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    五年级英语上册 Lesson5 What Do They Like to Do教案 冀教版

    栏目:十号文库 来源:网络 作者:清幽竹影 时间:2024-07-16 00:52:10 下载.docx文档

    第一篇:五年级英语上册 Lesson5 What Do They Like to Do教案 冀教版

    冀教版五年级英语上册教案Lesson5:What Do They Like to Do ?

    本课通过有关游戏、活动短语的再现,引导学生通过运用句型I like to.和He/She likes to.谈论自己及他人的爱好,并能运用所学词汇same、different进行比较。






    (2)把握下列句式: I like to.He/She likes to.能力目标: 学生能够运用所学句式谈论自己及他人的爱好爱好。

    情感目标: 培养学生广泛的爱好爱好及大胆使用英语表达的勇气和信心,使其对英语布满浓厚的学习爱好。


    在巩固各种游戏、活动短语的基础上,对句式He/She likes to 动词单三的理解和在具体语言环境中的正确运用。



    Step One:Class Opening and Review


    T:Class begins!Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello, Miss Xia!T:Everybody,please stand up!Let’s sing the greeting song together , OK? S:OK(设计意图:通过一首轻松愉悦的问候歌将学生引入英语课堂,不仅拉近了师生关系,更为下面的英语学习营造了氛围)

    2、Revision(play a game:guess the action)



    专心 1 Ask one student to act out the action that the teacher wrote on the cards in advance,the other students try to guess.(The prepared actions are:go for a walk、read books、sing a song、watch TV、play ping—pong、fly a kite、play/work on the computer)After the game,the teacher let the students complete the funny activities as many as possible.(设计意图:通过有趣的猜词游戏,使学生们的热情进一步高涨,在加上游戏后的短语补充环节,既实现了相关知识的全面再现,又培养了学生们的发散思维,并为下面的学习做好了充分的知识储备,提供了丰富的语言信息)Step Two:Presentation 1)T:There are so many interesting things to do.I like to watch TV.I like to fly a kite and I like to read the newspaper.(Teacher does the action)Class, look!What’s this? It’s “newspaper”.Follow me, please!S:“newspaper”

    T:Now I’m a reporter.What do you like to do? S1 S2 S3 ……分别回答

    (设计意图:根据学生认知特点,在适时的语言环境中进行句型的学习和操练,并学会新词“newspaper”。老师以记者的身份出现,学生们很新奇都愿意大胆的运用英语和教师交谈,增强孩子们用英语表达的欲望。)2)The teacher continues to interview: T:What is your name? S:My name is XXX T:What do you like to do ? S:I like to T:oh,I know.XXX likes to.He/She likes to.Follow me, please!(教师适时板书,将“s”用红粉笔标出)S:He/She likes to.教师多做几组此类的句型转换,使学生加强对第三人称单数动词变化的理解

    (设计意图:红色粉笔对学生的视觉刺激加大,引起他们的充分留意)3)Free Talk Station T:I think everyone here have a happy family.What do they like to do in your family?



    专心 You can choose any family members you like.You can say :My mother likes to My uncle likes to ……

    S1 S2 S3 ……分别做出回答


    T:Now,look at my family.This is my grandfather.He likes to play checkers.I like to play checkers, too.We are the same.Follow me “same”(教师将其贴在黑板上)S:”same”

    T:This is my mother.She likes to read the newspaper.But I like to watch TV.We are different.Say it please!S:different(设计意图:将单词放到具体句子中去理解比孤立的学习更有效)Step Three:Practice(investigation)

    The students try to finish filling the chart in 5 minutes by asking their friends “What do you like to do?” Students can go to find their friends and write the answers in the chart.After the activity, they will talk about their charts.names likes to do something

