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    栏目:六号文库 来源:网络 作者:红尘浅笑 时间:2024-10-15 22:03:55 下载.docx文档


    1.The theory ofcomparative advantage

    Although Smith’s work was instrumental in the development of economic theories about trade and production, it did not answer a question like if a country did not possess absolute advantage in any product, could it(or would it)trade ?


    David Ricardo(1772-1823), in his 1819 work entitled On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, sought to take the basis ideas set down by Smith a few steps further.Ricardo noted that even if a country possessed absolute advantage in the production of two products, it still must be relatively more efficient than the other country in the production of one commodity than the other.Ricardo termed this the Comparative Advantage.大卫.李嘉图在1819年的作品《政治经济学及赋税原理》,试图在斯密观点基础上进行更深一步挖掘,李嘉图表示即使一个国家在生产两种产品时有绝对优势,但相对另一个国家生产同类产品它依然有相对较高效率的产品,李嘉图把这称之为比较优势。


    a.According to the theory of comparative advantage, it makes sense for a country to specialize in the production of those goods it produces most efficiently and to buy the goods from other countries that it produces less efficiently, even if this means buying goods from other countries that it could produce more efficiently itself.根据比较优势理论,一个国家专注于生产那些有较高效率的产品何从其他国家购买本国生产效率相对较低的产品,即使这意味着从国外购买更高效率的产变得合情合理。b.A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the

    opportunity cost of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries.就产品而言,如果一个国家生产这种产品相比其他国家有更低机会成本就称之为这个国家有比较优势。

    3.Chief points of view

    a.Each country would then possess comparative advantage in the production of one of the two products, the less efficient nation should specialize in and export the good in which it is comparatively less inefficient(where its absolute disadvantage is least).每个国家在生产一两种产品上有比较优势,一个生产效率相对较低的国家应专业化出口相对来说具有优势的产品。

    b.The more efficient nation should specialize in and export that good in which it is comparatively more efficient(where its absolute advantage is greatest).And both countries would then benefit by specializing completely in one product and trading for the other.一个相对生产效率较高的国家应专注看相对生产效率更高(绝对优势最大的)产品,这样两类国家都能从完全专业化的生产和贸易中获利。

    c.Absolute productive efficiency was thus not a crucial factor governing the basis for international trade, according to Ricardo.The Ricardian model or principle of comparative advantage is today the most famous and influential principle of economics.根据李嘉图的观点,绝对生产效率并不是控制国际贸易基础一个关键因素。李嘉图模型或相对比较优势的原理是今天经济理论中最著名的也是最有影响力的经济理论。

    4.Comparison between the two Theories

    a.After comparison we’ll find Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage is more advanced than Smith’s theory of absolute advantage.在比较后我们发现李嘉图的比较优势理论比斯密的绝对优势理论更先进。b.According to Smith’s view, the product exported by a country must be goods which the exporting country has absolute advantage to produce and the cost of producing it must be absolutely lower than the same good of another country.根据斯密的观点,一个国家出口的产品一定是出口该国生产商有绝对优势的相比另一个国家绝对生产成本更低的产品。

    c.But David Ricardo took Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage one step further.In his opinion not necessarily every country has to produce all sorts of goods.What a nation should do is to concentrate its efforts and resources on producing those goods which can generate more advantages and bring about less disadvantages.但是李嘉图是在斯密绝对优势理论的基础上进一步延伸的。在他看来,每个国家没必要生产所有类型的产品,一个国家需要做的只是集中精力和资源生产那些有更少劣势更多优势的产品。

    d.Under such conditions international trade would result in international pision of labor and specialization beneficial to all countries.In addition, Ricardo particularly stressed labor productivity and argued that differences in labor productivity between nations underlie the notion of comparative advantage.在这些条件下,国际贸易会产生国际劳动、专业分工,对所有国家都有利,除此之外,李嘉图特别强调,不同国家劳动分工、生产差异构成的比较优势。

    e.Despite the differences between the two theories they have something in common.Both Smith and Ricardo emphasized the supply side of the market and the fact that the immediate basis for trade stemmed from cost differences.Actually Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage was developed on the basis of Smith’s theory of absolute advantage.尽管这两个理论有差异但也存在共性。李嘉图和斯密都强调了市场的供给


