in Australia.The farmers can't kill them all.(改为同义句)

    There are ________ many rabbits in the filed in Australia________ farmers can't kill them all.6.The boy is so lazy that he does badly in all his lessons.(改为同义句)

    He is ________ a________ boy ________ he does badly in all his lessons.7.If he isn't ill, he won't be late.(改为同义句)

    He won't be late________ he is ill.8.He visited London to see his parents.(改为复合句)

    He visited London ________ ________ ________ he could see his parents.9.I will try it;I may fail.(改写为让步状语从句)

    I will try it, ________ ________ I may fail.10.Without your help, I can't finish the work on time.(改为同义句)

    ________ you ________ help me, I can't finish the work on time.四、完形填空

    Have you ever heard of the satellite called Early Bird which was built by an organization consisting of 16 countries? Now dozens of satellites 1_____ into space, and they help people in many ways.You can speak to people on 2_____ side of the world over the telephone 3_____ the help of satellites.They can help take photos of Earth and produce maps.Some pictures 4_____ by satellites show us the exact places where different metals can be found.They can also 5_____ the differences between healthy plants and poor ones.This is a great help to the scientists 6_____ work in forests.Satellites benefit our daily life.For example, satellites for 7_____ are used to send radio and TV programs from one part of the world to another.It is satellites that make our world seem 8_____.A number of research stations have been set up to study outer space.In the past, it was difficult 9_____ the scientists to get a clear picture of the dusty air, while satellites make it easier now.They are being used more and more to collect information about space, just like 10_____ between space and us.1.A.has put

    B.have put

    C.has been put

    D.have been put




    D.the other












    D.read A.which





















    They British Museum is the biggest museum in the world.Inside you feel smaller than usual.The story of the British Museum goes back three hundred years to one unusual man.Sir Hans Sloane, a doctor to King George Ⅱ.The doctor collected books, drawings, clothes, money, animals, flowers, things from all over the world.The doctor wanted everything to stay together when he died, so that people could come and have a look.The British Museum began.King George Ⅱ gave his library, and the museum started to grow.The British Museum opened in 1759, six years after Sir Hans Sloane died.At first the museum was only open three days a week and only ten people could enter in an hour.There wasn't much time to see things.Visitors had to run through the rooms.By about 1800, things began to get better.Wonderful statues(雕像), three thousand years old, arrived from Egypt.George IV sold all his books to the museum secretly.A hundred years ago, not only old books but also new ones arrived at the museum, and more people came to read them.Since then many famous men have written and studied there.And the library is growing faster and faster.There are four kilometers of new shelves every year and there are about two million visitors every year.1.Sir Hans Sloane was interested in_____.A.collecting all kinds of books B.collecting all kinds of drawings C.collecting all kinds of money D.collecting all kinds of things

    2.When you go inside the British Museum, you feel smaller than usual because_____.A.the museum is empty

    B.the museum is very big

    C.there are too many things in it

    D.you are too small

    3.Sir Hans Sloane died_____.A.in 17

    53B.in 1759

    C.in 1765

    D.in 1800

    4.At first, the visitors had to run through the museum because_____.A.there were only several things to see B.the museum was the biggest one in the world C.they were not interested in the things in it D.they had only one hour to see all the things in it 5.The passage is mainly about_____.A.Sir Hans Sloane

    B.George Ⅱ

    C.the history of the British Museum D.the books of the museum


    一、1.C 本句用从属连词if引导条件状语从句。本句如果使用as引导原因状语从句或用for连接并列句,句子时态要调整:People behind you are unhappy as you have talked too long on the phone.People behind you are unhappy, for you have talked too long on the phone.2.A if用来连接条件状语从句,and或or用来连接并列句,所以用if就不能用后两个并列连词。

    3.C while在这儿连接一个时间状语,表示与主句同时进行的动作。

    4.C “not…until…”句型表示“不到……就不(要)……”或“直到……才……”。

    5.C 本句的最佳答案是after,而until不能使用,除非将主句改为否定句:I didn't go to bed until all the TV programmes were over.6.B 本句中用where引导地点状语从句。

