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    栏目:二号文库 来源:网络 作者:雾花翩跹 时间:2024-09-13 18:56:10 下载.docx文档































    1.civilization[英] [ˌsivilaiˌzeiʃən] [美] [ˌsɪvəlɪˌzeʃən] n.文明,文化;开化,教化;修养;文明社会;

    2.civilize[英] [ˌsivilaiz] [美] [ˌsɪvəˌlaɪz] vt.使文明;使开化;教化;

    3.proceed[英] [prəˌsi:d] [美] [proˌsid, prə-] vi.进行;前进;(沿特定路线)行进;

    4.essential[英] [iˌsenʃəl] [美] [ɪˌsɛnʃəl] adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的; n.必需品;基本要素;必不可少的东西

    5.fulfill[英] [fulˌfil] [美] [fʊlˌfɪl] vt.履行(诺言等);执行(命令等);达到(目的);使结束;fulfill needs---满足需要 6.alternative[英] [ɔ:lˌtə:nətiv] [美] [ɔlˌtɚnətɪv, æl-] adj.非正统的,不寻常的;两者择一的;

    n.二中择一;可供选择的事物;取舍;非传统(或他择性)生活方式的追随者.7.leisure[英] [ˌleʒə] [美] [ˌliʒɚ, ˌlɛʒɚ] n.空闲时间;闲暇;悠闲;安逸 adj.空闲的;闲暇的; 8.domestic servant家奴;家政服务。

    9.cease[英] [si:s] [美] [sis] vt.停止,终止,结束;

    10.scrubbing[skrʌbɪŋ] v.用力擦洗,刷洗(scrub的现在分词); 11.feminine[英] [ˌfeminin] [美] [ˌfɛmənɪn] adj.有女性气质的;女子

    12.counterparts[ˈkauntəpɑ:ts] n.与对方地位相当的人,与另一方作用相当的物(counterpart的名词复数);同仁; 13.subtle[英] [ˌsʌtl] [美] [ˌsʌtl] adj.微妙的;敏感的;狡猾 14.hurdle[英] [ˌhə:dl] [美] [ˌhɚdl] n.障碍,困难;跳栏;障碍赛跑;[史]囚笼,囚车; vi.克服困难;越过障碍;参加跨栏赛跑; vt.跳过障碍;跳栏;用疏篱围住;克服困难 15.spark[英] [spɑ:k] [美] [spɑrk] n.燃烧的颗粒;火星,火花,余火;(金属的)发光的颗粒;电火花 vi.发出火星,发出闪光;热烈赞同;正常运转; vt.发动,触发;激起运动,鼓舞; spark an interest in 激发兴趣

    16.assess[英] [əˌses] [美] [əˌsɛs] vt.评定;估价;对(财产、收入等)进行估价(作为征税根据);确定(损害赔偿金、税款、罚款等)的金额;

    17.multiple[英] [ˌmʌltipl] [美] [ˌmʌltəpəl] adj.多重的;多个的;复杂的;多功能的

    18.go in for[英] [ɡəu in fɔ:] [美] [ɡo ɪn fɔr] 从事;参加;喜欢;支持


    19.corporation n.公司;法人;社团,团体;

    20.numb[英] [nʌm] [美] [nʌm] adj.麻木的,失去感觉的;无动于衷的,没感情的; vt.使麻木,使麻痹;

    21.toss[英](轻轻或漫不经心地)扔;(使)摇荡;摇匀;(为……)掷硬币决定; n.掷硬币决定;向上甩头;猛仰头(尤指表示恼怒或不耐烦);(尤指比赛或游戏中)投掷; 22.sleep disorder睡眠障碍,失眠;

    23.fill(使)充满,(使)装满 vt.满足;配药;(按订单)供应;使充满(感情); n.填满……的量;充分;装填物;路堤; 24paten[英] [ˈpeitənt] [美] [ˈpætnt] n.专利;专利品;专利权;专利证; adj.专利的,显然,显露;明摆着的; vt.获得…专利,给予…专利权;取得专利权;

    25.correspond [ˈkɔrisˈpɔnd]vi.符合,相似,一致;相应;通信;Eg: Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race.观看赛马比赛的观众将获得一个与某一匹赛马相对应的号码。26.Be allergic to 对……过敏

    27.feature[英] n.特征,特点;容貌,面貌;(期刊的)特辑故事片 vt.使有特色;描写……的特征;以……为号召物;

    vi.起主要作用;作重要角色;重点介绍.28.air[英] [eə(r)] [美] [er] n.天空;气氛;空运;(简单易记的)曲调; vt.& vi.晾晒;烘干;播送;广播;vt.使房间通风 透气;

    29.Assure vt.向……保证;使……确信;This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!

