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    栏目:七号文库 来源:网络 作者:七色彩虹 时间:2024-08-10 06:02:33 下载.docx文档







    ()1.What club can we join at school?

    A B C

    ()2.What does Tina like?

    A B C

    ()3.What does Rick do at 6:30 in the morning?

    A B C

    ()4.What does Betty like to do in the morning?

    A B C

    ()5.What time does Jim brush his teeth?

    A B C




    ()6.What can Alice do?

    A.Play the drums.B.Play the guitar.C.Play the piano.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

    ()7.What’s the time?


    ()8.Why is Sam sad?

    A.Because he can’t play chess.B.Because he can’t go to the club.C.Because he lost his chess.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

    ()9.What does the girl want to be?

    A.An English teacher.B.A music teacher.C.An art teacher.听第五段对话,回答第10小题。

    ()10.When does John?s first class start?

    A.At 7:15 a.m.B.At 7:30 a.m.C.At 8:00 a.m.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。

    ()11.What’s the girl’s favorite subject?

    A.English.B.Music.C.Math.()12.What club does the girl want to join?

    A.The English club.B.The music club.C.The chess club.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。

    ()13.Where is Victor now?

    A.At home.B.In a club.C.In a hotel.()14.Who needs to call Frank tonight?

    A.Victor.B.David.C.Jane.()15.What’s Frank’s telephone number?



    ()16.What class is Li Ming in?

    A.Class A.B.Class B.C.Class C.()17.What can Li Ming do well?

    A.Dance.B.Play the piano.C.Sing.()18.When is Li Ming’s school music festival?

    A.On October 1st.B.On November 30th.C.On December 30th.()19.Who is Wang Jun?

    A.Li Ming’s sister.B.Li Ming’s classmate.C.Li Ming’s cousin.()20.What can Wang Jun do well?

    A.Play the guitar.B.Play the drums.C.Play the violin.D.听填信息(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


    Information Card

    Kate’s Weekend

    Time Activities

    At 8:00 a.m.Gets(21)__________.At(22)__________ a.m.Eats breakfast.At 9:30 a.m.Does her(23)__________ with her sister.At 6:30 p.m.Has dinner and(24)__________ TV.At 9:10 p.m.Goes to(25)__________.二﹑单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)


    ()26.— Can you ______ English?

    — No, but I can ______ the piano.A.say;join B.speak;play C.say;want D.tell;play

    ()27.— Can you play chess?

    — No, I ______.A.mustn’t B.can’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t

    ()28.Dick often helps him ______ his math.A.at B.with C.of D./

    ()29.We want three good musicians ______ our school show.A.for B.join C.to D./

    ()30.Can your brother ______ well?

    A.dance B.to dance C.dances D.dancing

    ()31.The boy can play ______ basketball well, but he can’t play ______guitar.A.the;/ B.the;the C./;the D./;/

    ()32.I think drinking milk every morning is good ______ our health.A.to B.with C.at D.for

    ()33.— What’s the time?

    — ______ half past ten.A.Its B.This is C.It’s D.They’re

    ()34.You have a bad ______.Ice-cream is not good for you.A.teeth B.nose C.tooth D.mouth

    ()35.______ Jim and Sam go home at six?

    A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Are

    ()36.It’s half past eight.I must go ______.A.work B.to work C.to works D.to working

    ()37.This kind of candy smells terrible, but it ______ delicious.A.has B.sounds C.tastes D.have

    ()38.Do you think the story is ______?

    A.funnyly B.funny C.funy D.funnily

    ()39.Please call Ken ______ 865-3362.A.for B.with C.at D.by

    ()40.Cathy always gets up early, she is never late for work.A.so B.why C.but D.or

    ()41.Jackie Chan can ______ Chinese kung fu.A.play B.does C.plays D.do

    ()42.Can you play basketball,football ______ volleyball?

    A.and B.or C.but D.so

    ()43.When do you get ______ Hong Kong?

    A.to B.up C.with D.in

    ()44.You can talk ______ Mr.Brown ______ more information.A.at;with B.to;with C.at;for D.to;for

    ()45.Here is the bus.Come ______!

    A.early B.late C.quickly D.slowly



    My name is Li Xiaofei.I can 46 the piano, the violin 47 the drums.And I’mvery good 48 friends.I 49 a friend.50 name is Li Shan.He can play the guitar,and he plays it very 51.He 52 the music club in our school.Do you like music?Do you want to learn 53 music? Please come and join 54.We can help you 55music.My telephone number is 865-4427.You can also send e-mail to me,and mye-mail address is xiaofei@yahoo.com.()46.A.play B.playing C.plays D.played

    ()47.A.but B.with C.and D.or

    ()48.A.at B.for C.in D.with

    ()49.A.has B.have C.does D.do

    ()50.A.He B.Him C.His D.Its

    ()51.A.fine B.good C.well D.nice

    ()52.A.join B.joins C.joining D.is

    ()53.A.at B.to C.about D.of

    ()54.A.us B.him C.they D.you

    ()55.A.with B.after C.to D.at




    Mrs.Brown is a worker.She works in a big factory.She gets up at fiveevery morning.She often has breakfast at six fifty.After that she goes to thefactory by bus at half past seven.She cleans the machines when she gets therevery early.Then her workmates come.They begin to work at 8:00.They all workvery hard.She goes home at five.Then she does some cooking.After supper sheusually helps his son Tom with his homework.Sometimes she reads books.Sheusually watches TV with her family on weekends.()56.What time does Mrs.Brown get up?