    5.A questiontodiscuss

    A professor is prepared to write a book.He is faster both in writing and collecting data than others.Suppose that he need 1 year to write a book, 4 months to collect data.And the student need 2 years to write a book, 6 months to collect data.But the professor paidto his students for collecting datafor him instead of collecting data himself.Explain the reason.一个教授准备写一本书,他在写书和收集书籍上都比别人快,假设他需要一年去写一本书,四个月收集数据,学生需要两年写一本书,六个月收集数据,但是教授支付费用给他的学生请学生代替他自己收集数据,请解释理由。




    (1)FOB: Free on Board(…named port of shipment)

    装运港船上交货(……指定装运港)“Free on Board” means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship’s rail at the

    named port of shipment.(2)CFR: Cost and Freight(…named port of destination)成本加运费(……指定目的港)

    “Cost and Freight” means that the seller is responsible for chartering a liner and loading the goods on the liner at the stipulated time in the contract.(3)CIF: Cost Insurance and Freight(…named port of destination)成本、保险加运费(……指定目的港)

    “Cost Insurance and Freight” means that the seller has the obligations to procure marine insurance against the risks of losses of, or damage to the goods during the carriage.1.The theory ofcomparative advantage

    Although Smith’s work was instrumental in the development of economic theories about trade and production, it did not answer a question like if a country did not possess absolute advantage in any product, could it(or would it)trade ?


    David Ricardo(1772-1823), in his 1819 work entitled On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, sought to take the basis ideas set down by Smith a few steps further.Ricardo noted that even if a country possessed absolute advantage in the production of two products, it still must be relatively more efficient than the other country in the production of one commodity than the other.Ricardo termed this the Comparative Advantage.大卫.李嘉图在1819年的作品《政治经济学及赋税原理》,试图在斯密观点基础上进行更深一步挖掘,李嘉图表示即使一个国家在生产两种产品时有绝对优势,但相对另一个国家生产同类产品它依然有相对较高效率的产品,李嘉图把这称之为比较优势。


    a.According to the theory of comparative advantage, it makes sense for a country to specialize in the production of those goods it produces most efficiently and to buy the goods from other countries that it produces less efficiently, even if this means buying goods from other countries that it could produce more efficiently itself.根据比较优势理论,一个国家专注于生产那些有较高效率的产品何从其他国家购买本国生产效率相对较低的产品,即使这意味着从国外购买更高效率的产变得合情合理。b.A country has a comparative advantage in producing a good if the

    opportunity cost of producing that good in terms of other goods is lower in that country than it is in other countries.就产品而言,如果一个国家生产这种产品相比其他国家有更低机会成本就称之为这个国家有比较优势。

    3.Chief points of view

    a.Each country would then possess comparative advantage in the production of one of the two products, the less efficient nation should specialize in and export the good in which it is comparatively less inefficient(where its absolute disadvantage is least).每个国家在生产一两种产品上有比较优势,一个生产效率相对较低的国家应专业化出口相对来说具有优势的产品。

    b.The more efficient nation should specialize in and export that good in which it is comparatively more efficient(where its absolute advantage is greatest).And both countries would then benefit by specializing completely in one product and trading for the other.一个相对生产效率较高的国家应专注看相对生产效率更高(绝对优势最大的)产品,这样两类国家都能从完全专业化的生产和贸易中获利。

    c.Absolute productive efficiency was thus not a crucial factor governing the basis for international trade, according to Ricardo.The Ricardian model or principle of comparative advantage is today the most famous and influential principle of economics.根据李嘉图的观点,绝对生产效率并不是控制国际贸易基础一个关键因素。李嘉图模型或相对比较优势的原理是今天经济理论中最著名的也是最有影响力的经济理论。

