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    栏目:十号文库 来源:网络 作者:夜色温柔 时间:2024-07-02 03:13:51 下载.docx文档




    新年快乐!Happy New Year!


    What are you going to do on New Year’s Eve?

    你对于新的一年有什么计划吗?What’s your plan for the new year?


    Would you like to celebrate the New Year together with me?


    I’d like to wish you every success in whatever you do。


    Hope things go well with you in the new year。


    Please convey my best wishes to your family。

    愿快乐永远伴随着你!May happiness follow you wherever you go!

    祝你和你的家人新年快乐。Happy New Year to you and your family。


    I’d like to offer you my best wishes on this special occasion。

    愿您在新的一年里快快乐乐。Much joy to you in the upcoming year。


    Wish you happiness now and throughout the year。

    我也同样祝福你。Same to you。




    Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving Day?

    感恩节快乐!Happy Thanksgiving Day!

    我们祈求健康和快乐。We pray for health and happiness。


    I’m thankful for having the best wife and children in the world。


    May your Thanksgiving be bountiful and the coming year be full of manyblessings。


    I’m going to invite my friends over to enjoy the feast with us。


    All my friends are going home, and so am I。



    Do you want to help me make a jack-o’-lantern?

    我要穿件黑衣服。I’m going to put on a dark suit。

    你要带面具吗?Are you going to wear a mask?

    我给你们些糖果吧。Let me give you some candies。

    多么可怕的晚上啊!What a horrible night!

    我们的面具可以把幽灵吓走!Our masks will scare off the spirits!

    我的心一直跳得厉害。My heart keeps pumping。

    我们用灯笼为骷髅、魔鬼、女巫、鬼魂和死去的朋友和亲戚照路,他们要来人间。We use the lantern to light the way forskeletons, devils, witches, ghosts, and the dead friends or relatives, for theywill visit the earth。


    我还是单身。I’m still single。

    我无“家”一身轻。I have no family to tie me down。

    她很年轻时就结婚了。She(was/got)married young。

    我喜欢单身而不是结婚。I prefer being single to being married。

    他们将在8月喜结连理。They will tie the knot in August。

    她与一个法国人结婚了。She’s married to a Frenchman。

    他们结婚一年后就离异了。They split up after one year of marriage。

    她再婚了,嫁给了一位有钱人。She is married again to a wealthy man。


    I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time。

    谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding?


    They’re playing the Wedding March。


    The groom and bride are perfect for each other。

    我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you along life together。

    我希望你们蜜月愉快。I hope you have a great honeymoon。

    恭喜你们喜结良缘!Congratulations on your marriage!

    你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!


    Can I help you?

    Yes,I want a hat!

    What color do you like?


    Okay,how about this one?

    Oh,it's too small!

    Sorry,try this one.Yes,I pay for this one!



    A:Since the cost of our life in the school is so big, in order to reduce the burden on parents, we should learn independence,but what can do?

    B:En...Maybe we can do some part-time jobs.How do you think ?

    C:A part-time job?It sounds great.I think it makes sense.D:I hold the same opinions.I totally believe that it is of great benefit to have a part-time job during our spare time.For one thing, it gives the us a chance to know the society and learn to be independent.For another, we can also get financial reward and working experience as well, which is helpful to our growth.A:{点头表示赞成继续讲}What's more, we can put what we have learned into practice, and know our strengths and weaknesses so that we can improve our studies and personalities, which are beneficial in our later lives.B:Yes,Just imagine how good we feel when we use the money earned by ourselves to buy something we want.We will get the approval of others, and we are no longer a grown child in the eyes of others.C:What most important is that we will be more understanding of our parents who work hard to make money to support their families, which are conducive to improving the relationship between children and parents.D:It seems that we all agree with this idea.So shall we think some part-time jobs which are suitable for us?


    City life and Country lifeA:Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the country.And many people in the country want to live in the city.What do you think about this ?(A:如今,越来越多的人在城市要住在乡下。在全国的许多人都希望生活在城市。你怎么看这件事)

    B:It is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or country life ,Let me talk about the city life first.In the city, people enjoy more cultural activities ,For example,you can go to the concert,the movies or the disco club after a day's hard work, The transport is very convenient in the city.We can take bus ,taxi ,subway go anywhere that we want to go, we also can enjoy a more colorful night life.(B:这是真的很难说哪个比的等,城市生活和乡村生活,让我先谈谈城市生活,在城市里,人们享受更多的文化活动,例如,你可以去听音乐会,看电影或迪斯科俱乐部经过一天的辛勤工作,交通十分便利的城市。我们可以把公交车,出租车,地铁去任何你想要去的地方,所以我们可以享受更加丰富多彩的夜生活)

    A:That sounds great.But city life has many problems too.The overcrowded population, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution and other issues may result in depression, nervousness and diseases.(A:那太好了。但是,城市生活也有很多问题。人口过多,交通拥堵,住房问题,工业污染和其他问题可能会导致抑郁,紧张和疾病)

    B:Yes.well,Now let talk about the another life----country life,What you first feeling about the country life ?(B:是。好了,现在让我们来谈谈另一种生活-乡村生活,你的第一感觉的乡村生活吗)

    A:Peace and quiet, no car, no noise ,no pollution ,you can see blue sky ,green trees, red sunsets and golden crops,What a lovely picture,(A:和平与安静,没有车,没有噪音,没有污染,你可以看到蓝色的天空,绿色的树木,红色的落日和金色的庄稼,这是多么可爱的画面)