    A.5:00 a.m.B.5:30 a.m.C.6:00 a.m.D.6:30 a.m.()57.What’s Mrs.Brown’s job?

    A.A teacher.B.A worker.C.A farmer.D.A driver.()58.What does Mrs.Brown usually do at six fifty?

    A.She has breakfast.B.She brushes her teeth.C.She takes a shower.D.She goes to work.()59.What does she usually do after supper?

    A.She helps her son with homework.B.She watches TV with her son.C.She goes shopping.D.She takes a walk.()60.When does Mrs.Brown usually watch TV with her family?

    A.On weekdays.B.On weekends.C.In the morning.D.In the afternoon.B

    John is a schoolboy.Everyone likes him very much because he is funny.Hecan play many instruments(乐器).When he is with his friends, he often plays forthem.Today is June 1st.It’s John’s birthday.He has a big and interestingparty at home.Many friends come to his party.John’s mother cooks a lot of foodfor them.Everyone gives a beautiful gift to him.May gives him an English dictionarybecause he also likes English.Bob gives John a guitar because he likes playingthe guitar very much.At the party, John plays the guitar and he also plays thepiano.They sing many songs and play some interesting games.They have a goodtime today.()61.Why does everyone like John very much?

    A.Because his English is good.B.Because he is funny.C.Because he can play many instruments.D.Because he looks good.()62.When is John’s birthday?

    A.May 1st.B.June 1st.C.November 6th.D.November 8th.()63.What does John do on his birthday?

    A.He goes to the park.B.He goes to a movie.C.He does his homework.D.He has a big and interesting party at home.()64.Who gives John an English dictionary?

    A.May.B.His father.C.His mother.D.Bob.()65.What does John play at the party?

    A.The guitar.B.The piano.C.The drums.D.Both A and B.C


    ()66.Linda likes music.She wants to learn to play the piano.()67.Tony has only 10 dollars.But he needs two pairs of socks and ahat.()68.Jane wants to go to England.She needs to learn English better.()69.Alice likes Beijing Opera a lot.She watches it every day.()70.Thomas wants to know more about China.He thinks it’s interesting tolearn Chinese history.A.Beijing Opera Show

    Time: 7:00 p.m.~ 9:00 p.m.on Sunday

    B.English Club

    It is a good place for you to learn English.C.Music Club

    Lessons: guitar;piano;violin

    D.Chinese Club

    You can learn about Chinese history, Chinese kung fu and Chinese food here.You can come at any time.E.Movie: Monsters University

    Time: 9:00 p.m., August 24th

    F.Mr.Cool’s Clothes Store

    Come and buy your clothes at Mr.Cool’s Clothes Store.Socks are only 2dollars each, and a hat is only 5 dollars.Come and see for yourself at Mr.Cool’s Clothes Store.G.City Shop

    We have lots of shorts in red, black and yellow for only 10 dollars.五、短文填空(本大题共10个空,每空1分,共10分)


    David usually gets up at around six o’clock.He(71)_________ his teethand

    (72)_________ a shower.Then he eats his breakfast(73)__________6:15.He likes eggs,bananas and apples(74)_________ breakfast.He thinks theyare

    (75)_________ food.After breakfast, he(76)_________

    his homework, and then he goes to school at 7:00.The first class starts at8:00.He finishes his lessons at 2:00 p.m.After class, he often playsvolleyball(77)_________ two hours.He gets(78)_________ at 6:30 p.m., and he(79)_________ dinner at ten to seven.After dinner, he(80)_________ somecartoons on TV.Then he goes to bed at 9:00 p.m.六﹑读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)



    My name’s Lily.I get up at six thirty in the morning.I eat breakfast atsix forty-five.I go to school at seven.I usually eat lunch at twelve in theafternoon.I play sports at four.I can play ping-pong very well.P.E.is my favorite subject.I do my homework at five o’clock.And my motherusually helps me with homework.I have dinner at six thirty in the evening.Iwatch TV at seven.I usually go to bed at half past nine.Information Card

    The time Lily gets up(81)___________________________________.The thing Lily does at 7:00 a.m.(82)___________________________________.The subject Lily likes best(83)___________________________________.The people who helps Lily with homework(84)___________________________________.The time Lily goes to bed(85)___________________________________.B.书面表达(15分)






    Dear Laura,_____________________________________________________________________________










    1~5 BCBAC 6~10 CBCBC 11~15 AABAA 16~20 CCCBB



    26~30 BBBAA 31~35 CDCCB 36~40 BCBCA 41~45 DBADC


    46~50 ACDBC 51~55 CBCAA


    56~60 ABAAB 61~65 BBDAD 66~70 CFBAD


    (71)brushes(72)has / takes(73)at(74)for(75)healthy / good(76)does(77)for(78)home(79)eats / has(80)watches



    (81)Six thirty(82)Goes to school(83)P.E.(84)Her father(85)Half pastnine


    Dear Laura,I usually get up at eight on Sunday morning.I eat breakfast at half pasteight.Then I do my homework with my sister Alice at 9:30.In the afternoon,I goto the music club.I can play the piano well but I can’t play ping-pong.Maybe youcan help me with it.I have dinner at 6:30 p.m.and then I watch TV.I likewatching TV very much.Then I go to bed at 9:10 at night.What about your daily life? Please write to tell me about it.Yours,Lucy



    1.We can join the music club at school.2.Tina likes playing the violin.3.Rick gets up at 6:30.4.Betty likes to run in the morning before she goes to work.5.Jim brushes his teeth at a quarter to nine in the evening.B.听对话。根据所听对话的内容和所提的问题,在各小题所给的三个选项中选出一个选项,并将答案写在题前的括号内。每段对话听两遍。


    W:Can Alice play the guitar?