    They are.(the same、different)(设计意图:这是一项任务型活动,在拟定真实的环境中,使学生能够较真实的运用语言,积极进行表达,以达到巩固知识的目的,同时学生的任务是开放性的,在此锻炼了他们口头、笔头及语言表达的能力)Step Four:Textbook We have learnt Li Ming has a big family.Now do you want to know what do they like to do in Li Ming’s family? OK, let’s learn lesson5: What Do They Like to Do? Listen to the text carefully, then try to fill in the blanks in your groups.用心


    专心 1)Li Ming’s grandfather likes to

    2)Li Ming、his mother and father like to in the evening.3)His aunt likes to 4)Li Ming likes to read.But his cousin likes to watch.They are(the same different)5)Li Ming likes to eat.His cousin likes to eat.They are(the same different)While finishing, the teacher check up the answers.(设计意图:前面的学习已为本课的学习打下了坚实的基础,所以这一环节不再只是简单的“听”句子与简单的模拟“说”句子,在此更高一层的要求学生能思维性的“听”,并能逻辑性、总结性的“写”、“说”。以小组形式进行讨论填写,增强孩子们的合作意识,并能带动对这一环节有困难的学生)Step Five:Consolidation and Extension Now we know what they like to do in Li Ming’s family.I want you to be a reporter, ask your family members or your friends “what do you like to do?” Make a survey by yourselves.The teacher first gives an example names likes to

    do something

    My mother likes to

    read the newspaper ……



    专心 Interview as many as possible , but at least 5 persons.You can finish it at home and talk about with your friends.Next class I will choose the best reporter who interviewed the most and give a gift.Do you want to get it? OK, try hard!(设计意图:为学生搭建一个展示所学的平台并延伸到课外,继续巩固已学知识。另外,作业的布置上考虑了不同层次的学生,遵循了“下要保底,上不封顶”的原则,让有能力的同学有更大的提高和创造空间,尤其是下节课评选最佳记者和得奖品环节的设置,让他们有了强大的动力和浓厚的爱好,增强了竞争的意识)Step Six:Class Closing T:I’m sorry to say time is up!Goodbye , my friends!S:Goodbye,Miss Xia!

    T:Wish you have a happy time!



    专心 5


    Lesson 13 Beijing is Great!教学目标


    能听、说、读、写单词:love, travel, interesting, place

    能认读、理解并应用下列句型:there are many interesting places in Beijing.It’s great!教学重难点:

    能听、说、读、写单词:love, travel, interesting, place

    能认读、理解并应用下列句型:there are many interesting places in Beijing.It’s great!教

    法:情景教学法 学法指导:小组合作



    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!Where do we live?

    2、Review(1)通过问答操练复习上学期最后一个单元的重要词汇(map, China, Canada, English, capital, city).(2)复习学生已掌握的关于地点名称的词汇,提问:Where is the capital city of our country?

    what do you know about Beijing?

    Do you love to travel?

    Where do you want to go?

    Step2 New Concepts

    1、Demonstrate(1)用一张中国地图来示范Beijing.(2)用一个手偶角色来演示trip。例如:在黑板的一端画一圆圈来代表旅行的目的地(选择一个城市)。教师组织手偶如下对话: 手偶:I am going to on a trip。教师Where are you going ? 手偶:I am going to

    (目的地的名称)教师:Do you live in

    (目的地的名称)手偶:No, I live in

    (所在城市的名称)。教师:Do you love to travel? 手偶:yes.(所在城市的名称)。教师:Where do you to go?


    2、Use the students book and audiotape








    9)、以小组为单位,练习对话。Step4、检查学生掌握情况 Step5、布置作业


    Step1 Class Opening and review 1.Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!Where do we live? 2.Free talk

    Where is the capital city of our country?

    What do you know about Beijing?

    Do you love to travel?

    Where do you want to go?