    B:I know I know, But country life may not be perfect.(B:我知道我知道,但可能不那么完美的乡村生活)

    A:yes, In the countryside,People usually lack cultural activities.Things go fairly slowly there.What's more, they also miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune.(A:是的,在农村,人们通常缺乏文化活动。事情有很慢。更重要的是,他们也错过了一些发财的黄金机会)

    B:People are like this ,They can never feel perfectly satisfied.(B:人都是这样,他们可以永远不会感到完全满意)

    A:So the best solution may be that you enjoy pleasures of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences.(A:因此,最好的解决办法可能是你享受两种生活的乐趣和摆脱他们的不便之处)


    A:As the saying goes, you don’t know what happiness is until you lose it’ you don’t know what health is until you are ill.“Health is of vital importance to life” sounds like a cliche to everyone, but it is absolutely true.(A:常言道,你不知道什么是幸福,直到你失去了你不知道什么是健康的,直到你生病。“健康生活”听起来像陈词滥调给大家是至关重要的,但它是绝对真实的)

    B:Yes, you can take away our money, house , car or even clothes and we can survive.but if we Without a healthy body, we can do nothing.For me, there are main ways to keep healthy.(B:是的,你可以拿走我们的钱,房子,汽车,甚至衣服,我们可以生存,但如果我们没有健康的身体,我们也可以什么都不做。对于我来说,是保持身体健康的主要途径)

    A:Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy.I think ,First,it is necessary to keep a balanced diet, which is the basis of good health.It is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming and so on.Second, we should drink more water and get enough sleep.(A:如今,越来越多的人都知道,保持健康的重要性。我认为,首先,要保持均衡的饮食,这是身体健康的基础上。重要的是要定期练习,比如游泳等。其次,要多喝水,并得到足够的睡眠)

    B:I greed with you.I will add a few points, Third,People should eat less meat,beacuse eatmore meat are bad health, we should eat some fruits and vegetables.Last but not least, it is essential to keep in a good mood.Relaxation and entertainment are ways to renew our spirits and release our stress.When we make healthy habits a part of our everyday life, we are bound to keep healthy.(B:我跟你的贪婪。我会加几个百分点,第三,人们应该少吃肉,因为吃更多的肉是健康状况不好,我们应该多吃一些水果和蔬菜。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,它必须保持一个好心情。休闲和娱乐的方式来更新我们的精神和释放我们的压力。当我们健康的生活习惯的一部分,我们的日常生活中,我们一定会保持健康)

    A:Great!I want to do that like we says(A:太好了!我想这样做,就像我们说的)

    B:Anyway, a healthy life is within reach when you begin to adjust your mind and body.(B:无论如何,一个健康的生活是触手可及,当你开始调整你的头脑和身体)


    A:what seems to be the problem?

    B:Doctor, l am running a high fever and feelingterribly bad

    A:how long had the problem?

    B:since last night.A:Let's take your temperature.Certainly,you have a fever.well, is there anything else?

    B:Yes,I havea terrible headache,What am I supposed to do then?

    A:A good rest is all she need, and drink more water.I’ll write you a prescription for your.B:How do I take these medicines?

    A:Two tablets, four times a day.Take one tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain, but not more than once every four hours.B:Thank you very much.excuse me, could you please tell me how to get the Prescriptions?

    A:of course , you can take the lift to the fifth floor and then make a right turn.go along the corridor until you will see the sign on your left.B:Thanks a lot.A: That’s all right.Remember to take a good rest..B: I will.Goodbye, doctor.A: Bye


    A:There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years.I think One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air and water.the polluted air it does great harm to people’s health.The another is that people throw their garbage everywhere.All kinds of garbage not only spoil the splendid environment, but also cause environmental pollution.What's more, Wastewater from factories is poured into rivers and this causes water pollution.It's causes diseases and death.(A:还有许多环保问题,在最近几年。我认为最严重的问题之一是空气和水的严重污染。被污染了的空气,它极大的危害人们的身体健康。另一种是,人们到处扔垃圾。各种垃圾,不仅破坏优美的环境,但也造成环境的污染。更重要的是,工厂的废水流入江河,这会导致水体污染。这是引起疾病和死亡)

    B:Yes, In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures.What do you think?(B:是的,在我看来,为了保护环境,政府必须采取更具体的措施。你怎么想)

    A: First, it should let people realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished.We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying human themselves.(A:首先,它应该让人们意识到保护环境的重要性,通过教育。第二,更加努力把计划生育政策付诸实施,因为更多的人意味着更多的人意味着更多的污染。最后,那些破坏环境的人的故意,应从重处罚。我们应该让他们知道,破坏环境就是毁灭人类自己)

    B:If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home.(B:如果我们不理破坏性的人类活动,我们的地球将变得墓,而不是温馨的家)

    A:of course, As a young people,What should do we do?(A:当然,作为一个年轻的人,什么应该做怎么办呢)


    A:I think if we do that.The beautiful and vigorous earth will come back soon.(A:我认为,如果我们做到这一点。美丽和充满活力的地球很快就会回来)

    Student center and teacher center

    A:Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people’s attitudes towards education especially the teaching methods.There are lots of differences between the teacher-centered teaching and the students-centered teaching.What do you think about this?(A:现在我们正在进入一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,人的态度,特别是对教育的教学方法发生了很大的变化。有很多教师为中心的教学和以学生为中心的教学差异。你怎么看这件事)