    M:No.She can’t play the guitar,but she can play the piano.听第二段对话,回答第7小题。

    M:What time is it now?

    W:It’s nine thirty.听第三段对话,回答第8小题。

    W:Sam,why do you look so sad?

    M:I lost my chess in the club.听第四段对话,回答第9小题。

    M:We need music teachers.W:I can sing and dance.Can I join you?


    W:Does your first class start at eight fifteen,John?

    M:No.It starts at eight o’clock.听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题。

    M:What’s your favorite subject?

    W:English.I want to be an English teacher.M:There is an English club in our school.You can join it.W:Great.Thank you.听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题。

    W:Hello,this is Jane.M:Hi,this is Frank.Is Victor at home?

    W:No.He goes to the chess club.M:Can you tell him to call me tonight?

    W:OK.What’s your phone number?

    M:It’s 865-7756.C.听短文。根据所听短文的内容,在各小题所给的三个选项中选出一个能回答问题的选项,并将答案写在题前的括号内。短文听两遍。

    I’m Li Ming.I’m in Class C Grade 7 in No.1 Middle School.I likesinging,dancing and playing the guitar.I can sing well,but I can’t dance or playthe piano well.Our school music festival is on December 30th.I want to join themusic club.I want to learn the drums from my classmate,Wang Jun.He can play itvery well.Then we can play on our school music festival.D.听填信息。你将听到一段关于Kate的周末活动的独白,请根据所听内容,用正确的信息完成下面的信息采集表。录音听两遍。

    Dear Jane,You want to know about my weekend.Now let me tell you about it.I usually get up at 8:00 in the morning.I eat breakfast at 8:30.Then I domy homework with my sister Judy at 9:30.In the afternoon,I go to the movies withmy friend Mary.I like comedies.I think they are funny.I have dinner at 6:30 andthen I watch TV.I go to bed at 9:10 at night.Please write to tell me about yourweekends.Yours,Kate



    Ⅰ A.听句子,选择与内容相符的图片或选项(听两遍):(5分)

    A B C D E

    1______ 2_______ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5_______


    ()6.A.Thanks.B.Yes, I am.C.I am fine.()7.A.I’m a student.B.I’m in Class One, Grade One.C.Yes, I am.()8.A.I’m good.B.I’m 11.C.I’m fine.()9.A.Yes, I can.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes, I am.()10.A.From China.B.They are yellow.C.They are cats.C.听五段对话及其所问问题,选择答案.(听两遍):(5分)

    ()11.A.B.C.()12.A.LinLi.B.LinTao.C.HanMei.()13.A.Red B.Blue.C.Yellow.()14.A.Kangkang’s.B.Sally’s C.Jane’s

    ()15.A.Class Two.B.Class Four.C.Class One..D.听短文,填入所缺单词,每空一词(听两遍):(5分)

    .My name is Kate Green.I’m 16._______.I’m American(美国人).I’m now in17.______.This is my school.It is No.5 Middle School.I am 18._____ with longblack hair.My eyes are big.My teacher’s name is Mr.Li.He is a 19._____ teacher.At school I have20._____ good friends.Their names are Lucy, Lily and Kate.My phone number is5551234.笔试部分(80分)



    1.U(同音单词)__________ 2.he(形容词性物主代词)_____ 3.my(名词性物主代词)______ 4.bus(复数)__________________

    5.long(反义词)____________ 6.she(复数)__________________

    7.China(形容词)___________ 8.big(反义词)_______________

    9.have(第三人称单数)______ 10.knife(复数)______________


    11.五支钢笔__________ 12.来自__________________

    13.在同一个班_________ 14.把…给…___________



    16.—What’s y_________ name?

    —My name is Li Gang.17.I’m in Class Four, G_________ Seven.18.These are four _________.19.The boy has a wide ________.20.What c_____ is your shirt? It’s white.Ⅲ.句型转换.(5分)

    1.She is Deng Yaping.(对划线部分提问)

    _____ _____ she?

    2.His mother and he look the same.(写出同义句)

    He ______ ______ his mother.3.I have two big eyes.(变为一般疑问句)

    _____ you _____ two big eyes?

    4.The boy is fourteen years old.(对划线部分提问)

    ______ ______ is the boy?

    5.Whose are shoes those(连词成句)

    ______________________ ?

    IV.单项选择(15分).()1.——Nice to meet you!

    ——________.A.Nice to meet you, too!B.Hello!C.I am fine.Thank you.()2.——Are you David?

    ——________.A.Yes, he is.B.No, I’m not.C.No, he isn’t.()3.——What’s this in English?

    ——________.A.It is a book.B.It’s red C.It’s theirs

    ()4.——Is this Peter’s ID card?

    ——Yes, it’s ________ card.A.his B.he’s C.hers

    ()5.——What are these?

    ——________.A.They’re chairs.B.It’s a chair.C.They’re ours

    ()6.——Do you have an eraser?

