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    栏目:500字作文 来源:网络 作者:寂夜思潮 时间:2024-02-25 07:36:21


    The graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changed between 1900 and 2024.

    Throughout the century, the largest quantity of water was used for agricultural purposes, and this increased dramatically from about 500 km3 to around 3,000 km3 in the year 2024. Water used in the industrial and domestic sectors also increased, but consumption was minimal until mid-century. From 1950 onwards, industrial use grew steadily to just over 1,000 km3, while domestic use rose more slowly to only 300 km3, both far below the levels of consumption by agriculture.

    The table illustrates the differences in agricultural consumption in some areas of the world by contrasting the amount of irrigated land in Brazil (26,500 km2) with that in the (100 km2). This means that a huge amount of water is used in agriculture in Brazil, and this is reflected in the figures for water consumption per person: 359 m3 compared with only 8 m3 in the Congo. With a population of 176 million, the figures for Brazil indicate how high agricultural water consumption can be in some countries.



    题目是:Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental both these views and give your own opinion.



    Some people consider that the loss of inpidual species of plants and animals is the main environmental problem of our time. Attempts to preserve rare or dying species are carried out in zoos or other specialist plant and animal facilities, throughbreeding programmes, preservation orders and other forms of protection and there was genuine sadness among many when the last surviving white rhino died earlier this year.


    本来这里应该是首段,但是文章已经开始论述了。证明这篇文章压根就没有开头段,如果我和学生说你可以模仿考官作文不写开头段 ?你敢吗?


    紧接着在第二段直接论证了有有哪些其他的问题值得我们关注,一个是climate change一个是the use of plastic . 甚至上下两个段连个过渡都没有,直接就开始对climate change 的影响进行论证。倒数第二段对plastic的影响进行了论证。结尾段也很诡异,前面说了动植物的消失是最严重的环境问题。后面说的是如果全球变暖和塑料的问题持续,我们会有更少的food???这也太随意了吧。food从哪里来的观点??



    >The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status.

    >Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

    The chart shows the number of hours of leisure enjoyed by men and women in a typical week in 1998-9, according to gender and employment status.

    Among those employed full-time, men on average had fifty hours to leisure, whereas women had approximately thirty-seven hours. There were no figures given for male part-time workers, but female part-time had forty hours of leisure time, only slightly more than women in full-time employment, perhaps reflecting their work in the home.

    In the unemployed and retired categories, leisure time showed an increase for both sexes, as might have been expected. Here too, men enjoyed more leisure time—over eighty hours, compared with seventy hours for women, perhaps once again reflecting the fact that women spend more time working in the home than men.

    Lastly, housewives enjoyed approximately fifty-four hours of leisure, on average. There were no figures given for househusbands! Overall, the chart demonstrates that in the categories for which statistics on male leisure time were available, men enjoyed at least ten hours of extra leisure time. (173 words)



    Greetings 问候,打招呼

    本文介绍了简单的英语打招呼方法,通过4个短句让小朋友们学到基础的.英语口语。明天起让我们用英语去和爸爸妈妈,小伙伴们say hello吧~


    1. --Good morning! 早上好!

    --Wow! Monkey Munchy! 哇!小猴!

    --Hello,Monkey Munchy! 你好,小猴!

    --Wow! Panda Pandy! 哇!小熊猫!

    2. --Say hello to Teddy Bear! 跟小泰迪熊说你好!

    --Hi,Teddy Bear! 你好,小泰迪熊!


    1. Hi! 嗨!

    2. Hello! 你好!

    3. Morning! 早!

    4. Good morning! 早上好!

    5. Say hello to… 向……说你好






    This bar chart *yzes the percentage of household waste recycled from 1992 to 20_. We can see that the percentage during 20_ increased all the way while other years fluctuated. In the various materials, paper and glass are the ones that with greater percentage that was recycled. In contrast, the plastic and cans had a lower percentage.

    From the graph we can see that during 1992 cans have the highest percentage about 17% and plastic has the lowest at about 10%. After that, in year 1997, paper and glass became major types of waste that were recycled, at about 31% and 29% respectively. In 20_, glass became the dominant type of waste that was recycled with about 48%. Meanwhile, plastic had grown least around 2% and glass had grown the most around 34% in these 10 years, and paper chasing behind with 26%. Cans were more stable, with ony about 6% total growth.


    >The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast-foods.