    B: According to my personal experience, I think the teacher often takes control of the class Students are always busy listening to their teacher and taking notes, while the leacher speaks from the beginning to the end in the class.The teacher centered canpushes them to learn things passively.(B:根据我个人的经验,我认为老师经常需要控制类的学生总是忙于听他们的老师,记笔记,而浸取类。老师说从开始到结束为中心可以促使他们要学的东西被动)

    A: But as time goes by, the students will develop the bad habit of relying on their instructors seriously.So I don't think the teacher-centered class has many advantages.(A:但是,随着时间的推移,学生们将发展依赖于他们的导师seriously.So我不认为教师为中心的课堂有很多优点的坏习惯)

    B:How do you think ?(B:你怎么看待)

    A:Firstly, the students are more likely to concentrate their minds.Secondly, the students will cooperate better with their teacher, and the teacher can get the feedback through their students' questions and improve his teaching accordingly.Thirdly, the students will be more active and creative.(A:首先,学生更容易集中精神。其次,学生将更好地合作与他们的老师,和老师可以得到的反馈学生的问题,并相应地提高自己的教学。第三,学生们将更加积极和创造性)

    B:Yes, In a word, the students-centered not only makes learning active and enjoyable, but also enables the students take its own initiative.(B:是的,在一个字,学生为中心,不仅使学习积极和愉快的,但也使学生采取主动)

    A:So,In this light, the importance of the students-centered teaching cannot be ignored in our learning.(A:因此,从这个角度,以学生为中心的教学的重要性不能被忽略,在我们的学习)

    。years old.i come from...where is a very beautiful citymy name is...i am。

    locatedin south part of china.I attended Changchun University of Science and Technology and major in school of computer science and technology.i am an optimistic boy with active attitude toward with life.i have mangy hobbies,such as playing football,basketball and so on

    I also like to play PC games.A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning.But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English.I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.


    Jack:Hi,Tony and Tom,long time no see!How is everything going?

    Tony: things goes very well, Jack.Tom: yes,everything is ok.what about you,Jack?

    Jack: me too.but last week,our class held a class meeting about’my ideal wife’,which brougt a heated discussion among our class.now,I have a question to ask two of you.Tony: sounds interesting,go ahead.Jack: Tony,what’s your ideal wife in your heart?

    Tony: as far as l’m concerned,first of all, I think an ideal wife should honor our parents.besides,an ideal wife should trust her husband.what’t more ,she should devoted to her family.Jack: very nice.ok,what about you,Tom?

    Tom: let me see,...in my point of view,an ideal wife should beautiful and generous,and she should

    be virtuous and caring for elders.I think it would be better if she could be helpful for myjob,but it does’t matter.Jack: your idea is very original,Tom.Both of you ’s anwer is very perfect.I hope both of you

    can find your ideal wife.Jack: thank you!

    Tom: thank you!



    一,College education and campus life A:The stage of college will be the most important period of our life.We need to learn knowledge, at the same time, we also need to learn some skills, which will be of great help when we come to the job market.The ability we gain in the college will be useful all the time.大学阶段是我们生活中最重要的一个时期,我们需要学习知识,与此同时,我们也需要学习一些技能,这些技能对我们在就业市场上有很大的帮助。我们在大学获得的能力会一直有用。

    B:In college education, we need to change our way of learning.In high school, we get use to learn what the teachers pass to us.Every thing they show us is correct.Teachers take the leader roles and students just follow them.C: Yes, But now students need to learn knowledge by themselves.As teachers will not show up much time, so they should improve their ability to learn.在大学教育中,我们需要改变学习方式。在高中,我们习惯于老师传授知识的方式。他们教给我们的知识都是对的。教师处于主导地位,学生被动学习。但是现在,学生需要自学。因为老师出现的时间不会很多,所以他们应该提高自己的学习能力。

    D:What’s more, as teachers are no longer the center role, they try to cultivate students’ way of thinking.Critical thinking is what the college students most need.They are adults and should make their own decision.C: And It is time for them to get rid of the out-date tradition, and creativity is what they need.The aim of college education is to broaden vision and master special skills.更重要的是,由于教师不再处于主导地位,所以他们试图培养学生的思维方式。批判性思维是大学生最需要的。他们是成年人,应该自己做决定。是时候让他们摆脱过时的传统观念,创造力才是他们所需要的。大学教育的目的是拓宽视野、掌握特殊技能。

    A:When I got the college entrance notice, I was so excited, all of my hard work had paid off.I could see my bright future.But going to the college is not as easy as I thought before, there are so many things I have to learn, I am happy to broaden my vision and enrich my knowledge.当我接到大学录取通知的时候,我很兴奋,我所有的努力都得到了回报。我能看到自己光明的未来。但是上大学并没有我之前想象中那么容易,我要学习的东西还很多,我很高兴开阔了视野,丰富了自己的知识。

    B:Me too, Before I go to college, I had the beautiful imagination about the campus life.It felt like that I could do what I wanted and study was not the first thing.But the fact is that study is still the most important thing.C: So many students fight for their dreams here and they study so hard to be the excellent students.If I focus on playing, then I will lag behind.So I also have the pressure and I have to keep up with my classmates.在我上大学以前,我对大学校园生活有着美好的幻想。似乎我能做自己想做的,学习不过第一要事。但是事实上,学习仍然是最重要的事情。很多学生在这里为他们的理想奋斗,他们是如此努力学习,为了成为优秀的学生。如果我专注玩耍,就会落后。所以我也有压力,要赶上同学。