    ——________.A.Yes, I am.B.No, he doesn’t C.Yes, I do.()7.——What color is your coat?

    ——________.A.It’s blue.B.They’re blue.C.I’m blue.()8.——Whose book is it?

    ——It’s ________.A.my B.her C.hers

    ()9.—— ________does she look ________?

    ——She is short.A.What;like B.How;like C.What;at

    ()10.——Does he ________ an English name?

    ——Yes, he does.A.is B.have C.has

    ()11.—— ________ is this?

    ——It’s a yellow coat.A.What color B.Where C.What

    ()12.——________ your apples?

    ——No, ________.A.Are these;it isn’t B.Is this;they aren’t C.Are these;theyaren’t

    ()13.The girl ____ yellow is Maria.She looks very nice.A.in B.at C.like

    ()14.We are in the same ________, but we’re in different ________.A.grade;class B.grades;class C.grade;classes

    ()15.She ______ a nice skirt, but she doesn’t ______ a white shirt.A.have;has B.has;have C.has, has



    A B

    ()1.Thank you.A.Yes, it is

    ()2.Is this your eraser? B.You’re welcome.()3.Do you have a knife ? C Yes , I have a small one.()4.Whose books are these ? D.They’re ours.()5.What colour are these ? E.They’re black and white.B.从方框中选择适当的句子完成下列对话(其中有一个选项是多余的)。(5分)

    —— 6

    ——Good morning!

    A.Is this photo yours?

    B.How are you?

    C.It’s my sister’s.D.Good morning!

    E.No, it isn’t.F.Thank you.——Is this your photo?

    —— 7 I think it’s hers.——Meimei.8

    ——Yes, it is.——Whose skirt in the photo is it?

    —— 9

    ——Here you are(给你).—— 10

    1._______ 2._______ 3.________ 4.______ 5._______DEACF


    I am an English girl.My name 1 Jenny.I am 2 new student.I am in ClassFive, 3 , No.2 Junior High School.I have a sister.4 name is Betty.We 5 thesame.We are twins(双胞胎), but we are in different schools.Mr.Li is 6 China.7 is my Chinese teacher.He is tall.He 8 a round faceand two big 9.His hair is short.He is 10 a white T-shirt.We like him.()1.A.am B.is C.are

    ()2.A.an B.a C.the

    ()3.A.Grade One B.Grade one C.grade one

    ()4.A.She B.Her C.His

    ()5.A.find B.see C.look

    ()6.A.at B.on C.from

    ()7.A.He B.His C.She

    ()8.A.has B.is C.have

    ()9.A.nose B.eyes C.mouth

    ()10.A.in B.from C.at



    Look at the woman in a yellow dress.She is my teacher.She teaches(教)meEnglish.She is a good teacher.Her Chinese name is Li Hong.Her bike is green.Liu Mei is her friend.Her bike is red.They are from England.They are atschool now.阅读短文,选择正确答案。(5分)

    ()1.Liu Mei is __________.A.an English teacher B.a Chinese teacher C.Li Hong’s friend

    ()2.What color is Li Hong’s coat?

    A.Blue.B.Green.C.We don’t know.()3.Li Hong and Liu Mei are __________.A.teachers B.boys C.students

    ()4.Where are they now?

    A.At school.B.At home.C.We don’t know.()5.What color is Liu Mei’s bike?


    Name Age From Class Favorite color




    Chen Hong.13




    ()6.How old is Linda ?

    A.Fourteen B.Thirteen C.Twelve

    ()7.Where is Chen Hong from ?

    A.England B.China C.Japan

    ()8.Linda and Chen Hong are in the same _______.A.family(家庭)B desk C.class

    ()9.Linda and Chen Hong both like(喜欢)________.A.red B.orange C.gray

    ()10.From the form(表格),we know Linda’s coat may be(可能是)____.A.blue B.orange C.gray


    Li Ming is a boy.His good friend is Yukio.They look the same.Li Ming istwelve.He is from China.He has black hair and brown eyes.Yukio is thirteenyears old.He is from Japan.He has yellow skin(皮肤), black hair and browneyes.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(5分)

    ()11.Li Ming is Yukio’s good friend.()12.Yukio is from China.()13.Li Ming’s thirteen years old.()14.Li Ming and Yukio look the same.()15.Li Ming is Chinese.(D)

    Look at this young man.He’s a Chinese basketball player(篮球运动员).He playsbasketball(打篮球)in the U.S.A.He’s very tall and strong and he has long arms.Hehas small eyes and a big nose.We like him very much(非常,很).Who is he? Can youguess?(Yao Ming.)

    16.Does he play basketball in the U.S.A?


    17.Where is he from?


    18.What does he look like?


    19.Does he have a small nose?


    20.Do you like him?






    My Good Friend

    Hello!This is my good friend.__________________________________________________


    七年级英语试卷(Unit 1-2)听力材料与参考答案



    Ⅰ A.听句子,选择与内容相符的图片或选项(听两遍):(5分)

    1.Where is he from? He is from Japan.2.I have three apples.3.What’s this in English? It’s a bus.4.The baby is very fine.5.Are these pants yours?


    6.Welcome to Songtao!

    7.What class are you in, Jane?

    8.How are you?

    9.Do you have a knife?

    10.What color are these bananas?


    11.—Excuse me, Jack.Are you from the USA?

    —No, I am from England.Q: Where is Jack from?

    12..--HanMei, who’s that boy?