    30.principal[英] [ˌprinsəpəl] [美] [ˌprɪnsəpəl] adj.最重要的;主要的;资本的;本金的; n.首长;[法]委托人,当事人;校长 31.fragile[英] [ˌfrædʒail] [美] adj.易碎的,脆的;虚弱的; 32.dress coden.着装标准;code密码;暗码;代码.行为准则;规则;法典;法规

    33.severe[英] [siˌviə] [美] [səˌvɪr] adj.严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的;苛刻的

    34.recession[英] [riˌseʃən] [美] [rɪˌsɛʃən] n.经济衰退,不景气;后退,撤退;凹处;退场;

    35.luxury n.奢侈,豪华;奢侈品,美食,美衣;乐趣,享受;不常有的乐趣(或享受、优势); adj.奢华的,豪华的; 36.flock[英] [flɒk] [美] [flɑːk] n.兽群,鸟群;群众;棉束;大堆,大量; vi.群集,成群结队而行;

    37.exceed 超过 38.emission 排放

    39.acknowledge vt.承认;鸣谢;对……打招呼;告知已收到; 40.shield[英] [ʃi:ld] [美] [ʃild] n.盾;护罩;盾形奖牌;保护人; vt.保护;掩护;庇护;给……加防护罩;

    41.shrink通常指布料、衣服等洗后)缩水,收缩,缩小,因害怕、震惊或厌恶)退缩,(使)减少 6A 1.crew [kru] n.全体船员;全体乘务员;一群 vt.当(尤指船上的)工作人员;

    2.Voice n.嗓音;(动词的)语态;呼声,发言权; vt.发音;表达

    voice opinion发表意见

    3.Unease n.不安;忧虑,担心; uneasy adj.心神不安的;不稳定的;不舒服的 Uneasines [ʌnˌizɪnɪs] n.担心;不安;局促;拘束;

    4.speak up 大声讲;畅所欲言,清楚地表明看法; 5.Ability------------inability

    6.flourish [ˌflʌriʃ] vi.挥舞;茂盛,繁荣;活跃,蓬勃; vt.挥动,挥舞; n.挥舞,挥动;花样,华丽的辞藻;繁荣的——flourished



    8.Stereotype [ˌsteriəˌtaɪp] n.陈规旧习,旧规矩;固定的形式 vt.使成陈规;把……浇铸成铅版;

    9.go against 违背

    10.received wisdom 人们普遍认为

    11.Acute [əˌkjut] adj.尖的,锐的;敏锐的,敏感的;严重的,剧烈的;[医]急性的; acute vision 敏锐的监察能力 12.Hands-on 实际操作的;亲身实践的;亲自做的

    13.masterfuladj.善于控制别人的,善于控制形势的,熟练的娴熟 的;

    14.reinforce vt.加固;使更结实;加强;充实;增兵 n.加强;

    reinforce the power of the large counties 15.Cultivate

    vt.耕作,种植;教养,栽培;改善;交朋友; 16.Vocal 大声说出的;直言不讳的;激烈表达意见的 17.Self-worth 自我价值,自我价值感,自尊 18.single-minded pursuit 一心一意的追求

    19.pay off 付清;(付清工资后)解雇;取得成功;使得益; 20.plentiful [ˌplɛntɪfəl] adj.丰富的;富产的;丰饶的;充沛; 21.recruit [riˈkru:t] n.新兵;(机构中的)新成员;新学生;


    22.junior [ˌdʒunjɚ] adj.较年幼的,较年小的;三年级的,低



    23.senior [ˌsinjɚ] adj.(级别、地位等)较高的;资深的;年长的;<美>最高年级的;n.上级;<美>毕业班学生;较年长者;地位较高的,资历较深的;

    24.submit [səbˌmɪt] vi.顺从,服从;甘受,忍受; vt.使服从,使顺从;提交,呈送;submit application提交申请

    25.the Beijing Municipal Personal Bureau 北京市人事局 26.in suburban areas 在郊区 27.seize the opportuniy to do sth 28.start one's career 开始某人的职业生涯