    D:Besides knowledge, we also learn to be an independent person.I lived with my parents before I moved to the dormitory.Living outside, I need to learn to get along with others and solve the problems by myself.I am growing up and learn to be a mature person.除了知识,我也学着去成为一个独立的人。在我搬去宿舍前,我和父母住在一起。在外面住,我需要学着去和别人相处,自己解决问题。我不断成长,学着成为一个成熟的人。

    A: Apart from the classes, there are many activities and organizations in the collage.I am active in my campus life.What about you? 除了上课,大学里还有好多活动和社团。我在校园生活里非常积极。

    B: I have attended in several organizations, there is the painting and calligraphy associations, English club, climbing club, swimming group and so on.These organizations enrich my campus life.I made many new friends with the same hobbies, we help each other to improve.我参加了一些社团,有书画社、英语社、登山社、游泳队等等。这些社团丰富了我的校园生活。我交了很多志同道合的朋友,我们相互帮助共同提高。

    C:D and I joined in a volunteer club together.The mission of club is to help those people in need.The first activity I participated was to hold the charity sale to collect the money and donation, then bring them to a primary school into deep mountains.D: Yes, and the sales was successful as most of the students supported this charity and donated the money and study materials with kindness.On the weekend we brought all the donations to the primary school, we saw the smile on children’ face, and also saw their poor study condition.I felt myself a heavy responsibility to make the change of it.在我大学的第一年我参加了一个爱心社。爱心社的任务是帮助那些需要帮助的人。我参加的第一个活动便是举行一次义卖,然后筹集善款,送到山区里的一个小学。义卖非常成功,学生们都非常支持这样的善举,纷纷献爱情捐钱捐学习用品。周末的时候我们带上所有的物资去到那个小学,我们看到了孩子们脸上的笑容,也看到了他们糟糕的学习条件。我感到自己身上有着改变这里的重大的责任。

    C: I think the experience of volunteering makes me realize that the philanthropy is important.I am willing to put myself into the charity career in the future.我想这些做志愿者的经验让我认识到慈善事业的重要性。我也愿意将来投身到慈善事业中

    A:Though the first year in college isn’t that easy for me, I still enjoy the campus life.虽然在大学的第一年对我来说不轻松,但是我很喜欢大学校园的生活。

    二,Environmental problems and anti pollution efforts A: Environmental problems are as big as not for inpidual country or inpidual people to address.In other words, we have reached the stage that environmental problems should be solved for international view.B: In recent years,many nations have become more aware of the environmental issues,such as air and water pollution.The question is,are the environmental issues a national problem or an international problem?

    C: It is my belief that the environmental issues have grown to the point of becoming an international problem needing international cooperation to resolve.D: Yes, Because of the differences in environmental policies,resources and technology,international cooperation could provide quicker results and have a greater impact on bringing resolution to environmental problems for nations of differing environmental policies and of lesser resources and technology.A: With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas.Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.B: Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed.The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing.Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to mans existence.C: Pollution has a bad influence on our life.The air is polluted by the smoke and fog coming out of the factory chimneys.Plants die for want of fresh air.The river is polluted and the fish are unfit to live.There is noise pollution made by cars and factories,etc,which hurts the ear.污染严重地影响我们的生活.工厂的烟囱里冒出的烟雾污染空气.植物由于缺少新鲜空气而枯死.河流污染,鱼不能生存.汽车、工厂发出噪音对人耳有害.D: So it's time to solve those problems.Fortunately, it isn't too late to correct our mistake.People are coming to realize the importanceof the environment.We have begun to try our best to improve it.所以,该是解决这些问题的时候了。幸运的是,现在改正错误还不晚。人们意识到环境的重要性。我们已经开始尽力改善环境。

    A: I suggest more trees be planted to keep the air fresh.We should purify the water and make use of the wastes and turn harm into good.我建议多植树以保持空气新鲜.我们应该使水净化,利用废物,转害为利.B: Laws are being made dealing with air,water and noise pollution.new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the public must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on.C:The river be bright, the sky will be clear, the flowers will bebeautiful, and the sunbeam will be dazzling and pretty.We believe that we will be able to save environment and live in a better world.将来,河流会更清澈,天空会更晴朗,花朵会更鲜艳,阳光会更灿烂、更温暖。保护环境会使我们生活在一个更加美好的世界中,D:We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.By cur common efforts,we will make a clean and purified environment for life and work.通过共同努力,我们将创造一个清洁、美丽的生活、工作环境.our

    三,Different cultures A: With the development of the modern science and technology, the whole world is changing into a global village.Therefore,different cultures, religions and ways of thinking will mix up and make us new styles of living.B: Everyone knows that there are lots of cultural differences between China and the western countries.Such as values ,single standard,socialetiquette,and so on.C: for example ,in china when we meet a acquaintance in the street ,we always ask with care :hi buddy,you look a little fat than before ,or hello man ,you look are so thin!whats the matter with you?But in western countries when they hear this questions ,they will be very embarrassed and didn’t know how to answer it.D: It is easy to see from the above examples that cultural barriers will truly affect cross-cultural communications.So it is necessary to study the differences between different cultures.A:We can summarize the differences as the following 4 aspects.The principle one is “Differences in value Concept and moral Criteria”—personal Honour VS Modesty ,let ‘s read this conversation and we can hold this :A(foreigner):You English is very good!B(Chinese student):No No,My English is very poor.A:You’ve done a good job!B:I don’t think so ,It is the result of joint efforts.B: My dream is to study abroad in the future.I am always that kind of life can come true soon.But, before I realize my dream, I have to do some preparation.I think the most important thing I need to do first is to adapt the life there.C: It is said that there is a big difference between the eastern and western culture.If I know nothing, it is easy for me to have culture conflict.It will put me into an embarrass place.I need to learn as much the cultural conflicts as possible to make my oversea life become easier.我的梦想是以后可以去留学。我总是希望那样的生活能早日成真。但是,在实现梦想之前,我得做一些准备工作。我想我首先需要做的是适应那里的生活。据说东西方文化是有差异的。如果我什么都不知道,很容易发生文化冲突。这会置我于一个尴尬的地方。我要尽量了解更多的文化冲突,这样我的留学生活才会变得更简单。