    --Oh, that’s LinTao.Q: Who is that boy?

    13.—What’s that over there?

    --It’s a cat.--What color is it?

    --It’s yellow.Q:What color is the cat?

    14.—Excuse me,Jane,Is this your cap?

    —No, it’s not mine.It’s Kangkang’s

    Q: Whose cap is this?

    15.—What class are you in,Li Ming?

    —I am in Class Four.Q: What class is Li Ming in?


    .My name is Kate Green.I’m twelve.I’m American(美国人).I’m now in China.This is my school.It is No.5 Middle School.I am tall with long black hair.Mymouth is wide.My teacher’s name is Mr.Li.He is a good teacher.At school I have threegood friends.Their names are Lucy, Lily and Kate.My phone number is5551234.参考答案:

    听力部分:1-5.DABCE 6-10.ABCBB 11-15.CBCAB

    16.twelve/12 17.China 18.tall 19.good 20.three/3




    1.you 2.his 3.mine 4.buses 5.short

    6.they 7.Chinese 8.small 9.has 10.knives


    11.five pens 12.come/be from 13.in the same class 14.give…to… 15.Jack’s ruler(s)


    16.your 17.Grade 18.eggs 19.mouth 20.colo(u)r


    1.Who is 2.looks like 3.Do;have 4.How old 5.Whose shoes arethose?

    IV.单项选择(15分).1-5.ABAAA 6-10.CACAB 11-15.CCACB


    1-5.BACDE 6-10.DEACF


    1-5.BBABC 6-10.CAABA


    1-5.ACAAA 6-10 ABCAB 11-15.TFFTT

    16.Yes, he does.17.He is from China.18.He has small eyes and a big nose.19.No, he doesn’t.20.Yes, I do.Yes, we like him very much.VIII.书面表达(5分)




    一、-5 BCBBB6 – 10 ABCCC11 – 15 CADDA16 – 20 DCCCB

    二、1-5 BABBB6-10 BDCCD11-15FCDAB

    16.Australia.17.Jumping.18.He built the high walls.19.5 meters.20.He is careless./ He is not careful.三、1.really2.tomatoes3.men4.sunny5.friendly6.ninth7.easily8.differently


    四、1.had2.go3.to go 4.take5.can eat6.played7.made8.getting9.told 10.did

    五、1.How was your weekend?

    2.What did you do?

    3.What do you think of elephants?

    4.What does your brother look like?

    5.What are the rules at your school?

    六、1.went2.was3.by4.along5.about6.make7.took8.too 9.gift 10.exciting





    1.I often write letters to my pen pals, but _____ writes me back.AeverybodyBanybodyCnobody

    2.My backpack is too ___.There are lots of books in it.A.thinB.heavyC.huge

    3.Miss ___ has curly ___ hair.A.Brown, brownB.Brown,BrownC.brown,brown

    4.Ken looks ______ his father and he _______ taking photos with his father.Alike, likesBlike, likeClikes, like

    5.Betty ______ gets up early and she is ______ late for school.Teachers don’t like her.Anever, alwaysBnever, oftenCalways, never

    6.Do you know the man _____ cool glasses?AinBhasCwith

    7.My father ______ a long beard.Aputs onBwearsChas

    8.He looks ______ sad, why?A a little bitB a bit little C a bit of

    9.Sometimes our teacher ______ us a joke.A saysBtellsC speaks

    10.Peter stops _____ and goes to bed.A watch TVB watching TVC to watch TV

    11.My English teacher has a beautiful __.AlookB good-lookingChair

    12.—What does Merry look like?—______.

    A.She is a kind girlB.She likes music

    C.She had brown hair and black eyesD.She looks like a movie star

    13.“Stop___.”said the teacher,“There is too much noise here.”A.talk B.to talk C.talking

    14.Nobody___ why he is late.A.knowsB.knowC.knowing

    15.---Is he heavy?---No, he is a little bit ___.A.tallB.thinC.shortD.quiet

    16.---Is Miss Gao tall?---No, she isn’t tall, and she isn’t short.She is ____.A.of medium heightB.of medium buildC.a little heavyD.thin

    17.I don’t like playing chess, But Jim __.A.likeB.likesC.doD.does

    18.---Who is in the classroom now?---__.All the students are on the playground.A.SomeoneB.AnybodyC.NobodyD.Everybody

    19.---Is that your cousin?---No, ___ isn’t.A.thatB.heC.sheD.it

    20.It’s too late.Let’s stop ___.A.go homeB.to go homeC.going home

    21.Miss Black has __hair.A.black longB.a long blackC.long curly black

    22.“Please__ it again in English.”she ___.A.speak, say B.say, say C.say, speak D.say, says

    23.Jenny loves____.A.go shopping B.to go shopping C.to go shop

    24.That___ is singing a pop song.A.peopleB.menC.personD.women

    25.He’s tall___ black hair.A.isB.hasC.withD.and


    Mrs Wilson is my neighbor.She ___(1)__at a post office and she meets lots of people __(2)__.She is __(3)__ to everyone and likes helping others.She is over fifty years old, __(4)__ she looks very young.She is __(5)__ height and thin.She has long, curly, brown __(6)__.She likes to wear a red T-shirt and jeans.She __(7)__ like a movie star.She really likes __(8)__ shopping on weekends and she always buys many beautiful clothes.She always __(9)__ , “Old people still want __10__ beautiful!” People all like her very much.1A.worksB.workC.working

    2A.everyday B.nobodyC.every day



    5A of mediumBveryCnever





    10.Ato doBbeCto be


    One day a girl asked her teacher Mary, “Why does a man’s hair become gray before his mustache(上唇的小胡子)and beard(下巴颏上的胡子)do?” Mary laughed and answered, “I don’t know, Helen.” “I don’t know either, Mary,” answered Helen, “but it happened to my father.” The other children in the class laughed when they heard this.Then one of the boys said,“I know, Mary!Man’s hair becomes gray first because it’s sixteen years older than the mustache and beard!”