    29.deputy [ˌdepjuti] n.副手;代理人;代表; adj.副的代理的;

    deputy director副主任;

    30.compete---competition 31.administration [ ædˌmɪnɪˌstreʃən] n.管理;实行;(政府)


    32.Candidate [ˌkændidit] n.报考者;申请求职者; 33.follow through and follow up 贯彻和落实 34.sacrifice 牺牲,奉献 35.credit 学分 36.personal growth 37.something 重要的人和物

    38.struggle to do sth 挣扎着做某事,努力做某事 39.fee 费

    40.alert adj.警觉的,警惕的,注意的;思维敏捷的;活泼的; n.警报;警戒状态; vt.向……报警;


    1.Winterize vt.作过冬准备,在…装御寒设备;使适应冬季使用; 2.Hibernate [ˌhaɪbəˌneɪt](某些动物)冬眠,蛰伏; 3.in line with 跟…一致,符合;本着; 4.Artificial 人造的;人工的;虚假的artificial lignting人工照明

    Artificial laugh 假笑 5.electric bulb n.电灯泡; 6.Ancestor 7.Insomnia n.[医]失眠,失眠症; 8.hit upon 偶然发现;

    9.rhythm[英] [ˌriðəm] [美] [ˌrɪðəm] n.[诗]节奏,韵律; 10.prescription [prisˌkripʃən] n.药方,处方;处方药;训令法规;

    11.throw light upon 阐明,使……清楚

    12.extrovert [ˈekstrəˈvɜ:t] n.外向;性格外向的人;<口>活跃、愉快、爱交际的人

    13.symphonic adj.交响乐的; 14.well-being 幸福

    15.contributing factor起作用的因素;成因;

    16.sure enough 果然;的的确确;

    17.apparently adv.显然地;表面上;似乎;显而易见; 18.smash [smæʃ] vt.打碎;撞击;猛扣(球等);

    19.enforce [inˌfɔ:s] vt.强迫服从;实施,执行;加强;enforcement 20.withstandvt.经受,承受,禁得起;反抗; vi.反抗;耐得住 21.category [ˈkætiɡəri] n.类型,部门,种类,类别,类; 22.deceive [diˌsi:v] v.欺诈;误导deceiving欺骗性;具有欺骗性 23.Reinforce vt.加固;使更结实;加强;充实;

    24.rod n.杆,拉杆;惩罚,体罚;

    25.piling n.打桩,打桩工程; 动词原形pile 26.surge n.汹涌;大浪 v.汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来;

    27.swell vt.& vi.增强;肿胀;充满(激情);n.汹涌;声音渐强;

    28.elevate [ˌeliveit] vt.举起;提高;提升;鼓舞; 29.conceal vt.隐藏,隐瞒,遮住;

    30.Concrete adj.具体的,有形的,实在的,实际的;固结成的,n.混凝土;具体物;


    31.distinguish vi.区分,辨别,分清;辨别是非; 32.strive [straɪv] vi.努力奋斗,力求;斗争,力争; 33.handicap [ˌhændikæp] n.障碍;缺陷;vt.妨碍,使不利 34.free from(把…)从…释放出来,使摆脱; 使……不受影响 35.advocate vt.提倡;拥护 n.(辩护)律师;提倡者; 36.muscle 肌肉

    symptom 症状

    slim figure 苗条身材 37.maintain vt.保持,维持;保养,维护; 38.place stress on 把重点放在…上,强调…;

    39.specialist [ˌspeʃəlist] n.专家;行家;专科医生; 40.The Chinese make a point of their personal honor.中国人特别

    重视个人荣誉.41.shift vt.& vi.改变;去掉;摆脱掉;换挡; vt.换……的衣服,n.转移,转换;变化,(汽车等的)变速

    42.maintain [meinˌtein] vt.保持,维持;保养,维护;抚养 43.doorstep n.门阶;

    44.be bound to 一定要…;终归;不得不;注定; 45.confront [kənˌfrʌnt] vt.面对,遇到;比较; 46.intonation n.语调,声调

    47.Encounter vt.不期而遇;遭遇;对抗; n.相遇,碰见; 48.mild 温和的(人),暖和的(天气)