    7.A though与but不能并用;可只用but,但句子开头须大写。

    8.B after引导时间状语从句,明确表示从句动词表示的动作先于主句动词表示的动作。

    9.A before引导时间状语从句,明确表示主句动词表示的动作先于从句动词表示的动作。

    10.B as soon as引导时间状语从句,表示从句动作一发生,主句动作即发生。由于两个动作连接紧密,所以从句中不一定要用过去完成时。

    二、1.He didn't pass the exam because he hadn't gone over his lessons.用because引导原因状语从句置主句之后。

    2.Since you have got enough money, you can buy the dictionary.用since引导状语从句表示说话双方都知悉的原因。

    3.Now that you have seen the film twice, you can give the ticket to your brother.Now that引导原因状语从句,表示“既然……”。

    4.It was such a long letter that it took her more than two hours to type it.such后往往跟名词或名词性词组,和that连接表示结果。

    5.I called out to him in a loud voice so that he heard me on the other side of the street.so that在本句中引导结果状语从句。

    6.Linda sings as well as Lily.“as+副词原级+as”表示两者程度相同。

    7.Jim's brother Tim looks even weaker than he(looks weak).than引导一个省略了谓语部分的比较状语从句。

    8.Mr.and Mrs.Smith work hard in order that they may send their son to college.“in order that”引导目的状语从句。

    9.I'll give you some more examples so that you can learn how to use this expression.“so that”在本句中引导目的状语从句。

    10.He ran so fast that nobody in our class could catch up with him.“so…that…”引导结果状语从句。


    1.The students were reading books when the teacher came into the room.2.didn't go;until/ before/ till 3.as old as 4.If;don't;won't 5.so;that 6.such;lazy;that 7.unless 8.in order that 9.even though



    1.D 本句使用现在完成时的被动语态。

    2.D 由名词side判断,应排除B项;C项表否定,不合题意;表示特指就用定冠词the, the other side of the world意为“世界的另一端”,故选D。

    3.A with the help of为固定短语,意为“在……帮助下”。

    4.D 过去分词作后置定语。some pictures taken by satellites“被卫星拍的图片”。

    5.C tell在此意为“区分,辨别”,其他选项不合文意。

    6.B 本句使用定语从句,先行词为人,故使用关系词who.7.D broadcasting意为“广播”。

    8.B 由句意可知“卫星使我们的世界似乎变小了”。

    9.A “对于某人来讲”用介词for.10.C “卫星好像是太空和我们之间的桥梁”。


    1.D 由短文第三段第一句“The doctor collected books, drawings, clothes, money, animals, flowers, things from all over the world.”可知,他收集各种各样的东西。

    2.B 由短文第一句可知。

    3.A 由短文第四段第一句可知,博物馆是在Sir Hans Sloane去世六年后开业的,而开业是在1759年,应减去六年即1753年去世的。

    4.D 由短文第四段可知,初进博物馆一次只允许10个人进入1小时,时间紧,游人不得不跑。

    5.C 本文主要讲述英国博物馆的历史。

    第三篇:状语从句 高三 复习



    A.when, while, as

    1.___________i was walking down the street, i noticed a police car in front of the store.2._______________john arrived, i was cooking lunch.3._________he grew older, he lost his interest in everything except gardening.4.We will stand up__________the teacher comes in.5.I was wandering through the street ___________i caught sight of a tailor's shop.Conclusion:

    1.when +持续/短暂动作,可与主句动作同时发生或先于主句动作发生





    a.He was about to go to bed _______the doorbell rang.b.They were watching the World Cup ________ suddenly the lights went out.c.They had just arrived home _______ it began torain.d.He had worked in a factory _______ a letter arrived saying he was admitted to a key university.e.on the point of doing „when

    when 的其他含义:考虑到,既然;虽然,然而,可是

    Why do you want a new job when you have got such a good one already?