    1.Who’s Helen?

    A.Mary’s sister.B.Mary’s student.C.Mary’s teacher.D.Mary’s daughter.2.What happened to Helen’s father?

    A.His hair becomes gray before his mustache.B.His hair becomes gray before his mustache and beard.C.His mustache becomes gray before his hair.D.His mustache becomes gray after his hair.3.What did the other children do when they heard this?

    A.They smiled.B.They laughed.C.They cried.D.They are quiet.4.Who answers Mary’s questions?

    A.One of the girls.B.One of the boys.C.One of the teachers.D.Mary’s father.5.When does the man start to grow mustache?

    A.16 years old.B.18 years old.C.19 years old.D.20 years old.(B)

    My father is tall and has short, gray hair.He wears glasses with heavy, black frames(框).But I just saw a picture of him from 1968.What a surprise!In the picture, he’s 15 years old.He’s short and he has glasses with small, round frames.He has long, yellow hair and it’s really straight.He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”.I’m 15 years old now.I’m of medium height and I have short hair.My hair isn’t yellow, it’s blue.My dad thinks it’s strange, but my friends think it’s great.I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames.They’re so cool!I have an earring in one ear, too.Dad really can’t understand that, I never wear blue jeans.I like big, baggy(袋状的;宽松而下垂的)pants and long T-shirts.Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them.1.What kind of glasses did my father wear when he was fifteen years old?

    A.glasses with heavy, black framesC.glasses with bright red frames

    B.long and yellow glassesD.glasses with small, round frames

    2.What color is my hair?A.yellowB.blueC.grayD.red

    3.What do I like to wear?

    A.blue jeans and a T-shirtB.yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word “love”

    C.big and baggy pants and long T-shirtsD.blue jeans and an earring

    4.What’s on my father’s T-shirt?

    A.The word “love”.B.Heavy and black frames.C.Pictures of rock bands.D.An earring.5.Who has an earring in one ear?A.My dadB.IC.My Friends


    Tony: Do you know the1 _____ of our football team?

    Mike: What does he look like?

    Tony: He isn’t very tall or short, he is of2 ______ height.Mike: Is he 3 ______ ?

    Tony: No, he is a little thin.Mike: Does he have4________or straight hair?

    Mike: Oh, That’s 6 _______.I like his look.Does he 7 ______ glasses?

    Tony: No, he 8_____

    Mike: Does he like talking?

    Tony: No, he’s a little bit 9______, but we like him very much.He is very 10______ in our team V.按要求完成句子(10分)(就划线部分提问)

    ____________your friend____________?

    2.He wears funny sunglasses.(变为否定句)

    He ____________ funny sunglasses.3.He is tall.(用short把句子变成选择疑问句)

    ______ he tall ____________?

    4.He has long curly hair.(变为一般疑问句)

    ______ he ______ long curly hair?

    5.I think Teeny likes dolls.(变成否定句)

    I ________ think Teeny _______dolls.6.She always wears a red shirt.(一般疑问句)

    ______she ____________ a red shirt?


    I _____like this___________________.VI.翻译句子(10分)














    I.II.III.IV.V.VI.1—5 CBAAACBABBADCABADCDBCDBCC ACBCACBCAC BBBBADBCAB captain medium heavy curly beard cool wear doesn’t quiet popular What does like;doesn’t wear;Is or short;Does have;don’t likes;Does always wear;really musician’s new look 1.Li Ming likes reading books and playing chess.2.Nancy always wears a red dress and white shoes.3.Do you still remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses?

    4.She doesn’t wear jeans any longer, she wears a skirt/dress now.5.He likes telling jokes but never stops.Welcome to my blog:http://wuzengping.blog.163.com/

    或百度搜:学好英语 改变人生 快乐英语



    七年级英语下册Unit 3单元测试


    1.He has two ____________(box)of old books under his bed.2.Can you come with___________(we)after school?

    3.The __________(eight)story is very interesting.4.This kind of medicine is ______________(cheap)than that one.5.These skirts are ______(she).Yours are over there.6.If it_______________(rain), I will take a taxi.7.______________(read and write)more is good for your English.8.The most popular way of______________(get)to school is walking.9.Hainan is a good place _________(go)sightseeing.10.Hurry!The train ______________(leave)in five minutes.二、单项选择

    11.—How does he go to Hong Kong?

    —________.A.Take the planeB.Take plane

    C.By the planeD.By the air

    12.—_____ do you live from school?

    —8 miles.2.A.How longB.How far

    C.How muchD.Where

    13.I usually go to school ________.A.ride the bikeB.on bike

    C.on the bikeD.by my bike

    14.–How do you usually go to school?