    Step2:practice 1)小导游:假如你是小导游代我们去北京旅游,你怎样介绍北京的景点。在小组内说一说。




    Step2: 布置作业

    Lesson 14 May I go to Beijing ? 教学目标


    能听、说、读、写单词:may, young, come, great.掌握句型May I /we.......? Yes, you may./No , you may not.能力目标

    准确理解和掌握句型May I /we

    ? Yes, you may./No , you may not.情感目标


    能听、说、读、写单词:may, young, come, great.掌握句型May I /we.......? Yes, you may./No , you may not.教

    法:情景教学法 学法指导:小组合作 课件使用:单词卡 教学课时:2课时


    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!Where do we live?


    Beijing is very great.提问:Is Li Ming going on a trip? Where is he going?(2)Li Ming want to come to Beijing,接下来他要干什么?播放课文录音。Step2 New Concepts

    1、Demonstrate(1)他征求妈妈的意见时会怎样说?教师 板书句型 May I go on a trip to Beijing ?讲解句意

    (2)利用单词卡向学生演示怎样替换句型: May I

    ? Yes, you may./ No, you may not.(3)两人一组边指着卡片边做对话练习。例如:May I read a book? Yes, you may./ No, you may not(I’m afraid not).May I eat an apple? May I live in Beijing?

    (替换词语:read a book, sing a song, write a story, draw a picture, eat an apple,go to Beijing, live in Beijing,…)(4)指两名学生上台表演,师生共同评议。2.Practice(1)播放课文录音,让学生一边听一边跟读。



    用句型May I

    ? Yes, you may./ No, you may not.造句。


    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!Where do we live?




    1.做“Mother, May I ?”游戏。

    方法:要求两人一组,一个站着,一个坐着。站着的学生扮演另一个学生的妈妈或爸爸。这位学生要做某事前,必须问他的伙伴:Mother/Father, may I go to the library to read the book ?如果其同伴说:Yes, you may go这位学生便可以加入旅程并且说:Let’s go!否则,这个学生还要原地坐着,“旅程”中的学生便说Let’s go!并且再找其他的学生。

    可以使用以下短语:read a book, sing a song, write a story, draw a picture, eat an apple,go to Beijing, live in Beijing。

    2、小组汇报,师生共同评议。教师及时给予鼓励。Step3:let’s do it!




    Lesson 15 May I invite Danny and Jenny? 教学目标


    能听、说、读、写单词:call 掌握句型this is......May I speak to......?

    May I.....? Yes, you may./ No, you may not.能力目标

    通过对这次北京旅行知识的学习,学生可以增加其标准英语短语和词汇的总量。情感目标 进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点:

    能听、说、读、写单词:call 掌握句型this is......May I speak to......?

    May I.....? Yes, you may./ No, you may not.教学难点:运用所学的旅行知识进行简单的英语会话。教

    法:情景教学法 学法指导:小组合作



    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!Where do we live?


    用“Mother, May I ?”的变化形式2做游戏。板书:car,bus,airplane,cab,bicycle

    方法:要求两人一组,一个站着,一个坐着。站着的学生扮演另一个学生的妈妈或爸爸。这位学生要做某事前,必须问他的伙伴:Mother/Father, may I go to the library to read the book?如果其同伴说:Yes, you may go这位学生便可以加入旅程并且说:Let’s go!否则,这个学生还要原地坐着,“旅程”中的学生便说Let’s go!时,教师指向黑板上的一个单词,然后学生说:Let’s go by

    .并且用这种方式旅行到另一个同学那里 Step2 New Concepts

    (1)用come,go 进行角色扮演。

    请一个学生先“来”,然后再 “去”。


    教师:I want to go on a trip to Beijing!(拿起行李箱,手指前方开始走)Here I go!(停下来并指向一名学生)You come, too.You come whith me.(开始与学生一起走)Let’s go!

    (3)板书go come 指名说一说这两个词的意思。并请几个学生演示go,come。

    2、Use the students book and audiotape












    用句型Where are you going ? I am going to

    (目的地的名称)和May I

    ? Yes, you may./ No, you may not.造句。

    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!Where do we live?