    4.Comparison between the two Theories

    a.After comparison we’ll find Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage is more advanced than Smith’s theory of absolute advantage.在比较后我们发现李嘉图的比较优势理论比斯密的绝对优势理论更先进。

    b.According to Smiths view, the product exported by a country must be goods which the exporting country has absolute advantage to produce and the cost of producing it must be absolutely lower than the same good of another country.根据斯密的观点,一个国家出口的产品一定是出口该国生产商有绝对优势的相比另一个国家绝对生产成本更低的产品。

    c.But David Ricardo took Adam Smith’s theory of absolute advantage one step further.In his opinion not necessarily every country has to produce all sorts of goods.What a nation should do is to concentrate its efforts and resources on producing those goods which can generate more advantages and bring about less disadvantages.但是李嘉图是在斯密绝对优势理论的基础上进一步延伸的。在他看来,每个国家没必要生产所有类型的产品,一个国家需要做的只是集中精力和资源生产那些有更少劣势更多优势的产品。

    d.Under such conditions international trade would result in international pision of labor and specialization beneficial to all countries.In addition, Ricardo particularly stressed labor productivity and argued that differences in labor productivity between nations underlie the notion of comparative advantage.在这些条件下,国际贸易会产生国际劳动、专业分工,对所有国家都有利,除此之外,李嘉图特别强调,不同国家劳动分工、生产差异构成的比较优势。

    e.Despite the differences between the two theories they have something in common.Both Smith and Ricardo emphasized the supply side of the market and the fact that the immediate basis for trade stemmed from cost differences.Actually Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage was developed on the basis of Smith’s theory of absolute advantage.尽管这两个理论有差异但也存在共性。李嘉图和斯密都强调了市场的供给


    5.A questiontodiscuss

    A professor is prepared to write a book.He is faster both in writing and collecting data than others.Suppose that he need 1 year to write a book, 4 months to collect data.And the student need 2 years to write a book, 6 months to collect data.But the professor paidto his students for collecting datafor him instead of collecting data himself.Explain the reason.一个教授准备写一本书,他在写书和收集书籍上都比别人快,假设他需要一年去写一本书,四个月收集数据,学生需要两年写一本书,六个月收集数据,但是教授支付费用给他的学生请学生代替他自己收集数据,请解释理由。



    1.What is the foundation of the world trade?

    (1)In today’s complex economic world, neither inpiduals nor nations are self sufficient.(2)Nations have utilized different economic resources;people have developed different skills.(3)As a result of this trade and activity, international finance and banking have evolved.2.What are the major views of the theory of absolute advantage?

    Nations could concentrate their production on goods they could make most cheaply, with all the consequent benefits of the pision of labor.Smith used some suppositions to explain his principle of absolute advantage.it was far better for a country to import goods that could be produced overseasmore efficiently than to manufacture them itself.Countries would import goods in the production of which they had an absolute disadvantage against the exporting country.They would export goods in the production of which they had an absolute advantage over the importing country.In Smith’s opinion each nation had some sort of absolute advantage in the production of certain goods.If it could specialize in the production of them and then exchange the goods with each other, every country would receive a benefit.3.Make a comparison between the H-O theory and Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage.(1)Main similarity

    Like Ricardo’s theory, H-O theory also argues that free trade is beneficial to trading nations.(2)difference

    The biggest difference between Ricardo’s trade theory and H-O theory is that, when explaining the basis for trade Ricardo places primary reliance on factor productivity while the H-O theory sheds more light on other important trade issues such as the influence of resource supplies or factor endowment supplies on international specialization and the influence of trade on the distribution of income.To put it in a simple way, unlike Ricardian trade theory which takes factor

    productivity difference as the main basis for trade, the H-O theory, in explaining the main reason for trade, delegates primary importance to the factor endowments nations enjoy.4.What is the purpose of the trade terms?

    Trade terms are key elements of international contracts of sale, since they tell the parties what to do with respect to:

    Delivery terms ;Price terms ;Delivery obligations

    (1)Naming the exact point at which the ownership of the merchandise is transferred from the seller to the buyer.(2)Define the responsibilities and expenses of both the seller and the buyer.(3)The use of the trade terms greatly simplifies the contract negotiations, and thus saves time and cost.5.What are the reasons for the popularity of the international competitive bidding?