    --_____my mother’s car.A.ByB.WithC.InD.For

    15.If they live in Chongqing, they can go to Wuhan _____ easily.A.on footB.by the taxi

    C.by boatD.by sea

    16.He gets up early and ________ breakfast.A.have a quickB.has quick a 新 课标第一 网

    C.has a quickD.have quick

    17.The last train is left, so you _______ stay here until tomorrow.A.mustB.have toC.needn’tD.can not

    18.Please _________ who broke the window.A.findB.look for C.look at D.find out

    19.Listen, a small number of students ______in the classroom.A.talkB.talksC.is talkingD.are talking

    20._______ she is ill, _______ she goes to school.A.Although;/B.Although;but



    21.The No.6 Middle School is not far ___ his home.A.toB.fromC.withD.at

    22.It’s time for supper now.Let’sit.A.stop havingB.stop to have

    C.to stop to haveD.stopping to have

    23.—How long does it take?

    --It takes ______.A.half an hourB.a hour X|k | B| 1.c|O |m

    C.two hourD.half a hour

    24.Yesterday we went to a lonely village.Itus about two hours to get



    --It is wonderful.A.What do you like the book

    B.How do you think of the book

    C.What do you think of the book

    D.What is the book like

    26.Whether we can go for a spring outingthe weather.A.depend onB.depends on


    27.does it take you to finishthe book?

    A.How long;to read B.How soon;to read

    C.How often;reading D.How long;reading

    28.--_will Mr.SmithShanghai?

    --In a week.He will have a meeting in Shanghai.A.How soon;leaveB.Howe soon;leave for

    C.How long;leaveD.How long;leave for

    29.--Howdo you clean your classroom?--Once a week.A.longB.often C.muchD.soon

    30.I don’t think there is.A.something seriousB.nothing serious

    C.anything seriousD.serious anything 新|课 | 标|第|一| 网

    六、完形填空从 A、B、C、D中选出能填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)Lucy lives in the Zhongshan Road.She__ 56_ in the No.6 Middle School.Every day she gets up early and goes to school early.Her home is a little far___57 her school.So she usually ___58___ a bus.___59the bus stop there is a fruit shop.It sells different___60__.Lucy often

    buys___61___in it and she is good at___62___fruit.From the bus stop she walks along the

    Nanjing Road.Then she takes the third turning___63___the right.Her school is___64 _ 50 metres.___65___it there is a park.由莲山课件提供http:///资源全部免费




    59.A.AtB.Near toC.Next toD.Next

    60.A.kinds of fruitsB.kinds of fruit





    64.A.aboutB.atC.awayD.on X k B1.c o m

    65.A.At the front ofB.In front of

    C.In the front ofD.At front of


    When you come to Auckland as a foreigner,you’ll easily find a traditional pub(酒吧)either in small towns or in big cities.In these pubs many different kinds of drinks such as wine, beer, coke, coffee, and juice are served.You can find out the local culture.However, if you don′ t know the pub culture, you may feel embarrassed or even get into trouble.Most pubs in Auckland have no waiters, so you have to go to the bar to get your own drinks.Those who don’t know this may wait a very long time before they realize they would have to fetch their own drinks.While you are standing in front of the bar waiting for service, you are able to chat with others who are also waiting for service.The bar counter(柜台)is possibly the only place you can find in Auckland to talk friendly with strangers.But while you are chatting with others or talking about what you want to order, you mustn’t block all the entrance to the bar.Remember, you’ll never go into the pubs unless you are over 18.从 A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案。

    66.A traditional pub in Auckland is very ______.A.friendlyB.embarrassed

    C.relaxingD.Both A and B

    67.When you are in pub,__________ X k B1.c o m

    A.you will have a better service with a lot of waiters around

    B.you will have to order and fetch your own drinks all by yourself

    C.it is easy for you to make friends with others by chatting or talking

    D.You’ll have to take time to wait for your drink

    68.Which sentence is true?

    A.It is very hard for you to find a traditional pub to relax yourself in Auckland

    B.You aren’t allowed to get into the pubs until you are over18

    C.You are able to order any of the drinks or foods in the pubs

    D.You can chat or talk with friends in any places in the pub

    69.Which topic is the best for this passage?

    A.Service in Auckland’s Pubs.B.Pub Culture in Auckland


    C.Making Friends in Pubs.D.How to Order Drinks in Pubs.70.Most pubs in Auckland have_________ 新 课标第一 网

    A.many waitersB.a waiter

    C.no more than 10waitersD.no waiters


    The keys to Unit3



    9.to go10.is leaving(will leave)

    二、11--15 ABCBC16--20 CBDDA

    21--25 BBABC26--30 BDBBC

    三、31.near, walk22.takes the subway

    33.by air/by plane34.take,taxi

    35.Riding a bike36.far from

    37.does,take38.How do

    39.does,leave40.good for

    四、41.takes,plane 42.How far43.doesn’t usually take44.takes, to do





    六、60—64 ACBCB65—69CBDAB

    七、66-70 ACBBD

    71.his parents died one night when there was an earthquake

    72.they lived a hard life

    73.he found a job in a hotel

    74.he didn’t have enough money to pay the bill


    由莲山课件提供http:///资源全部免费 45.He takes


    ()21.John is from _____________.A.Japan B.Japanese C.FrenchD.English

    ()22.Does Jim ___________ Chinese?A.speak B.speaksC.sayD.talk

    ()23.I like _______ to the movie _______ my friends.A.to go;andB.going;withC.going;andD.to going;with

    ()24.I don’t have _______ brothers _______ sisters.A.some;andB.any;orC.any;andD.some;and

    ()25.---Can the boy speak Chinese?---Yes, he can speak____.A.littleB.a littleC.smallD.many

    ()26..Jim lives _______ London,but his brother lives _______ here.A.in;/B.in;inC./;inD./;/

    ()27.This is my new friend.He _______ from Singapore.A.amB.isC.areD.come

    (28._______ your cousin have _______ pen pals?