    (1)用“Mother, May I ?”的变化形式2做游戏。板书:car,bus,airplane,cab,bicycle

    方法:要求两人一组,一个站着,一个坐着。站着的学生扮演另一个学生的妈妈或爸爸。这位学生要做某事前,必须问他的伙伴:Mother/Father, may I go to the library to read the book?如果其同伴说:Yes, you may go这位学生便可以加入旅程并且说:Let’s go!否则,这个学生还要原地坐着,“旅程”中的学生便说Let’s go!时,教师指向黑板上的一个单词,然后学生说:Let’s go by


    (2)用句型Where are you going ? I am going to

    (目的地的名称)和May I

    ? Yes, you may./ No, you may not.造句。


    (4)分角色朗读课文。3:Use the activity book






    Lesson 16 How can we go to Beijing? 教学目标


    能听、说、读、写单词:plane, train, fast, slow, from.....to....学生能认读、理解并应用下列基础的句型结构:How far is it from ____

    to _____? It’s about… Kilometers.能力目标

    学生能认读、理解并应用下列基础的句型结构:How far is it from ____

    to _____? It’s about… Kilometers.情感目标


    教学重难点:学生能认读、理解并应用下列基础的句型结构:How far is it from ____

    to _____? It’s about… Kilometers.教

    法:情景教学法 学法指导:小组合作



    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!

    2、Review(1)做游戏“Spell it”复习表示交通方式的词汇bike, car, cab, bus.将全班分为两组,教师在黑板上画上空白线表示任意单词或短语,两组学生在黑板轮流猜空白处应填入的字母,猜对一个字母,教师写在相应的位置上,然后从头到尾正确地读出来。最先拼度正确地一组为获胜者。

    (2)要求学生找出这些词的词汇卡片,然后在卡片上画出与单词相配的图画。Step2 New Concepts

    1、Demonstrate(1)教学fast, slow

    教师一边说fast,一边快速行走,板书fast讲解词义并反复领读。用同样的方法学习单词slow.(2)用卡片演示plane。然后教师引导学生进行如下对话: 教师:(举着卡片)What’s this ? 全班:A plane.全班:Yes.注意:plane是airplane的缩写。

    2、Use the students book and audiotape



    教师:How far is

    ?或How far is it from


    ? It’s about…学生:About


    Step3、教授《教科书》第三步分的“The Trip Song” Step4、布置作业


    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!

    2、Review Sing a song.“The Trip Song”(3)指明分角色朗读课文。Step2 New Concepts









    10、以小组为单位,练习对话。Step3、let’s do it

    指名上台角色表演对话。Step4、Use the activity book



    3、再听录音,将题再看一遍 Step5:布置作业

    Lesson17 The Travel Plan 教学目标


    能听、说、读、写单词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:I’m going to.....We are going to......IWe will......能力目标 学生能写出或说出一个基本的旅行计划。

    情感目标 通过对这次北京旅行知识的学习,学生可以增加其标准英语短语和词汇的总量。进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重难点:

    能听、说、读、写单词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.学生能认读、理解、并应用下列基础的句型结构:I’m going to.....We are going to......IWe will......教

    法:情景教学法 学法指导:小组合作


    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!

    2、Review(1)做游戏用以复习一年中月份的表达法.※出示标有个月份的卡片,从一月份开始,全班同学一起依次读出个月份,重复几遍。※指两名学生上台,让他们闭上眼睛,教师迅速打乱卡片的顺序,让这两名学生依次归位并读出个月份,如果出错,可请其他同学帮助他们完成。(2)做What day is it?游戏用以复习星期名称、月份名称以及序数词的表达法。(3)唱The Trip Song.Step2 New Concepts











    10、以小组为单位,练习对话。Step4、let’s do it!