    B: Although people from different cultures have different points of view,they have to cooperate with the other people from another cultures or even from their opposite.C: Being a college student,he will be one of the main parts of the social trend.What he is talking about and what he is behaving will certainly become the social example after graduation.That is why it is very important for college students to be knowledgeable about different cultures.D: With the knowledge of different cultures, religions,educations,ways of thinking and styles of living,a college student can easily enter the modern society and work for it.Only because a college student has this mixture of the cultures,he can create a new social mode which will lead the society to a new or high level.A: Otherwise,without this mixture of knowledge and thinking,the whole society will become a total mess.Nounion,no co-operation and no mutual understanding, the global economy will stop developing.B: No doubt, lots of issues need international co-operation, such as environment preservation, natural disasters' prevention,anti-nuclear weapons and so on.C:Therefore,in our education,we have to make the study on different cultures a very important part for the college students so that we can create more qualified talents for this rapidly.D:I think both China or western countries have many advantages and should learn from each other ,help each other ,and more communication with each other.I believe both China and western countries will have very bright future!四,Sweets and bitters of family life 0:Family life sweets and bitterness B:How far are you away from home? C:Its quite far from here.D:I m in this province.A:You must be very missing your family.C:Yes, when i was in my home, i were quite selfwilled and treat my parents badly sometimes.But i miss them a lot while i am away from them.B:Yeah, there are amount of happy moments that we can never forget.D:Wheni were a little girl, my dad always play my favorate game with me.He lifted me and whirled.Have you played that game? It makes me feel flying in the sky and its quite intersting but also quite stimulating!A:I would like to praise my mom s cooking skills.She can make various dishes and every one tastes great.B:I live in a happy family.My family are all at my home in the evening.I always listening to music while my sister plays with a cat.My father reads a book.My mother and my grandparents are watching tv.they are all enjoying themselves.It is plain and natural but full of love.C:Me too.I like my family because mom and dad are very love me also very concerned about me, although my mother is very fierce, I sometimds will be punished when I do sth bad.but I know they are good for me.I'm in a bad mood, they will ask me what is, why is the mood bad and help me greatly.D:While there are some unhappy time in our family life.Sometimes my parents argue with each other and i can do nothing only to wait them to make peace again.A,B,C:Yes, mine too C:Thereare times that I have opposite opinions against my parents, and for example I want something while they refuse it and I become quite disappointed and annoyed.But as soon as I think of the love they give through life and I forget all the bad things soon.D: Maybe that’sthe magic of family.Family is the most familiar place for us, where there are our beloved families who care for and support to each other.B: In addtition, it’s a place full filled with love, although it appears to be so common.The ordinary household affairs make us feel the warmth and happiness of family all the time.A:The most important is that family is our haven, a place where we are protected.It perhaps is the last station where we can lay down burden and get the real relax.As the famous film says,Life was a box of chocolates,you never know what you're gonna get.五,Holidays and festival A: The Mid-autumn Festival is an important traditional fete day.It is on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month.Whenever the day is drawing near, families in China begin to get ready to celebrate it.They are busy preparing moon cakes and fruits.On the night, people stay out of doors sitting to appreciate the round, clear and bright moon over the sky, while eating moon cakes.But do you know the history of this festival?

    Yes,I know.It is a day established in memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan and people usually hold dragon boat races

    Dragon boat festival(端午节)is another chinese traditional feast day.It is said that Quyuan, a great poet in ancient China, took his own life in the Miluojiang River on that day.In honor of his illustrious life, people throw Zongzi, glutinous rice dumpling, into rivers to keep him from fishes to avoid being licked up.Besides, when the festival comes, it is already early summer, so families hang mugworts over the doorhead and drink yellow wine to git rid of diseases.Spring festivals is the most momentous of all the festivals in our country.The whole nation spend almost half a month joyfully celebrating the duration.They fire skyrockets, stick festival scrolls, pay New Year calls for one another and hold all kinds of festivities.the Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday.Besides the popular poultry and meat,people cook traditional food according to regional customs, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the new year cake.October 1st is the national day of our country, which is a public holiday for the whole country.It’s an important day that marks the beginning of PRC.In recent years, the national holiday means the golden week as well, which is a long holiday that we all expect to.With the improvement of living standards, people have more money and desire to travel and the golden week is a good chance for us.情人节

    Valentine's Day

    The affectionate message might be carried by a heart“Will you be my valentine?”