    ()29.This story is _______ interesting.A.an B.real C.reallyD.some

    ()30.November is _______ month of a year.A.elevenB.eleventhC.the elevenD.the eleventh


    We love our class.Wetwo new students in our class.are Tom JacksonMike Smith.Tom is from America.Mike is5in China now.They livetheir fathers in Beijing.they play foothall withEnglish.We help them with their Chinese.We are goodhelp eachother.()1.A.hasB.haveC.haven' tD.hasn' t

    ()2.A.TheyB.ThemC.TheirD.They' re











    John is an American boy.His family is in China now.John likes chocolate(巧克力)very much.But his mother doesn’t give him.Chocolate is not good for him, she thinks.But John has a very nice uncle.The old man loves him very much, and sometimes he buys John some chocolate.Then his mother lets him eat them.Because she wants to make the old man happy.One Sunday evening, John says in his room,“ Please, God(上帝)makes them give me a big box of chocolate tomorrow(明天),it’s my eighth birthday!” His mother says to him , “God can’t hear(听到)you, my boy.” “I know, but my uncle is in the next(隔壁)room, and he can hear.” John says to his mother.()1.John isA.American boyB.ChineseC.AmericanD.China

    ()2.John’s family is in now.A.AmericaB.UKC.ParisD.China

    ()3.What day is John’s birthdayA.SundayB.MondayC.TuesdayD.Saturday

    ()4.Does John’s uncle love him?

    A.Yes, he is.B.No.C.Yes, he does.D.No, he isn’t.()5.Where is John’s uncle on that Sunday evening?

    A.In his school.B.In a park.C.In the next room.D.In John’s room.B

    My name is Mariko.I’m from Tokyo.I can speak a little English.But I can’t speak Chinese.I usually get up at 6 o’clock and go to school at 7:30 in the morning.I think art is interesting.I don’t like science.I think it is boring.I want to come to China and Canada very much.I think they are very interesting.My name is Mario.I am 12 years old.I go to school at seven fifty and I go home at four twenty.I have lunch at school.I usually eat fish(鱼), French fries, potatoes and carrots for lunch.My favorite subject is music, because it’s fun.I want to join a music club.I don’t like P.E..I usually do my homework at 5 o’clock and I go to bed at 10 o’clock.I am Boris.I am from Canada.I like science and art.I want to join the art club.Swimming club is not interesting.I don’t like math.I think it is boring.I get up at six thirty and then I run on the playground(操场).My good friend is Sam.He doesn’t know Chinese.He doesn’t like Chinese food.He wants to join our Chinese club.()6.Which subject does Mario like best?


    ()7.Who goes to school at 7:30?


    ()8.Why doesn’t Mariko like science?Because it is _____.A.interestingB.relaxingC.boringD.fun

    ()9.Who is from Japan?


    ()10.What club does Boris want to join?

    A.Swimming club.B.Music club.C.Art club.D.Chinese club


    1.He often __________(stay)at home on Sunday.2.---Where _______(be)the students?---They’re in the classroom.3.We _______(live)in China.4.---__________(be)you from Shanghai?---Yes,I am.5.__________(I)pen pal is an American.6.Please ____________(not play)basketball in the street.7.She usually plays the guitar and ____________(watch)TV at home.8.They have pen pals in the US and ______________(Australian).9.Do you like _________(read)books?

    10.I am __________(interesting)in singing and dancing.五.句型转换(20’)

    1.Lin Mei is from China.(同义句转换)Lin MeiChina.2.就划线部分提问)WhatNancy speak?

    3.Sarah lives in France.(改为一般疑问句)Sarahin France?

    4.划线提问)_____ ________ her parents from?

    5.Sam is an American boy.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

    Sam an American boy?No, he.6.John comes from England.(改为一般疑问句)

    _____ John _____ fromEngland?

    7.She speaks French.(改为否定句)She _______ _______ French.划线提问 _____ your pen pal from? 划线提问 六.作文。(10’)请给你的笔友写封信。介绍你的情况(包括名字,年龄,生日,国家,所说的语言,爱好等)60字左右。



    I.1—5 DABCA6—10 CADDC 11—15 CCDDC 16—20 ADCBB21—25 AABBB

    26—30 ABCCD

    II.1—5 BCADA6—10 BDCBC

    III.1—5 CDBCC6—10 ABCBC

    IV.1.stays 2.are 3.live 4.Are 5.My 6.don’t play 7.watches 8.Australia 9.reading/to

    read 10.interested

    V.1.comes from 2.language(s)does 3.Does, live 4.Where are 5.Is, isn’t 6.Does, come 7.doesn’t speak 8.Where is 9.What language(s)does, speak

    VI.Dear Tom,I am Li yuchen.I am 12 years old.My birthday is on September the 23rd.I am from China.I speak Chinese and I can speak a little English.I have a brother Li Yudi and a sister Li Yufang.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.My favorite subject in school in science.It is fun.But I don’t like math.It is too difficult.Can you write to me soon?

    Li Yuchen