    >Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

    (Model answer 165 words)

    The chart shows that high income earners consumed considerably more fast foods than the other income groups, spending more than twice as much on hamburgers (43 pence per person per week) than on fish and chips or pizza(both under 20 pence). Average income earners also favoured hamburgers,spending 33 pence per person per week, followed by fish and chips at 24 pence,then pizza at 11 pence. Low income earners appear to spend less than otherincome groups on fast foods, though fish and chips remains their most popularfast food, followed by hamburgers and then pizza.

    From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular asburgers, pizza being at that time the least popular fast food. The consumption ofhamburgers and pizza has risen steadily over the 20 year period to 1990 while theconsumption of fish and chips has been in decline over that same period with aslight increase in popularity since 1985.


    Astronauts aboard the space station Celebrated a space first on Wednesday by drinking water that had been recycled from their urine and sweat and water that condenses from exhaled air. They said “cheers” ,clicked drinking bags and toasted NASA workers on the ground who were sipping their own version of recycled drinking water.

    The recycling system is needed for astronaut stations on the moon and Mars. It also will save NASA money because it won’ t have to ship up as much water to the station by space shuttle or cargo , it’ s important as the space station is about to expand from three people living on board to six.

    The recycling system had been brought up to the space station last November by space shuttle Endeavour, but it couldn’ t be used until samples were tested back on Earth. So when it came time to actually drink up, NASA made a big deal of it. The three?man crew stood, holding their drinks and congratulated engineers in two NASA centers that worked on the system.

    “This is something that had been the stuff of science fiction,” Barratt said before taking a small mouthful. “The taste is worth trying.”

    NASA deputy space shuttle manager LeRoy Cain called it “a huge milestone”.

    The new system takes the combined urine of the crew from the toilet, moves it to a big tank, where the water is boiled off, and the vapor is collected. The rest of the urine is thrown away. The water vapor is mixed with water from air condensation, and then it goes through filters. When six crew members are aboard it can make about six gallons from urine in about six hours.

    “Some people may find the idea of drinking recycled urine distasteful, but it is also done on Earth with a lot longer time between urine and the tap”said Marybeth Edeen, the space station’s national lab manager.

    The technology NASA developed for this system has already been used for quick water purification after the 20_ Asian tsunami, Edeen said.

    “We are happy to have this water work through the system — we’ re happy to have it work through our systems,”Barratt said.

    [语篇解读] 本文讲的是国际空间站宇航员试饮尿液循环水。

    1.According to the text, the recycling system is important because________.

    A. it makes traveling to the moon for the common person possible

    B. with it NASA won’ t need to ship any water up to the space station

    C. it can help to meet the need for more water after the crew are expanded

    D. it protects the environment in space by reducing the amount of waste

    [解析] 细节理解题。根据第二段中的.“it’s important as the space station is about to expand from three people living on board to six”可知C项正确。

    [答案] C

    2.What is the RIGHT time order of the following events?

    a. The samples of the recycled water were tested on Earth.

    b. Astronauts celebrated the space first of making water from urine.

    c. The recycling system was brought up to the space station.

    d. The technology for the system was used to quickly purify water.

    A. a,d,c,b B. a,c,b,d

    C. d,a,c,b D. d,c,a,b

    [解析] 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“The technology NASA developed for this system has already been used for quick water purification after the 20_ Asian tsunami”可知d发生最早。根据第三段的“ The recycling system had been brought up to the space station last November... couldn’ t be used until samples were tested back on Earth”可知c发生在a的前面,因此D项正确。

    [答案] D

    3.From Para. 6 we can know________.

    A. the theory behind the recycling system

    B. the effect of the recycling system

    C. the process of the recycling system

    D. an opinion on the recycling system

    [解析] 段落概括题。该段主要讲述的是使用尿液循环系统将尿制成水的过程。

    [答案] C

    4.What did Edeen say about recycled urine and the recycling system?

    A. The taste of recycled urine is not as good as common water.

    B. The recycling system has made a science fiction story come true.

    C. The idea of drinking recycled urine makes astronauts feel unpleasant.

    D. It takes a longer time on Earth to make water from urine than in space.

    [解析] 细节理解题。根据第七段中的“with a lot onger time between urine and the tap”可知D项正确。

    [答案] D

    5.What is the best title for the passage?

    A. The research of NASA has made great progress

    B. New technology is used in the space station

    C. Drink up: space station recycles urine to water

    D. Good news: water recycled from urine tastes good

    [解析] 标题概括题。本文报道了国际空间站的宇航员试饮尿液循环水,“Drink up”生动反映饮用时的情景,“space station recycles urine to watert”点明了制造技术。故C项最佳。

    [答案] C

    [长难句解读] Astronauts aboard the space station celebrated a space first on Wednesday by drinking water that had been recycled from their urine and sweat and water that condenses from exhaled air.