    _____________________________________________________________________________ He walks when he might take a taxi._________________________________________________ How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?_____________________________


    Strike while the iron is hot._______________

    She fell asleep while she was reading the newspaper.While 的其他含义: 而;虽然 ’t agree with you.______________________


    It was+时间段+before +一般过去时

    It will be+时间段+before +一般现在时

    It will not be long before you regret what you have done._______________________________ It was some time before he realized the truth.______________________________________ 五年以后我们才能再见。__________________________________

    The war last three years _________ it finally ended.Three years passed __________ I finally realized my mistake.注意:before 从句往往带有否定的含义,常译为:还没等到„.就„.;还没来得及„就„„趁着还没„„就„„。作此意时,从句中常见情态动词can/ could。试译:

    1.He ran off before I could stop him._________________________________________________

    2.The man hung up the phone before I could answer it.___________________________________

    3.He almost knocked me down before he saw me.______________________________________

    4.Before I could get in a word, he measured me.________________________________________

    5.I’ll water the flowers before it gets dark.____________________________________________

    6.Be a pupil before you become a teacher._____________________________________________ since表“自从„„”。其主句多为现在完成时或现在完成进行时,从句多为一般过去时。since的句型:It is/has been +时间段+ since从句。若从句谓语为非延续性动词,表“自从„„有多久”;若从句谓语为延续性动词,则表“自从结束/完成„„起有多久”。

    It is three years since the war broke out.___________________________________________

    I have written home four times since I came here.___________________________________

    It is three years since she was in our class._________________________________________


    1.It is three years________ the war broke out.2.It was three years ago_____ the war broke out.3.It was 1919_____ the was broke out.4.It was three years ______ the war came to an end.5.It is three years ________i smoked a cigar.E.until/not until

    1.till不可置于句首_____you told me, i had no idea of it.2.肯定句:主句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词的肯定式,意为某动作一致延续到某时间点才停止。



    你可以在这里待到雨停。__________________________________________________________ 直到他告诉我我才知道了事实真相。________________________________________________

    3.not...until 的强调和倒装

    I didn't leave until she came back.强调句_________________________________________________________________________ 倒装句_________________________________________________________________________ F.as soon as, immediately, directly, instantly, the moment,the minute,the instant,no sooner...than..., hardly/scarcely...when...(一„„就„„),once(一旦),every time, next time, any time

    我一听到说话声,就知道父亲来了。(The moment)_________________________________

    我们刚到车站,火车就离站了。(no sooner...than)__________________________________那男孩一见到他妈妈便放声大哭.(immediately)_______________________________________ 考点二:地点状语从句


    1.When solving the problem a second time, you'd better be more careful ___ you made a mistake.2.Bamboo grows best _________ it's wet and rainy.3.Bamboo grows best in places _________it's wet and rainy.4..Can you tell me the office_________he works?

    5.________ I live, there are plenty of trees.6Wuhan lies ________ the Yangtze and the Han River meet.7.Sales director is a position _______communication ability is just as important as sales skills.8.________ there is a will, there is a way.9.I found my books ____________I had left them.10.Keep it __________you can see it.11.He lives __________the climate is mild.Where

    where, wherever,anywhere和everywhere

    Wherever you go, you should do your work well.You may sit down wherever you like.Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.I’ll take you anywhere you like.考点三:原因状语从句

    because,since, now that, as , in that,considering that,seeing that , given(that),in view of the fact that

    A.as/because/since 的区别

    Because主句前后直接因果关系语气强能回答why能被强调 As主句前后双方都知道的原因语气弱不能回答why不能 Since/now that主句前双方都知道的原因语气弱不能回答why不能 _________________everybody is here, let's begin our meeting.It was ________he was ill that he didn't show up today.Why do you go to there? _________ I want to get my book


    Seeing that quite a few people were absent, we decided to put the meeting off.Considering that they are just beginners, they are doing quitegood job.Given that she is interested in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.考点五:结果状语

    so...that , such„that

    They had ______ a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their house.

    He spoke for _______ a long time that people began to fall asleep.

    The snow fell ______ fast that our footsteps were soon covered up.

    His speech went on for _____long that people began to fall asleep.

    Their dog was ________fierce that no one dared come near it.

    ______ many people complained that they took the programme off.

    There was _______ much dust that we couldn’t see what was happening.


    So excited _____________that she could not say a word.So loudly _______________(speak)that even the people in the next room could hear him.Such a lovely girl ____________ that we all live him.考点六:条件状语从句

    if, unless, so/ as long as, on condition that, provided/providing that,in case(万一), suppose, /supposing

    1.The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______________accompanied by an adult.(2024山东高考)

    2.—Our holiday cost a lot of money.—Did it? Well, that doesn't matter _____________ you enjoyed yourselves.(2024江西高考)

    3.You can go swimming ___________________ you don't go too far from the river bank.4.____________________ an earthquake happens, what should we do?