    制作自己的一周旅行计划 Step5、letters and sounds

    教授三个新字母和字母组合:ijh, y,i, 在单词中的发音。

    Lesson18 Billy Bee 教学目标





    情感目标:渗透关爱意识,懂得“爱人者,人恒爱之”的道理。学法指导:小组合作学习课件使用:录音机、磁带 教学课时:1课时

    Step1 Class Opening and review

    1、Class Opening

    Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

    Good morning/afternoon, class!Where do we live?


    Sing a song.“The Trip Song” Step2 Story

    1、Prepare to read

    二、多媒体课件出示故事Billy Bee

















    T:Happy chinese new year,everyone,i am so glad to see u again,do u have a good vocationduring the spring festival?i hope u will tell me your happy things to me,and let me share your happiness,ok?now,let's begin our talk about something interesting during the holiday.1、Did you have a happy new year?

    S: yes,i did2、How did you spend your Spring Festival?

    S:eating dumplings;playing games;

    T:As everybody knows ,Spring Festival is the one of traditional festival of our chinese,however it's the time to celebrate and get together for every family.People usually cook many delicious dishes during the spring festival,then the members of family enjoy the supper,especially they will cook dumplings,and the children would like to set off firecrackers.The spring festival is one that we chinese celebrate it in each year.3、Did you stay at home or go travelling for the new year?

    S:Yes, I stayed at home at Spring Festival4、What did you usually do over the winter vacation?

    S:my brother and i usually made some snow men.we made a boy with the snow and named him TOM.we also played some games there outdoors with the snow balls.5、T:that’s funny.Now the new term starts,you should concentrate your attention on your schoolwork.Could you tell me something about your plans for English learning ,please?

    S:The new year is coming ,i have a new plan for my study.first i have to do my homework everyday.Second i have to answer question actively in class,and write note every english class.at last I have to get a good score in this term ,and be a good student in class!


    My family

    I have a happy family.There are three people in my family.They are my father,mother and I.My father is thirty-five years old.He is young.He is 1.8 metres tall.He is tall.He is a businessman..He goes to work by car.He likes to go to the gym to play ping-pong.He likes blue.My mother is thirty-two years old.She is younger than my father.She is 1.6 metres tall.She is shorter than my father.She is a teacher.She works in a school.She goes to work by bicycle.She likes red.She likes to eat apple.She likes to read a book.I’m a student.I’m 13 years old.I have short,straight and black hair.I have big and black eyes.I’m 1.5 metres tall.I go to school on foot.I like red,too.I like apple,I like to eat fish.This is my family.I love my family.I

    Hello!My name is x x.I’m a student.My birthday is Januaryeighth.I’m 13 years ld.I have short,straight and black hair.I have big and black eyes.I’m 1.5 metres tall.I’m wearing sweater ,jeans and shoes.I live in a house.My address is 100 Nineth Street.I go to school on foot.I like red.I like jeans.I like apple,I like fish and donut.I like summer.I can swim in the ocean.I like to play basketball best.My Good Friend

    My good friend is Wu Qiangqian.She has short,straight and black hair.Her eyes are big.Sometimes she wears glasses.She is twelve years old.She is 1.5 metres tall.She usually wears a green and purple blouse and blue pants.Her favourite colour is blue.Her favourite food is rice she likes to play ping-pong.I like to play

    ping-pong.too.This is my friend.My Aunt

    This is my anut.She is 36 years old.She is younger than my mother.She is 1.7 metres tall.She is shorter than my father.She has long,black and straight hair.She has black eyes.She wears glasses.She is a teacher.She goes to school by bicycle.She likes to play ping-pong.She likes red.She is beautiful.I love my aunt.China

    China is our country.China is big.We live in China.We speak Chinese.China is red on the map.Beijing is the capital city of China.The U.S.is east of China.China’s flag is red.It has yellow stars.Tian’anmen Square in Beijing.The Palace Museum in Beijing.It’s old andbeautiful.I love China.Canada