    (a)When public funds is involved, a public agency, through international notification, is bound to offer an equal opportunity to all potential bidders who directly or indirectly contribute to public funds.(b)This competitiveness of bidding results in the most efficient use of public funds.(c)The open bidding procedure serves as a safeguard against waste, corruption and favoritism.6.What are the reasons of the foreign trade?

    (1)No nation has all of the commodities that it needs.Raw materials are scattered around the world.Countries that do not have these resources within their own boundaries must buy form countries that export them.(2)Second, foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of particular item to meet its needs.(3)Third, one nation can sell items at a lower cost than other countries.---Comparative Advantage:One country should buy and import what it needs from those countries that have a comparative advantage in the desired items.7.What are the major views of the theory of comparative advantage?(1)Each country would then possess comparative advantage in the production of one of the two products, the less efficient nation should specialize in and export the good in which it is comparatively less inefficient(where its absolute disadvantage is least).(2)The more efficient nation should specialize in and export that good in which it is comparatively more efficient(where its absolute advantage is greatest).And both countries would then benefit by specializing completely in one product and trading for the other.(3)Absolute productive efficiency was thus not a crucial factor governing the basis for international trade, according to Ricardo.The Ricardian model or principle of comparative advantage is today the most famous and influential principle of economics.8.Illustrate the meaning of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory.Although sometimes this theory is also referred to as the Heckscher-Ohlin model or the factor endowment model, more often than not it is called the Heckscher-Ohlin theory or simply the H-O theory.H-O theory is one of the most influential theories in modern international economics according to which international trade is largely driven by differences in countries’ resources(land, labor and capital).9.What is the concept of trade terms?

    (1)Trade terms, also called price terms or delivery terms, are an important

    component of a unit price in international trade, standing for specific obligations of the buyer and seller.(2)Trade terms are often shorthand expressions or expressed by three-letter abbreviation.10.Shipments are examined to determine what?

    (1)Shipment should be made according to the contact terms.(2)Usually, the exporter shall fill in the Shipping Note to book the shipping space or ship.(3)After receiving the Shipping Order(S/O)from the carrier, the exporter may start to ensure the loading of the goods.The exporter should supervise the loading process.(4)After the goods being loaded on board the vessel, the Captain or the Mate will issue a receipt, i.e the Mate’s Receipt.(5)The shipper shall exchangethe Mate’s Receipt for the Bill of Lading from the shipping Agency making payment of freight.(6)After the loading of the goods and the receipt of the B/L, the

    exporter should send a Shipping Advice to the importer for the receipt of the goods.








    第四篇:王帅 国际贸易专业英语

    There are three kinds of payment methods.Each payment method may have its advantages and disadvantages.Do you think that payment by a letter of credit always the first choice in international trade? Why?

    In international trade settlement, the payment of international money usually uses a non-cash settlement according to the amount of cash.It often uses financial instruments instead of cash as a means of circulation and means of payment for settlement.There are three payment methods in international trade: remittance, collection and letters of credit.As a written document, letter of credit opened by banks and banks are committed to make a payment.As the bank's financial strength, they usually have a higher credibility.In the letter of credit payment, as long as the beneficiary to fulfill its obligations under the letter of credit or meet the conditions, the issuing bank guarantees payment and bear the responsibility of the first payment.Thus, in the form of letter of credit, it is the bank that provides credit.It has four functions for exporters.(1)Provide a security guarantee for exporters to receive payments;

    (2)Enable exporters to obtain the foreign exchange protection;

    (3)Increase the stability of the export trade;

    (4)Provides a convenient financing for exporters.It has three functions for importers.(1)It is helpful for the imports to receive the goods under the contract on time;

    (2)To provide a certain amount of transaction security;