    April Fool′s Day 愚人节

    April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting.No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.愚人节是西方传统节日,这一天人们可以相互开玩笑,愚弄别人。没有人知道这个节日是怎么起源的,但一般认为是首先从法国开始的。复活节 Easter Day

    Most English holidays have a religious origin.Easter Day occurs on the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox.It is originally the day to commemorate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.But now for most people, Easter is a secular spring holiday,英国大部分节日都起源于宗教。复活节发生在过了春分月圆后的第一个星期日,原是纪念耶稣复活的日子。而现在对大多数人来说,复活节只是一个人们享受美好春光的普通节日。

    万圣节 Halloween Day One story about Jack,who was not allowed into Heaven because he was stingy with his money.But down to the hell he played tricks on the Devil(Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.关于万圣节有这样一个故事。是说有一个叫杰克的爱尔兰人,因为他对钱特别吝啬,就不允许他进入天堂,而被打入地狱。但是在那里他老是捉弄魔鬼撒旦,所以被踢出地狱,罚他提着灯笼永远在人世里行走。


    Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year' s bounty and reverently ask for continued blessings.今天的感恩节是一个不折不扣的国定假日。在这一天,具有各种信仰和各种背景的美国人,共同为他们一年来所受到的上苍的恩典表示感谢,虔诚地祈求上帝继续赐福。


    Christmas Day


    The name Christmas is short for “Christ's Mass”.A Mass is a kind of Church service.Christmas is a religious festival.It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus.六,Looking for a job 0:How time flies, 4 years after we are going to graduate, A:Do you have the feeling that there are lots of jobs out here but it seems you cannot find one? B:my sister felt the same when she hunted for a job before.She told me the first thing you should do is to know what you`re good at and put it into words.C:Actually, many of us are not naturally proficient at talking or writing about ourselves, so you have to brush up on the techniques.But do look objectively at yourself.实际上.许多人不擅长谈论或者描述自己.所以你需要练习这种技能.但一定要客观地看待自己.C:And after knowing myself, I may decide which job suits me.了解自己之后.我就可以确定什么工作适合我了.D:Right!Once you`ve worked out why you`re a good match for a job, it will be eaiser to make convincing applications.对!一旦你清楚自己适合什么工作.写出有说服力的求职申请就容易得多了.A:Then what should I do? B:Target the right employers, and reduce the chance of repeated rejection.找对雇主.减少被人拒绝的几率.A:I hate being rejected.It will make me unconfident.我讨厌被人拒绝.那会使我不自信.D:With any hunt there`s always the possibility of disappointment, but don`t let that turn into defeat.From every pursuit that doesn`t bring the result you want, there`s something to be learned.找工作总有令人失望的可能.但不要因此而气馁.每一次无果的求职经历都有值得学习的东西.A:Thank you very much.You`ve been very helpful.介绍自己想做的工作 blabla。。

    By the way, Do you think the salary is important? B:In my opinion, payment is very important.Since we are just the graduates without too much working experience, we had better not require a high-payment job.D:From my point of view, when looking for a job, our graduates will not pay too much attention on the salary.Instead, we are easily influenced by an employer's reputation or brand, career development opportunities, future earnings potential and any benefits package on offer.C: Nowadays, most graduates may have little bargaining power when they start their career.But what I need to point out is that the future of the society belongs to the people who are well-educated.And we are the very kind of people.We totally don’t need to accept when you know the initial wage you’re being offered is too low.Uh-hnm, there is no denying the fact that the working condition affects a lot when we look for a job.As I see, it’s also important for us to work with a group of people, who are friendly, energetic and well-united.D:Business makes a man as well as tries him.Hope we can choose a job that is suit us, enjoy it and then lose ourselves in it.七Different emotions A: Look at this picture.He looks sad.Perhaps something was bothering him.B: Yes.It's like something bad happened to him.We all have different emotions because of different things.C: And we are affected by different emotions.Positive emotions push us up, while negative emotions make us more depressed.D: In order to avoid the negative effects of negative emotions on us, we should learn to control emotions, especially to control negative emotions properly.And bad mood can even harm health.A: I think your opinion is quite reasonable.Being in a good mood is good for our physical and mental health.Forexample,some people do no understand why they still feel not well even though their life is regular.That's because they have too much stress in their mind and cannot relieve it.especially when they are in busy ,and even some of them do no have any awareness of the influence that their stress brings to them.B: Therefore, except for the regular life and exercise, we need to keep a good mood and relieve negative moods in time as much as possible.Although it is hard to achieve when we encounter some unpleased matters, we still need to try our best to do it, or try to shorten the time we are in negative moods.C:Look on the bright side!Emotions are created by us, and we can manage their fluctuations well.When we feel angry, we can find a quiet corner or do some sports you like to calm ourselves down.While if you are in a state of sadness,You can relax with a happy music and get a good sleep.When you wake up, you'll feel much better.D: Yes.We should be the master of the mentality while never be the slave of the sentiments.When the emotions come, we must tell ourselves to calm down, we can get angry for a while,but not all the time, only when we calm down can we think in a clear way.We have to face emotion problems now and then.if we do the right thing.then all is well.八plastic surgery A:Do you know about plastic surgery? B: Of course.And as far as I know, many celebrities have had plastic surgery.Even the famous stars.C:And many ordinary people are also keen on plastic surgery, they all hope to make themselves beautiful through plastic surgery.D:Becausethe biggest advantage of cosmetic surgery is its ability to turn an ordinary face to a very lovely one.It can make up for your regret of your body, your face or any other part of your body.A: You may become confident in your daily life, which will make you energetic in your work, so you may make greater achievements in your career.From this point of view, cosmetic surgery fulfills our dreams.B:However, as we all know, every coin has two sides.When we sing high praises for cosmetic surgery, we should not ignore its bad effects.C:The biggest threat hidden behind the cosmetic surgery is its insecurity.Many tragic incidents have been reported recent years that one gets hurt or blind or even dead when she adopts a cosmetic surgery.A person only has one chance of life.Nothing in the world is more important than life.D:Besides the biggest threat, another disadvantage in the cosmetic surgery is its untruthfulness.Many girls pay too much more attention to her face than her heart.One’s inner world is much more important than her face.A:As time passes, the most beautiful face in the world will become old, unlovely, but the experience and inner character will last forever.A:Besides the biggest threat, another disadvantage in the cosmetic surgery is its untruthfulness.Many girls pay too much more attention to her face than her heart.One’s inner world is much more important than her face.As time passes, the most beautiful face in the world will become old, unlovely, but the experience and inner character will last forever.B:Personally, I will not attempt.I think it is not necessary.I love my face, my legs and any part in my body.C: In China, there is an old saying that one’s hair and skin is given by his parents, so I think there no right for him to change our skin.D: In my opinion, plastic surgery is a personal right.If someone is willing to take risks to be beautiful, we can only respect the decisions of others.9Natural disasters[自然灾害] A: Look,That’s too horrible , I feeling helpless often when I see the natural disasters is coming up.(你们快来看看,真可怕,有时候看到这些自然灾害的发生,总让我有一种无助的感觉)