    味道不重的 49.timing [ˌtaɪmɪŋ] n.时机掌握;记时;定时;

    50.stick to 坚持

    turn down 拒绝 anywayadv.不论以何种方式,不论以何种方法;无论如何,但是;

    51.formula [ˌfɔ:mjulə]n.公式,准则,方案 7A

    1.dominate vt.& vi.控制;在……中占首要地位.支配 2.transform [trænsˈfɔ:m] vt.改变;改观;变换;

    3.browser [ˌbraʊzɚ] n.浏览程序;浏览器

    4.intuitive [ɪnˌtuɪtɪv,-ˌtju-] adj.直觉的;凭直觉获知的;直观的;

    5.device [dɪˌvaɪs] n.装置,设备; 6.catalogue vt.为……编目录;目录

    7.sculpture [ˌskʌlptʃɚ] n.雕刻(术),塑像;雕刻品vt.雕塑; 8.limestone 石灰石

    9.fragility [frəˌdʒɪləti] n.脆弱,虚弱;易碎性 10.immense [ɪˌmɛns] adj.极大的,巨大的 11.package 包价(旅游)包裹

    12.devotion [diˌvəuʃən] n.献身,奉献;忠诚,热爱; 13.single-minded 专一的;坚定的;诚心的;纯真的; 14.ode[英] [əʊd] [美] [od] n.颂诗,颂歌; 15.competency n.资格,能力,作证能力

    16,passive [ˌpæsɪv] adj.被动的;消极的;不抵抗的;冷漠的;


    17.navigate vt.驾驶;航行于;使通过;navigation 18.post [post] n.邮件;邮政;柱,桩,杆;岗位; vt.张贴;设岗;邮寄;

    19.virtual [ˌvɚtʃuəl] adj.实质上的,事实上的;(计算机)虚拟的,虚像的;

    20.violate [ˌvaɪəˌlet] vt.违反;妨碍;侵犯 21.superiority n.优越(性),优等;傲慢; 22.pay off 还清,努力后获得成功

    23.make matter worse 是事情更为糟糕

    24.release [rɪ'lis] vt.释放;放开;发布;发行; n.释放,排放,发布的新闻

    25.ironically [aɪˌrɒnɪkli] adv.嘲讽地,挖苦地;具有讽刺意味


    26.Faculty [ˌfækəlti] n.能力,才能;全体教职员;

    27.profile [ˈproˈfaɪl] n.侧面,半面;外形,轮廓;人物简介;


    28.part with 失去,卖掉[付出]…,与…分开;割舍;

    29.miniature [ˌminiətʃə] adj.小型的,微小的n.小模型;

    30.launch a campain 发起运动


    freshman大一学生,sophomore大二学生,junior student大三学生,senior student大四学生,高年级学生,undergraduate student本科生,graduate student / postgraduate student研究生,tutor / mentor / director / supervisor导师,take the course选课,drop the course 退课,register注册,sign up for the course选课,seminar讨论班,selective course /elective course /optional course选修课,requirement / required course /compulsory必修课,credit学分,introductory course初级课程,advanced course高级课程,skip the class翘课,paper/ essay/ thesis论文,librarian图书管理员,due到期,renew续借,back number过刊,latest issue最新一期,journal期刊,periodical 期刊


    promotion提升、升职,immediate boss顶头上司,qualification 资历,certificate证书,quit/ resign 辞职,retire退休,lay off 失业,credential 文凭,apply for the job申请工作,applicant 申请者,resume简历(注意发音),position职位,occupation职位,job vacancy 职务空缺,job opening 职位空缺


    renter/ tenant 房客,landlord地主/房东,lease租约/租契,utilities水电气费用,let租,furniture家具,carpet地毯,stove炉子,oven炉子,suite套房(注意发音),hotel receptionist 酒店前台接待员,room service 客房服务,reservation 预订,be booked up订满


    plumber 管工,mechanic 机师,electrician 电工,carpenter 木匠,telephone repairman 修理工(以上四个单词请见2024年1月六级短对话第7题四个选项), fix 修理,garage 车库,vacuum 吸尘器,refrigerator电冰箱,fuse保险丝



    almond杏仁apple苹果apple core苹果核apple juice苹果汁apple skin苹果皮apricot杏子apricot flesh杏肉apricot pit杏核areca nut槟榔子banana香蕉banana skin香蕉皮bargain price廉价beechnut山毛榉坚果Beijing flowering crab海棠果bilberry 越桔bitter苦的bitterness苦味bitter orange酸橙blackberry黑莓blood orange 红橙canned fruit罐头水果carambola杨桃cherry樱桃cherry pit樱桃核cherry pulp樱桃肉chestnut栗子Chinese chestnut板栗Chinese date枣

    Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃Chinese walnut山核桃coconut椰子coconut milk椰奶coconut water椰子汁cold storage冷藏cold store冷藏库crisp脆的cumquat金桔currant 醋粟

    damson plum西洋李子Dangshan pear砀山梨date枣date pit枣核decayed fruit烂果

    downy pitch毛桃dry fruit干果duke公爵樱桃early-maturing早熟的fig无花果filbert榛子

    first class一等地,甲等的flat peach蟠桃flavour味道flesh果肉flesh fruit肉质果fresh新鲜的fresh litchi鲜荔枝fruiterer水果商fruit in bags袋装水果fruit knife水果刀

    fruits of the season应时水果gingko白果,银杏give full weigh分量准足give short weight短斤缺两grape葡萄grape juice葡萄汁grape skin葡萄皮grapestone葡萄核greengage青梅Hami melon哈密瓜Hard坚硬的haw山楂果hawthorn山楂hazel榛子

    honey peach水蜜桃in season应时的juicy多汁的juicy peach水蜜桃jujube枣kernel仁kumquat金桔late-maturing晚熟的lemon柠檬litchi荔枝litchi rind荔枝皮longan桂圆,龙眼

    longan pulp桂圆肉,龙眼肉loguat枇杷

    mandarine柑桔mango芒果mature成熟的medlar 枇杷,欧查果morello黑樱桃mulberry 桑椹

    muskmelon香瓜,甜瓜navel orange脐橙nectarine 油桃nut坚果nut meat坚果仁nut shell坚果壳oleaster沙枣olive橄榄orange柑桔orange peel柑桔皮papaya木瓜peach桃子pear梨persimmon 柿子pineapple菠萝plum李子plumcot李杏pomegranate石榴pomelo柚子,文旦red bayberry杨梅reduced price处理价ripe成熟的rotten fruit烂果seasonable应时的seedless orange无核桔special-grade特级的strawberry草莓sultana无核小葡萄superfine特级的tangerine柑桔tart酸的tender嫩的tinned fruit罐头水果unripe未成熟的walnut胡桃,核桃walnut kernel核桃仁water chestnut荸荠watermelon西瓜


    tomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋 cucumber 黄瓜

    aubergine, eggplant 茄子 bean 菜豆

    beet, beetroot 甜菜 pepper 胡椒 pimiento 甜椒 potato 马铃薯 carrot 胡萝卜

    cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦 broad bean 蚕豆 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 chilli 辣椒 garlic 蒜 chive 葱 fennel 茴香 cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜 mushroom, celery 芹菜 onion 韭 leek 韭菜 radish 萝卜 tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香 mushroom 蘑菇 artichoke 洋蓟

    broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝 Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟 chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜 cress 水田芥

    cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆 gherkin 嫩黄瓜 horseradish 辣根

    Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子

    kale 无头甘蓝 kohlrabi 甘蓝 laurel 月桂 lentil 兵豆 lettuce 莴苣

    lupin 羽扇豆(美作:lupine)parsley 欧芹 parsnip 欧防风 pea 豌豆 rhubarb 大黄 salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌 turnip 芜菁 watercress 豆瓣菜教派

    Christianity 基督教Christendom 基督教界Catholicism 天主教Protestantism 新教,耶稣教Reformation 宗教改革Lutheranism 路德宗,信义宗Calvinism 加尔文宗,长老宗Anabaptism 再洗礼派Methodism 卫斯理宗,卫理公会Puritanism 清教主义Quakerism 贵格会Judaism 犹太教Islamism 伊斯兰教