    (3)Provides a convenient financing for importers.In addition, for the banks, the issuing bank only bear the responsibility to ensure payment, it provides only bank credit, not money.Moreover, the issuing banks also require the applicant to provide the issuing guarantees and to pay the deposit in order

    to spread risk.By letter of credit business, the issuing bank expands its business volume and increases its economic benefits without taking much risk in the case.In the form of letter of credit, bank provides credit;it has many benefits for imports, exports and the issuing banks.So the letter of credit has been widely used in international trade, especially in China, international trade are basically using this payment method

    However, there are also some drawbacks for the letter of credit.For example:

    (1)Documentation requirements are relatively high, as documents and letters of credit do not match, prone to non-payment of the settlement;

    (2)Cost is relatively high, affecting exporters’ profits;

    (3)Special national letters of credit risk.For example, letters of credit in Bangladesh, they were very irregular in the operation, which takes many risks in international trade settlement.(4)Bank risk.Ultimately, banks are also enterprise;they have their own credits too.Especially in the foreign, the bank entry threshold is very low, relatively large differences in bank credit, and some small banks’ reputation is not very good.In summary, Letter of credit payment in international trade, is it always the first choice? I think it is not comprehensive.In some cases, use remittance and collection is better.Remittance: refers to the payer initiative remitted to the payee by banks or other means of payment.It includes Mail Transfer(M/T), Telegraphic Transfer(T/T)and Remittance by Banker’s Demand draft(D/D).For remittance, its advantages are: simplicity and low cost.Mode in the remittance whether the seller can recover the money on agreed time depends entirely on the buyer's credit situation.Because of this payment is a commercial credit with a high risk, it is usually applied to a small payment, deposit money, transport fees and commissions, etc.If used properly, the transaction will benefit both sides.In international payments another common way to settle payments is by collection whereby the exporter first ships cargoes to get necessary documents and entrusts banks as intermediaries to collect the money for the goods.For the

    advantages and disadvantages of collection: collection way is more favorable to the buyer, it has a low cost, low risk, and financial burden.It even gets the seller's financial intermediation.However, it has been more detrimental to the seller, even Documents against Payment(D/P)methods, because the goods have been issued, if the other party refused to pay money for the sake of the price is low, property in poor condition or other reasons, the seller will suffer a loss and round-trip transportation costs of goods for resale the loss.For Documents against Payment after sight(D/P after sight)and Documents against Acceptance, the sellers to bear the financial burden while the latter risk more.Based on the comparison above, I think China’s enterprises should take a comprehensive plan.The creditworthiness of buyers and sellers, the position of buyers and sellers and other risk factors should all be taken into account in international trade when they choose the mode of payment.Only in this way can we lead to a successful deal.国际贸易专业英语






    国际经济与贸易国贸08—1班王帅汪海凤2024 年 12月10日






     Dialogue: 课后口语练习题,教师自己选择在任意单元的课前10分钟或课后10分钟进行,每次2组即4名同学表演,必须背诵,教师当堂依据学生口语表现分别打分。课后教师给学生写作材料打分,不要忘记在稿子上记录批改时间,写作材料中两名学分得分相同,教师留下材料备案。

    注:每次任务全1/2学生准备,教师任意选择学生考试,不做对话的同学没有成绩。 Negotiation: 最后一周进行,3-5名同学一组,教师最好在negotiation之前给每组同学指定范围(避免所有同学都对一方面进行谈判,例如,2组同学谈判价格,合同;2组同学谈判包装,运输等),教师当堂依据学生表现打出口语成绩,课后根据稿件给出写作材料的成绩,写作材料留下备案)。



    1)单词、短语、术语翻译 1×10=10

    2)句子翻译/填空 1×5=5


    3.Mid-term Exam30

     8-10周进行,任课教师自行出题,考完试后如有剩余时间需继续上课  考试形式为闭卷,内容可以参考课后题,或教师自己出题。

     须包括信件写作,格式不用很复杂,从Dear Sirs写到Yours sincerely即可。 试卷要有备案。


    II. 期末考试100分



    2.选择 10分(1*10=10)

    3.选词填空 10分(1*10=10)

    4.回答问题 20分

    5.翻译 20分(汉译英2*5=10分,英译汉2*5=10分)

    6.信函写作 20分