    B: Yes, people looks sotininess and helpless in front ofnatural power.(是啊,人在大自然的力量面前总是显得那么渺小,无助。

    C: But, do you know that many natural disasters happen is because of man-made.(但是你们知道吗,其实许多自然灾害都是人祸并非天灾。

    D: Yes, we bring about many invocatable hurt when we are development and utilizing natural resources;


    A: really? Do you know what is natural disasters?(怎么会呢,你知道什么是自然灾害么

    C: Sure Iknow , like earthquake, tsunami, typhoon(我当然知道,比如像是地震,海啸,台风

    B: How could it be related to human beings?(那怎么可能和人为有关系,这不都是大自然主导的么

    D: You do not know.In recent years, due to the overexploitation of human beings, the ecological balance has been destroyed, and the natural adjustment ability of the natural base has been reduced, resulting in the frequency of disasters.(你们有所不知,近些年由于人类的过度开发,导致破坏了生态平衡,使得自然本有的调节能力降低,致使灾害频生。

    A: Can you give an example?(那你能举个例子么

    C: For example, earthquakes caused by underground landslides caused by over exploitation of mineral resources, such as destroying coastal mangroves, causing tsunamis to rage.(比如过度开采矿产导致的地下塌方引起的地震,比如破坏沿海红树林导致海啸肆虐。

    B: Oh, oh, that's the way it is.No matter how we come to be a member of the earth, we should make some efforts.(哦哦原来是这个样子,不管怎么说我们人来身为地球上的一分子,都应该付出些努力

    D: Yes, that's the reason.We should protect the nature.This is very important, because the earth is also our home.(对,是这么个道理,我们应该保护好大自然,这很重要,因为地球也是我们的家。

    A: But with so much, I have been thinking, you said, the power of human beings is so small that we should not be more concerned about our own safety as inpiduals.(不过说了这么多,我还是一直在思考,你们说,人的力量这么渺小,我们作为个体不是更应该关心自身安全么。

    C: What you said is true.We should really improve our ability to help ourselves.We often take part in disaster prevention exercises and learn the right protection knowledge.(你说的也没错,我们确实应该提高自救能力,经常参加防灾演习,学习正确的防护知识。

    B: I think we should learn about these natural disasters so that we can understand them better and face them better.(我觉得还应该学习这些自然灾害的知识,这样我们才能深入了解他们,更好的面对他们

    D: I think from the government's point of view, we should strengthen the contingency plan for disaster prevention and control, so that we can do a good job of prevention and rescue at the fastest speed.(我觉得从政府的角度,应该加强灾害防治的应急预案,这样可以最快速度做好预防和救援工作。A,B,C:Well, right(嗯,对。

    10Recreational activities[娱乐活动]

    A: Come on, I think they play a lot of fun.(你们快来看,我觉得他们玩的游戏好好玩

    B: Well, it's not bad.Oh, yes, next week's class is going to organize a recreational activity.What do you all like?(嗯,还不错,哎对了,下周班级要组织一个文娱活动,你们都喜欢什么啊

    C: Recreational activities? It means sports, or art.(文娱活动?是指体育类的,还是艺术类的

    D: I think it's supposed to be sports(我觉得主要应该是体育类的吧

    A: No, no, it's a wide range of recreational activities.It can be playing games, playing balls, playing music, dancing and so on, and even reading books can also make entertainment.(不不不,文娱活动其实范围很宽泛的,可以是做游戏,可以是玩球,可以是玩音乐,跳舞等等,甚至看书也可使娱乐活动啊。

    B: Well, that's true.What kind of entertainment do you all enjoy?(嗯,确实如此,对了你们都喜欢什么娱乐活动啊。

    C: If I watch TV shows, I like watching TV plays.If nobody cares, I cantake a day.(看电视剧算不算,我就喜欢看电视剧,如果没人管我的话,我可以看上一天