    考点七: 方式状语从句as, as if, as though

    1.The house was greatly damaged by the truck.We'd better leave things _____ they are until the

    police arrive.2.He acted_________nothing had happened.3.I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day, ________do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.(2024天津高考)

    4.The teacher treats the pupil as if __________________(他是她的孩子)

    比较:She looks as if she is ill._________________________________________

    5.Do in Rome as the Romans do.6.Leave things as they are.考点八:让步状语从句

    although, though,(as), while ,whether...or..., however, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever, whenever, wherever, whether(是否), no matter(who, what, etc), even if, even though

    1.________________the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him.(2024湖南高考)

    2.__________________serious a problem you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.(2024上海高考)

    3.The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, _____________they have the interest.(2024安徽高考)

    4.All the nations should be equal, _____________they are strong ________ not.5.Do it____________________others say.as引导让步状语从句时,常见的几种倒装方式:

    不及物动词+副词Hard as you may try, you will not succeed.情态动词+不及物动词Wait as you may, he will not see you.系动词+单数名词Child as he is, he can tell right from wrong.考点九:目的状语

    so that, in order that,in case that, for fear of /that

    1.We got up early ___________we would arrive in time.2.Betty saved money_____________ buy a portable computer.3.I didn't tell him about our meeting __________ upsetting her.考点十:时态

    You’ll be back soon.I’ll stay till then.=I’ll stay till you _________back.

    The parachutist is going to jump.Soon after he jumps his parachute _______(open).When he ______________(arrive), he’ll tell us all about the match.

    Before he ________(arrive)I’ll give the children their tea.

    While they__________(play)tennis this afternoon,we’ll go to the beach.

    The moment/As soon as I have finished I’ll give you a call.

    We knew that he _________________(arrive)t about six.

    We knew that till he __________(arrive)nothing would be done.

    They_________(move)house twice since they got married.

    It’s ages since I sailed a boat.________________________

    The performance_______________(begin)when the lights went out.演出刚开始就停电了。倒装:_______________________________________________________________


    The sooner we______________(start),the sooner we________(be)there.

































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    第14单元 复合句—状语从句





    (1)常用的连词有when, while, before, after, until(till),since, as soon as等。


    『例』 I'll go on with the work when I come back tomorrow.As soon as he finishes the work, he will come to see me.(3)when和while都表示“当……的时候”,但有区别。when强调“特定时间”。

    『例』 There was a loud knock at the door when he was just falling asleep.while表示的时间是一段,而不是一点。

    『例』 While he was having supper, he heard someone knock at the door.while有时还有对比的含义。

    『例』 While I was reading, he was writing.2.原因状语从句

    (1)常由because, since, as引导。

    (2)because表示直接的原因,着重点在从句,用于回答why,语气最强。『例』 I can't go to school because I am ill.since一般表示对方已知的,无须加以说明的既成事实的理由,全句中心在主句,语气比because弱,常译为“既然”。

    『例』 Since you are ill, I'll go alone.as表示十分明显的原因,一般说明因果关系,着重点在主句,语气较弱。常译为“由于”。

    『例』 As it is raining hard, we won't go hiking.


    『例』 You haven't met him, for he didn't come here.3.条件状语从句

    常由if(假如、如果)No matter(不管)来引导。

    『例』 No matter what he says,I won't believe him,如果主句是一般将来时,从句往往用一般现在时来表示将来。『例』 I'll go for a picnic if it is fine.4.结果状语从句

    一般由so...that, such...that引导。

    『例』It's such a heavy box that nobody can move it.The box is so heavy that nobody can move it.5.目的状语从句

    往往由so that, in order that引导。

    『例』I'll speak slowly so that you can understand me.He set off early in order that he might be in time.6.比较状语从句

    常由as...as, than, not as/so...as等引导。比较从句部分常是省略句,『例』 I'm taller than he(is).Science is not as popular as English.7.方式状语从句 常用as引导。

    『例』 You should do it as I told you.8.让步状语从句

    由though或although等引导,但不能与but同时连用。『例』 Though it snowed heavily, they kept on working.9.地点状语从句

    常用where, wherever引导。『例』 I'll go where work is hard.