    主句是:Astronauts celebrated a space first on Wednesday by drinking the space station和that had been recycled from their urine and sweat and water充当定语分别修饰名词Astronauts和water。



    The Stars of the Future

    A Existing management research does not tell usmuch about how to find and develop high-flyers,those people who have the potential to reach thetop of an organisation. As a result, organisations areleft to formulate their own systems. A moreeffective overall policy for developing future leadersis needed, which is why the London Business Schoolhas launched the Tomorrows Leaders ResearchGroup (TLRG). The group contains representativesfrom 20 firms, and meets regularly to discuss theleadership development of the organisations high-flyers.

    B TLRG recognises just how significant line managers are in the process of . Unfortunately, with todays flat organisations, where managers have functionalas well as managerial responsibilities, people development all too often falls victim to heavyworkloads. One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending hisbest people away on development courses, only to see them poached by another departmentor, worse still, another firm. This fear of losing high-flyers runs deep in the organisations thatmake up the research group.

    C TLRG argues that the task of management is not necessarily about employee retention,but about creating attraction centres. We must help line managers to realise that if theircompanies are known as ones that develop their people, they will have a greater appeal tohigh-flyers, said one advisor. Furthermore, selecting people for, say, a leadership is a sign of commitment from management to an inpidual. Loyalty can then bemore easily demanded in return.

    D TLRG has concluded that a companys HR specialists need to take action and engagewith line managers inpidually about their role in the development of high-flyers. Indeed, inorder to benefit fully from training high-flyers as the senior managers of the future, firmsmust actually address the development of all managers who will be supporting the this, managers will not be in a position to give appropriate advice. And wheneventually the high-flyers do move on, new ones will be needed to replace them. The nextchallenge will be to find a new generation of high-flyers.


    As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.

    Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing these super salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientist, or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue.

    Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent is very few, and the money is recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. So all of these factors may justify the huge earnings.

    Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, is indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.


    Three Foxes


    Once there were three foxes, they worked together. They lived a happy life.


    Little by little, the youngest fox became lazy, and often quarreled with the other foxes. Theeldest had to leave, and the second fox was driven off, too.


    Looking at the warm house with a lot of good food in it, the youngest fox smiled.


    The eldest fox opened a new hill again. The second eldest fox dug a pool. Two of them because rich soon. The youngest fox ate up the food left by the other two foxes. In the end, it felt so cold and hungry that it could not stand up.




    >The table below shows the consumer durables (telephone, refrigerator, etc.) owned in Britain from 1972 to 1983.

    >Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

    The chart shows that the percentage of British households with a range of was in telephone ownership, rising from 42% in 1972 to 77% in 1983. Next camecentral heating ownership, rising from 37% of households in 1972 to 64% in 1983. The percentage of households with a refrigerator rose 21% over the same period and of those with a washing machine by 14%. Households with vacuum-cleaners,televisions and dishwashers increased by 8%, 5% and 2%, respectively. In 1983, the year of their introduction, 18% of households had a video recorder. proportion of British houses with central heating rose from one to two thirds, and of those with a phone from under a half to over three-quarters. Together with the big increases in the ownership of washing machines and refrigerators, they are evidence of both rising living standards and the trend to lifestyles based on comfort and convenience.(173 words)


    This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a very good answer. However, please note that this is just one example out of many possible approaches.

    The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, art or music.

    Obviously, education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills, including those associated with sport, art or musicSo from our own school experience, we can find plenty of evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practice.

    However, some people believe that innate talent is what differentiates a person who has been trained to play a sport or an instrument, from those who become good players. In other words, there is more to the skill than a learned technique, and this extra talent cannot be taught, no matter how good the teacher or how frequently a child practices.

    I personally think that some people do have talents that are probably inherited via their genes. Such talents can give inpiduals a facility for certain skills that allow them to excel, while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable , as with all questions of nature versus nurture, they are not mutually exclusive. Good musicians or artists and exceptional sports stars have probably succeeded because of both good training and natural talent. Without the natural talent, continuous training would be neither attractive nor productive, and without the training, the child would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent

    In conclusion, I agree that any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required.



    The bar chart shows the percentage of services arriving on time from 1999 to 20_. From the chart, one pattern shows that the actual percentage exceeded target percentage only in 20_, and the highest actual percentage occurred 1999 and lowest occurred 2024. In 5 years the tendency of target percentage was decreasing while the actual percentage fluctuated.