    D: You know that watching TV shows, house girls, I still prefer to go out for sports, play badminton, go running or swimming, in good health.(你就知道看电视剧,宅女,我还是比较喜欢出去运动,打打羽毛球,出去跑跑步或者去游泳,身心健康。

    A: I, or quiet reading, play a mobile phone tired eyes, exercise tired body, or read good, moisten the soul.(我呀,还是安静的看书好,玩手机累眼睛,处于运动累身体,还是看书好,滋润心灵。

    B: Bookworm, I prefer the world of singing, dancing, music and art best.(书呆子,我还是更喜欢常常歌,跳跳舞,音乐和艺术的世界才是最好的。

    C: In this way, we like different directions, so which one do you think is better?(这样看来,我们喜欢的方向都不同啊,那你们觉得哪种更好呢。D: Of course, it's sports.How healthy it is to stroll around.(当然是体育运动咯,到处走走逛逛多健康。

    C: Come back in the summer, it's easy to get hurt and heatstroke.I think it's comfortable at home.I can blow air conditioning, lie watching TV plays, watch TV plays, sit and watch TV plays.(算了吧,夏天出去回来一身臭汗,还容易受伤,中暑,我看还是家里舒服,可以吹空调,躺着看电视剧,趴着看电视剧,坐着看电视剧。。A: Yes, I know you love watching TV plays, but I think that all of these recreational activities have all the benefits, but they are just different.Why do you want to be good or bad.(行了行了,知道你爱看电视剧,不过我倒是觉得,这些娱乐活动都各有各的好处,只是方式不同而已,干嘛要分个高低好坏呢。

    B: As a bookworm, I agree.I agree that each person is a different inpidual.People are born different, and later preferences are different, as long as they do not like it.(还是书呆子最有见解,我也同意,每个人本就是不同的个体,大家天生就不同,后期喜好更是不同,只要自己喜欢不就好了么。

    C: The reason is this truth, but how to organize class entertainment activities, everyone likes different, and can not be pided into high.(道理是这个道理,但是班级娱乐活动可怎么组织,大家喜欢的不一样,又不能分个高下,真是班委难当啊。

    D: Why don't the class get a vote for it? List the options so that you can choose what you like and then follow the majority view.(不如班级弄个投票试试?列出选项,让大家选自己喜欢的,然后按多数人的意见来。

    A: I don't think it's necessary to pide the details too much.Let's ask everyone if they want to do activities indoors or outdoors, then design a more colorful activity.(我觉得啊,其实没必要分的太细,就问问大家想在室内进行活动还是室外就行,然后再设计一个样式多一些的活动

    B: Yes, we can combine your preferences with you.(没错,我们可以把大家的喜好综合一下,也不错。



    A: You look at this picture, it's incredible.(你们看这个照片,简直太不可思议了。

    B;The earth is so big that there are too many incredible things.(地球之大,不可思议的事物太多了。

    C: Have you ever heard of something mysterious or superstitious?(你们都有没有听说过一些神秘的或者迷信的事情 D: Yes, of course.It's too much.(当然有了,太多了。

    A: The weirdest thing I have in my mind is the Bermuda Triangle.Have you heard of it? No matter what the plane or ship is, just go in and never come out again.(我印象里最诡异的就是百慕大三角,你们听说过么,无论飞机还是船,只要进去就再也出不来了,从此销声匿迹。

    B: I've heard of this.It's really unbelievable, but I don't know if it's true or false.Many things in the world are changed by the people.(这个我也听过,真的太令人难以置信了,但是也不知道是真是假,世界上好多事都是被世人口舌相传变了模样的。

    C: I believe I believe, I told you, I heard a high school student said, their home before a child always cry, and then his mother asked the man to ask, said the child isentangled in a ghost, so he asked to find a person to resolve it, the result that the child is really good.(反正我信,我跟你说,我听我一个高中同学说,他们家以前有个孩子总哭,然后他妈妈就找了个算卦的人问,说孩子着邪了,于是就让找了个人给化解一下,结果那孩子就真的好了。

    D: I think you are feudal superstition, isn't it normal for the children to cry? I think the statues on Easter Island on Easter Island is the most magical.(我觉得你那是封建迷信,孩子哭不是很正常吗,我倒是觉得复活节岛上的石人(statues on easter island)才是最神奇的。

    A :Yes, you said such a big stone was made like this, was it made by aliens?(是啊,你说那么大的石头做成这样,是不是外星人造的啊

    B: I remember a stone Stonehenge similar to that built by huge stones.(我记得有个石林(Stonehenge)也是相类似的,由巨大的石头搭建成

    C: What you said is not what I am interested in.What I am most interested in is the ancient civilization which is remote and mysterious.(你们说的,都不是我感兴趣的,我最感兴趣的还是那些久远而有神秘莫测的古国文明。

    D:Me too.For example, Atlantis and Mayan civilization, these are all wrapped up in mysterious veils.(我也是,比如亚特兰蒂斯,玛雅文明,这些也都披着神秘的面纱一直不得其结

    A:Yes, time is too long to be verified.It is only by human imagination


    B:But no matter how mysterious they are, with the progress of modern science and knowledge technology, we can gradually uncover their mysterious veil.(不过不管他们怎样神秘莫测,随着现代科学和知识技术的进步,我们也能慢慢揭开他们的神秘面纱

    C: Well, all of these remind us that we must protect the cultural and material heritage of our country.That’s wealth to our descendants.(嗯,不过,这些也都提醒了我们,要保护好自己国家的文化和物质遗产,这些才是我们留给后代的财富