    Brahmanism, Brahminism 婆罗门教

    Buddhism 佛教Daoism 道教paganism 异端fetishism 拜物教


    classical literature 古典文学 contemporary literature现代文popular literature 大众文学light literature 通俗文学folklore 民间文学

    saga(river)novel 长篇小说short novel, long short story 中篇小说

    short story 短篇小说love story 爱情小说deterctive story 侦破小说mystery story 怪诞小说whodunit 推理小说humorous story 幽默小说historical novel 历史小说essay 随笔

    book of travels 游记reportage 报告文学criticism 评论best seller 畅销书anthology 选集

    the complete works(of)全集edition, printing 版masterpiece 杰作copyright 版权, 著作权deluxe binding 精装flat stitching平装smyth sewed 线装humanities 人文学科writer 作家book 书volume 卷

    theatre 戏剧(美作:theater)drama 话剧comedy 喜剧tragedy 悲剧farce 滑稽剧play 剧本

    the three unities 三一律(一个情节,一个地点,一个时间)playwright 编剧act 幕scene 场plot 情节

    intrigue 错综复杂的剧情story 故事episode 逸事

    ending, denouement 结局poetry 诗歌

    poet 诗人poem 诗epic poetry 史诗epopee 叙事诗ode 颂歌sonnet 十四行诗verse, stanza(诗)节line(诗)行rhyme 韵脚,押韵metrics 韵律学,格律学prose 散文novel 小说biography 自传allegory 寓言 science fiction 科幻小说satire 讽刺诗essay 杂文

    composition 学术著作rhetoric 修辞学oratory 讲演术declamation 朗诵技巧improvisation 即席讲演criticism 批判主义critic 批评家wit 才智,创作才能eloquence 文才

    lyricism 抒情性 流行书站


    meteorology 气象学atmosphere 大气climate 气候

    elements 自然力量(风、雨)temperature 气温

    to be warm, to be hot 天气热to be cold 天气冷season 季节spring 春summer 夏

    autumn 秋(美作:fall)winter 冬frost 霜hail 冰雹snow 雪

    thunder 雷wind 风mist 雾cloud 云haze 霾rain 雨

    downpour, shower 暴雨storm, tempest 暴风雨lightning 闪电land wind 陆风hurricane 飓风cyclone 旋风typhoon 台风whirlwind 龙卷风gale 季节风gust of wind 阵风breeze 微风fog 浓雾dew 露水humidity 潮湿freeze 冰冻snowflake 雪花snowfall 降雪waterspout 水龙卷dead calm 风平浪静Indian summer 小阳春

    交通词汇(1)station master 站长clerk 站员driver 司机conductor 售票员inspector 检查员inspector 稽查员conductor 列车长train attendant 列车员gateman 收票员conductor 查票员2pilot 机长pilot 驾驶员co-pilot 副驾驶员second pilot 副驾驶员radio operator 报务员ground crew 地勤人员

    hostess/stewardess 空姐navigator 领航员steward 男服务员air hostess 女乘务员bus 公共汽车driver 司机3coach 长途汽车motor coach 大客车minibus 中巴micro bus 小型巴士streetcar 有轨电车stop 停车站taxi 计程车taxi 出租汽车request stop 招呼站taxi stand 出租汽车总站subway地铁4ticket 车票tip 小费

    local train 普通车local express平快车limited express 特快express train 特快列车up train 上行列车down train 下行列车dining car 餐车ride 乘车bus 公共汽车truck 卡车

    5automobile carrier 货运卡车tramcar 电车trolley bus 无轨电车limousine 豪华轿车jeep 吉普车saloom 轿车taxi 出租车

    compact car 小型汽车station wagon 小旅行车light-van 小型货车sports car 跑车6拖拉机 tractorambulance 救护车garbage truck 垃圾车饮料

    mineral water矿泉水 orange juice桔子原汁 orangeade, orange squ桔子水 丁尼红/干/白 Gin 金酒 Gordon’s 哥顿 ice scoop 冰勺 cocktail shaker 调酒器 pouring measure 量酒器 lemon juice柠檬原汁 lemonade柠檬水 beer啤酒

    white wine白葡萄酒 red wine红葡萄酒 claret波尔多红葡萄酒 cider苹果酒 champagne香槟酒 cocktail鸡尾酒 liqueur白酒,烧酒 shaohsing wine绍兴酒 yellow wine黄酒 Kaoliang spirits 高粱酒 Wu Chia Pee五加皮 vodka伏特加 whisky威士忌 brandy白兰地 cognac法国白兰地 gin琴酒 gin flzz杜松子酒 martini马提尼酒 coke, coca cola 可口可乐 pepsi cola 百事可乐 sprite 雪碧