    According to the first chart, the year 2024 had about difference between actual and target which is the highest disparity, and the year 20_ had the lowest gap of about the actual over target. From the second chart we can see that there were 40 thousand more complaints between the year with the highest number of complaints and year with the lowest number complaints. But if we consider the connection between both charts, in the year 1999 we had the lowest complaints in the bar and highest in 20_, which was dramatically strange since the year 20_ had the most complaints but it was the only year the actual percentage surpassed the target percentage.


    International media such as TV network and magazine always gives people in an information age mixed feelings. Like many other things, media is double-edged.

    As primary channels of information, TV and magazine are convenient and economic sources of information for knowledge, entertainment, and shopping. Interestingly, sometimes the same piece of information varies considerably in its influences on audiences of different age. For example, in a TV commercial, a beautiful lady promotes a certain brand of perfume, which supposablely makes girls more attractive to boys. For potential grownup buyers, the ad is useful because they might be spending time searching for such products. We save time in shopping and making decision by making use of such advertisements. However, a teenage girl might get the wrong idea about the concept of perfume. She could get money from her parents to buy the advertised product. Worse yet, she might use the sex appeal strategy employed in the commercial to get ahead in the future. This is classic bad influence of media for young people’s overspending and inappropriate behaviors.

    However, we find it very difficult to weight between merits and problems of media because they are often closely incorporated. For instance, violent scenes in movies are believed to be partially responsible for violence-related crimes, particularly those committed by young people. But on the contrary, such movies also give people a channel to release their anger, anxiety, and pressure. Moreover, these movies show us bad and evil as well as punishments for wrongdoings. Imagine we live in a world whose media is completely clean in such sense. The dark side of media does not disappear just because we do not talk about it. Nevertheless certain kinds of information such as * are better kept away from young people.

    In conclusion, media should not be seen sim* as bad or good because we need to use information properly to the best of our ability. But for certain segments of viewers, we should be very careful with regard to the content of information and take measures to keep viewers from possible harmful influences of media.



    sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number ofdescendants an inpidual will have andhence the number of gene copiestransmitted.


    ’s weakness derived from his apparent i*lity to control the comings and goings of these pergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic andrisky ones.


    Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly beenignored by the critics,since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic“ novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of inpidual consciousness.


    Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.


    argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouragedthe transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore,music,and religious expression from one generation to another,a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.



    The Clever King Solomon


    Long long ago, there was a king. Solomon was his name. He was very clever.


    In his country, there were two women. They lived in the same house and each had a child.


    One night, one of the babies died. The dead baby’s mother took the other woman’s baby, and put it in her own bed.


    Next morning, they had a quarrel.


    “No, this is my baby! The dead is yours!”


    Each one wanted the living baby. So they went to see King Solomon.


    “Bring me a knife, cut the child into two and give each woman one half.” said the King.


    “Oh. Your Majesty! Give her my baby. Please don’t kill my baby!”


    Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in tears and said, “Give the baby to her. She is the mother.”



    The bar chart reveals the time spent in the UK for different types of telephone calls from 1995 to 20_ Generally, among three categories including ^v^local一fixed line^v^, ^v^national and international一fixed line^v^ and ^v^mobiles (all calls)^v^, local phone calls accounted for the largest proportion of all usage, ranging from 70 to 90 billion minutes. Next to it, national and international ones tookthe second position standing at 38 to 60 million minutes. obviously, the mobiles took up thesmallest part (3 to 40 billion minutes).

    The trends of the telephone usage changed during the 8 years. The local phone calls peaked at90 billion minutes in 1999, and then started to decline to the 1995 figure in 20_ (70 billion).

    However, the trends of the other two kept increasing. National and international calls rosesteadily from 38 billion to 61 billion. The most noticeable change was the trend of cellphones,which soared from 2 billion in 1995 to about 46 billion in 20_.

    In sum, people used local fixed line most in the UK, and the mobiles were popular.


    Greetings 问候,打招呼

    本文介绍了简单的英语打招呼方法,通过4个短句让小朋友们学到基础的英语口语。明天起让我们用英语去和爸爸妈妈,小伙伴们say hello吧~


    1. --Good morning! 早上好!

    --Wow! Monkey Munchy! 哇!小猴!

    --Hello,Monkey Munchy! 你好,小猴!

    --Wow! Panda Pandy! 哇!小熊猫!

    2. --Say hello to Teddy Bear! 跟小泰迪熊说你好!

    --Hi,Teddy Bear! 你好,小泰迪熊!


    1. Hi! 嗨!

    2. Hello! 你好!

    3. Morning! 早!

    4. Good morning! 早上好!

    5. Say hello to… 向……说你好