    Canada is green country on the map.Ottawa is the capital city of Canada.Danny and tenny live in Canada.They speak English and French.The U.S.is south of Canada.Canada’s flag is red and white.It has a leaf.Niagara Falls and Rocky Mountain in Canada.The U.S

    The U.S.is purple country on a map.Washington D.C.is the capital city of the U.S.They speak English.China is weat of the U.S.Canada is north of the U.S.The flag of

    the U.S.has stars and stripes.It’s red,white and blue.The president lives in the White House.Statue of Liberty in New York.The U.K.The U.K.is blue country on a map.London is the capital of the U.K.They speak English.The U.K.is west and a little north of China.The U.K.’s flag is red,white and blue.The kings and queens live in Buckingham Palace in London.Australia

    Australia is yellow country on a map.Canberra is the capital of Australia.They speak English.Australia’s flag is blue.It has white starts and a little flag.It’s the U.K.’s flag.Kangaroos live in Australia.It has beautiful beaches.A plan of trip

    Beijing is a big city.I want to go on a trip to Beijing with my father and mother.Beijing is far from here.We go to Beijing by train.We need three tickets from my city to Beijing.I need some clothes.We leave my city and arrive in Beijing on

    Monday.We go to Tian’an men Square on Tuesday.We go to the zoo to watch the animals on Wednesday.We go shopping on Thursday.We leave Beijing and arrive my city On Friday.I love my trip.Do you like to go on a trip?

    第五篇:五年级英语上册 unit3 Lesson23教案 冀教版


    Lesson 23 Are You Ready for a Quiz? Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge aims: a.To review mastery vocabulary of this unit.b.To tell a story using the words which they have learned in this unit.2.Skill aims: a.to develop Ss’abilities of listening and speaking.b.to foster Ss’abilities of communication , their innovation

    c.to train Ss’abilities of working in groups and studying in co-operate skillfully.3.Affect:to foster Ss’consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.Key-points: To review mastery vocabulary and sentences in this unit.Difficult points: To finish the test by themselves.教具、学具:录音机、卡片 教学过程: Class Opening free talk: T:How are you ,today? T:Can you tell me ,How is the weather today? T :What is this ?(point to hat)T: Where is this ? T: Please look I have a gift for you.guess, what is in the hat? Play“Simon Says” to review the words“jump,run,walk,sit,stand.” Ss like to talk with each other.S1:I am fine thanks.S2:It is sunny.S3: This is a hat.S4:This is on the desk.1 Ss like to guess it(jacket,cat,ticket,marker,teddy bear…)Ss can do the action and read these words.通过与学生进行情感交流,活动来稳定学生适应英语环境,激发学习动机和学习热情。同时以游戏的形式,以旧引新,启发学生积极思维。随时应用形成性评价即时鼓励学生。Story prepare to read the story T: Don’t run , Danny is lost.T: Where is Danny? T:What is Danny doing? T:Now Let’s discussion.read the story “Danny is lost”

    and then listen to the tape sentence by sentence.T:Boys and girls, you did a very good job.please open your books.Let’s listen to the tape and read after it,ok? Ss like to talk using as much English as possible.Ss:Beijing,classroom,gym Ss:going on a trip.Ss can read this story following the tape.通过有目的的提问,学生能带着问题去学习学


    Class Activity Discuss the Story(Group Discussion)Show the opinions of the students for the Story Present the Story T:Wonderful, now please open your student book then listen and answer these question.Ss can fluntly say something about the story in pairs.Ss can cooperate to do it.They like to talk it.group work为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现的空间。Class Closing Main idea of the story.Use The Student Book to test students listening and speaking.板书设计:

    Lesson 23

    Are You Ready for a Quiz ? l

    Is an airplane faster / slower than train ?





    May I go on a trip to Beijing / the hotel ? 课后反思:

    五年级英语上册 Lesson5 What Do They Like to Do教案 冀教版
    2024在全校期中总结大会上的讲话(政教刘诗根) 2