    (三)cherry 樱桃 lemon 柠檬 clove 丁香 pineapple 菠萝 onion 洋葱 strawberry 草莓 olive 橄榄 cucumber 黄瓜 mint 薄荷 grapefruit 西柚 grape 葡萄 soda water 苏打水 rice wine 黄酒 appetizer 餐前葡萄酒

    Martini Rosso, Blanco, Dry Rum 郎姆酒 juice extractor 果汁榨汁机 Bacardi 百家得 electric blender 电动搅拌机 Vodka 伏特加 water jug 水壶

    Smirnoff 皇冠 champagne bucket 香槟桶

    Whisky 威士忌 Calvados 苹果酒 Glenfiddich 格兰菲迪 Bailey’s 比利酒 Budweiser 百威啤 Foster’s 福士啤 Beck’s 贝克啤 Carlsbery 加士伯啤 Guinness 健力士啤


    (二)enamelled cup 搪瓷杯 ceramic cup 陶瓷杯 straw 吸管 decanter 酒壶 mixing glasses 调酒杯 beer mug 啤酒杯 champagne glass 香槟杯 measuring jug 量杯 wine glass 葡萄酒杯 brandy glass 白兰地杯 tumbler平底无脚酒杯 goblet 高脚杯

    tapering glass 圆锥形酒杯


    (一)bar 酒吧 counter 吧台 bar chair 酒吧椅 barman 酒吧男招待 barmaid 酒吧女招待 bottle opener 开瓶刀 corkscrew 酒钻 ice shaver 削冰器 ice maker 制冰机 ice bucket 小冰桶 马

    ice tongs 冰勺夹


    Accounting EnglishMr.Graciano

    Class: 1Title: Vocabulary Words Date: May 28, 2012Name/Number: Linda/56

    1.Address: a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described.地址

    Eg:Take his address down

    2.Amount:add up in number or quantity.总计

    Eg:The bills amounted to $2,000

    3.Balance:a state of equilibrium.平衡

    Eg: Can you balance on one foot?

    4.Charges: is an amount of money that you have to pay for a service.费用Eg: We can arrange this for a small charge

    5.c.i.f.-cost insurance and freight:A trade term requiring the seller to arrange for the carriage of goods by sea to a port of destination, and provide the buyer with the documents necessary to obtain the goods from the carrier.到岸价

    Eg: Imports include the cost of insurance and freight but exports are recorded on a “free on board”(FOB)basis, which excludes such charges

    6.Certificate of origin:a document about the place where something begins货物原产地证明书

    Eg: If any additional document, such as certificate of origin, consular invoice, etc.is required, the seller may provide as requested for the Buyer's account.7.Credit/creditor:a person to whom money is owed by a debtor;someone to whom an obligation exists.债权人Eg:I am not a creditor.This is my money

    8.Difference: between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other.差异

    Eg:That is the fundamental difference between the two societies

    9.Enclosure:artifact consisting of a space that has been enclosed for some purpose.附件

    Eg:For each item, the stylesheet prints some basic information: title, description and a link to the enclosure

    10.End of month:Transaction period, such as the due date for receivables or the date of a closing inventory.月末

    Eg:Apply new meal card for staff by the end of month.11.Franchise: a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government(especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote).特权

    Eg:He’s no ceremonial franchise player

    12.Insurance: an arrangement in which you pay money to a company, and they pay you if something unpleasant happens to you.保险Eg:She canvassed for insurance during her spare time.13.Invoice:an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered.发票

    Eg:You then choose an invoice to view and print

    14.Letter of credit:a document issued by a bank that guarantees the payment of a customer's draft;substitutes the bank's credit for the customer's credit.信用证Eg:The bank has made out an irrevocable letter of credit.15.Manufacturer:someone who manufactures something.制造商Eg:The auto manufacturer discontinued that car back in 1999

    16.On account:you buy something on credit先付

    Eg: The old worker retired on account of age

    17.Quantity:how much there is of something that you can quantify.数量Eg:Don't strive merely for quantity of production.18.Quality:something is how good or bad it is.质量Eg:Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life.19.Remittance:a payment of money sent to a person in another place.汇款Eg:Please enclose your remittance, making checks payable to Valley Technology Services.20.shipping order:inventory control note that lists details about the goods shipped and its destination and intended recipient装货单Eg: I want to check them with the Shipping order at the loading port, can you help me?
